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A thought-provoking and academically rigorous book on consumer behaviour that is also enjoyable to read, this text focuses on examples of international consumer behaviour in action, while striking a balance between sociological and psychological aspects of consumer behaviour.
Electronic Inspection Copy available for instructors here Why do you choose the things you buy – such as this textbook, a smartphone or an item of clothing? How often, where, and instead of what? What do you consider a boring necessity or a fun luxury? What do you do with products once you’ve purchased them? When do you decide to chuck them and why? As a consumer you make conscious and unconscious decisions, nonstop, every day of your life. This is Consumer Behaviour! This friendly, lively full colour text will support you through your course and help you to get the best possible grade for future employment. It even has How to Impress Your Examiner boxes in each chapter. There are lots o...
This new title provides a systematic review of complex cases in peripheral vascular interventions (PVI), a minimal invasive endovascular approach to treating peripheral arteries. This increasingly evolving area in interventional therapies offers reduced risk for complications compared to conventional surgery and takes advantage of advanced techniqu
pt. 1. List of patentees.--pt. 2. Index to subjects of inventions.
This bibliography of semiotic studies covering the years 1975-1985 impressively reveals the world-wide intensification in the field. During this decade, national semiotic societies have been founded allover the world; a great number of international, national, and local semiotic conferences have taken place; the number of periodicals and book series devoted to semiotics has increased as has the number of books and dissertations in the field. This bibliography is the result of a dedicated effort to approach complete coverage.
Die Protestbewegung, die unter der Chiffre "1968" oder "68er-Bewegung" in die Geschichtsbücher einging, führte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu einem bedeutsamen Kultur- und Wertewandel. Bislang kaum erforscht waren die Ereignisse an den Theologischen Fakultäten als Ausbildungsstätten des pfarramtlichen Nachwuchses. Anhand von drei Fallbeispielen arbeitet die Studie heraus, welche Veränderungen sich im Zeitraum von 1967-1975 ergaben und welche Auswirkungen dies auf Theologie und Kirche hatte. Auf der Grundlage umfangreichen Quellenmaterials aus 18 Archiven und 14 Zeitzeugeninterviews sowie unter Berücksichtigung der umfangreichen gedruckten Literatur wird aufgezeigt, warum dem Symboldatum "1968" für den westdeutschen Protestantismus ein stärkerer Zäsurcharakter zukommt als gemeinhin angenommen.
Includes statistics.