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The origins of Basque dialects are examined, a highly disputed area of research in Basque studies.
The series builds an extensive collection of high quality descriptions of languages around the world. Each volume offers a comprehensive grammatical description of a single language together with fully analyzed sample texts and, if appropriate, a word list and other relevant information which is available on the language in question. There are no restrictions as to language family or area, and although special attention is paid to hitherto undescribed languages, new and valuable treatments of better known languages are also included. No theoretical model is imposed on the authors; the only criterion is a high standard of scientific quality. To discuss your book idea or submit a proposal, please contact Birgit Sievert.
Questions related to the origin and history of the Basque language spark considerable interest, since it is the only surviving pre-Indo-European language in western Europe. However, until now, there was no readily available source in English providing answers to these questions or giving an overview of past and current research in this area. This book is intended to partly fill this void. The book contains both state-of-the-art papers which summarize our knowledge about particular areas of Basque historical linguistics, and articles presenting new hypotheses and points of view based on hard evidence and careful analysis. All contributors to this volume have demonstrated expertise in the topic within Basque historical linguistics that their chapter addresses. Two classical articles by the late Luis Michelena are included in English translation. In addition, the book includes studies on diachronic phonology, morphology and syntax. The relation of Basque to other languages is also investigated in a couple of chapters.
This monograph investigates the modular architecture of language through the nature of "uninterpretable" phi-features: person, number, gender, and Case. It provides new tools and evidence for the modular architecture of the human language faculty, a foundational topic of linguistic research. At the same time it develops a new theory for one of the core issues posed by the Minimalist Program: the relationship of syntax to its interfaces and the nature of uninterpretable features. The work sets out to establish a new cross-linguistic phenomenon to study the foregoing, person-governed last-resort repairs, which provides new insights into the nature of ergative/accusative Case and of Case licensing itself. This is the first monograph that explicitly addresses the syntactic vs. morphological status of uninterpretable phi-features and their relationship to interface systems in a similar way, drawing on person-based interactions among arguments as key data-base.
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The origins of Basque dialects, a highly disputed area of research in Basque studies, are examined. The author, the foremost expert on Basque dialects, traces their emergence to medieval times, using: a) the profusion of features common to all dialects: b) the large number of innovations common to all dialects; and c) the fact that the only truly divergent dialects are the western and Souletin ones. In contrast, the three central dialects differ in far fewer and less important respects. The main contribution of Standard Basque and Its Dialects to the scholarly debate about the formation of Basque is that it identifies the nuclei from which the current dialects almost certainly emerged. The book explains the points of view that Basque speakers have upheld concerning their dialects, the formation of provincial standards starting in the eighteenth century, and the launch of Standard Basque in the second half of the twentieth century.
Basque is the sole survivor of the very ancient languages of Western Europe. This book, written by an internationally renowned specialist in Basque, provides a comprehensive survey of all that is known about the prehistory of the language, including pronunciation, the grammar and the vocabulary. It also provides a long critical evaluation of the search for its relatives, as well as a thumbnail sketch of the language, a summary of its typological features, an external history and an extensive bibliography.
En el presente libro, su autor expone y analiza de forma resumida las principales características de la lengua vasca, que, al ser de tipo aglutinante, es diferente a todas las demás lenguas que la rodean y a las lenguas que nos pueden resultar más conocidas. El libro no se limita a una simple descripción de las lengua vasca y de las distintas partes de su gramática, sino que además explica el origen y la evolución histórica de la misma, citando las principales aportaciones de la investigación e incluyendo también las principales conclusiones de su tesis doctoral y de otros trabajos de investigación desarrollados por el autor. Especial importancia y extensión tienen, por ello, los...
Ez da dudarik euskarak aurrera egin duela azkeneko hamarkada hauetan. Eta aurrera egin du, batez ere, belaunaldi oso batek bere indar guztiak isuri dituelako ahalegin horretan. Baina aurrera egite horrek kostu handiak izan ditu hizkuntzarentzat: gero eta euskara kaxkarragoa entzuten da. Garai hartan pentsatzen ez ziren ondorioak izan ditu etxe barnean ere: gure harremanetan, administrazioko langileetan, ikasleen artean, gizartean, sinboloek orakatzen dute anitzetan lortu nahi dena. Gainera, garai hartako militantismoa galdu da, gaurko gazteek beste modu batera ikusten dute hizkuntzaren kontua, eta horrek eragin handia izan dezake euskararen garapenean hurrengo urteetan. Ez dakigu honen eragi...
Gizartea hankaz gora jartzea bada gizarteari azpildurak ikusteko modu bat. Eta hankaz gora jartze hori umorez egiten bada, umore beltzez, hor daukagu Karlos Linazasororen ipuingintzaren gakoa. Hizkuntzaren eta komunikazioaren gaineko hausnarketa ezkorra ezkutatzen da kontakizun hauen azpian. Glosolaliak eta beste ipuin-bilduma honek badu senide zaharragorik: Zer gerta ere izan zen aurrenekoa; gero etorri ziren Ez balego beste mundurik, Ipuin errotikoak>/i> eta Itoko dira berriak. Aurrera doa autorea hain maite duen absurduaren labirintoan.