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The Routledge Handbook of Environmental History presents a cutting-edge overview of the dynamic and ever-expanding field of environmental history. It addresses recent transformations in the field and responses to shifting scholarly, political, and environmental landscapes. The handbook fully and critically engages with recent exciting changes, contextualizes them within longer-term shifts in the field, and charts potential new directions for study. It focuses on five key areas: Theories and concepts related to changing considerations of social justice, including postcolonial, antiracist, and feminist approaches, and the field’s growing emphasis on multiple human voices and agencies. The ro...
This third volume of the series on “An Earthed Faith” focuses on creation theology. The ten invited essays address the following core question: “What difference does it make to the story of cosmic, planetary, human and cultural evolution to re-describe this as the creative work of God’s love?” Inversely, what difference does it make to the story of God’s love to describe it in evolutionary and geographic terms? Addressing this question requires theological reflection on place (land, geography and landscape) and on evolution (cosmic, biological, hominid and human) as the story of such place. This entails a narrative reconstruction of the story where current interests, positions of power and fears are necessarily at stake (the place where the story is being told), often dominated by issues of race rather than by grace. How, then, is this story to be told, given such a sense of place? This volume will entail a highly constructive effort to address the classic tasks associated with creation theology at the cutting edge of contemporary ecotheology.
Explores the ongoing transformation of service relationships, focusing on the incorporation of the customer's active contribution to virtually all aspects and stages of the production process. This volume illuminates social relations and interaction between customers and service providers as well as between the users of web-based services.
Ask not what science can do for you, but what public history can do for science! Interpreting Science in Museums and Historic Sites stresses the untapped potential of historical artifacts to inform our understanding of scientific topics. It argues that science gains ground when contextualized in museums and historic sites. Engaging audiences in conversations about hot topics such as health and medical sciences or climate change and responses to it, mediated by a history museum, can emphasize scientific rigor and the time lag between discovery and confirmation of societal benefit. Interpreting Science emphasizes the urgency of this work, provides a toolkit to start and sustain the work, shares case studies that model best practice, and resources useful to facilitate and sustain a science-infused public history.
In the early twentieth century, people in the southwestern Pacific nation of Vanuatu experienced rapid population decline, while in the early twenty-first century, they experienced rapid population growth. From colonial governance to postcolonial sovereignty, Moral Figures shows that despite attempts to govern population size and birth, reproduction in Vanuatu continues to exceed bureaucratic economization through Ni-Vanuatu insistence on Indigenous relationalities. Through Alexandra Widmer’s examination of how reproduction is made public, she demonstrates how population sciences have a naturalized focus on women’s fertility and privileged issues of wage labour over women’s land access...
This timely Handbook explores climate challenges and environmental governance in China. Bringing together established scholars and emerging research stars, it systematically examines the evolution of Chinese climate policies and institutions and the challenges, successes, failures and dilemmas that have arisen from this.
Das Buch nähert sich dem Thema ‚Datengestützte Lernformate‘ im Kontext der Ausbildung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern aus einer bilanzierenden Perspektive. Vorgestellt und zusammengefasst werden Rahmenbedingungen, theoretische Begründungen und Zielsetzungen des Reformansatzes. Erfahrungsberichte zur praktischen Umsetzung und der empirischen Überprüfung des innovativen Lernformats ergänzen die Darstellung.
Since the 1990s, the short story has re-emerged in the German-speaking world as a vibrant literary genre. This volume aims to establish a framework for further research into this rich field. The introduction and six thematic chapters discuss theories of the short-story form, literary-aesthetic questions, and key trends in the twenty-first century. Seven chapters on significant literary figures from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland then offer a range of theoretical and thematic approaches to individual stories and collections. Finally, two original translations showcase contemporary short-story writing in German.
Der Begriff Kooperation bezeichnet das gezielte Zusammenwirken mehrerer Lebewesen oder Systeme, die ein gemeinschaftliches Ziel verfolgen. Einzelne Personen oder Teams arbeiten parallel an unterschiedlichen Teilaufgaben, sind jedoch nicht zwingend an der Produktion aller (Projekt-)Ergebnisse beteiligt. Erst durch das Zusammenwirken wird dabei ein größeres Ganzes geschaffen, das für alle erhoffte Vorteile bringt. Auch in Kollaborationen arbeiten Personen oder Teams parallel an einem Teil des Endergebnisses, wobei i.d.R. Einzelne in die Produktion aller Ergebnisse eines Projektes involviert sind. Die Metapher Netzwerk schließlich zielt auf einen sozialen Zusammenschluss, Menschen agieren gemeinsam und werden zusammen schöpferisch tätig. Im Sammelband, der als Festschrift zu Ehren von Monika Oebelsberger entstanden ist, vereinen sich Beiträge aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen, die zeigen, wie vielfältig Formen von Zusammenarbeit, des Miteinander-Machens, des Voneinander-Lernens und Füreinander-Daseins in der Musik und der Musikpädagogik bzw. in und mit angrenzenden Disziplinen aussehen können.
Ob Kreativwettbewerbe, Produktindividualisierung oder unternehmenseigene Communitys – die internetbasierte Integration von Usern in betriebliche Wertschöpfungsprozesse führt zu einem fundamentalen Wandel im Verhältnis des Unternehmens zu den Konsumenten. User stellen eine neue Akteursgruppe mit anderen Bedürfnissen und Präferenzen als Kunden dar. Aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive nehmen die Autoren sowohl die Strategien und Praktiken der Unternehmen als auch die Motive und Praxen der User und ihre Kooperationsformen in den Blick.