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Personality and Cognition in Economic Decision Making
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 234

Personality and Cognition in Economic Decision Making

Psychologists studying cognitive processes and personality have increasingly benefited from the wealth of theory, methodology, and decision making paradigms used in economics and game theory. Similarly, for the economists, personality traits and basic cognitive processes offer a set of coherent explanatory constructs in economic behavior. Given the debate on preference invariance and behavioral consistency across contexts and domains, the papers in this topic shed light on the existence and effect of stable sets of idiosyncratic features on economic decision-making. While the effects of personality and cognition on economic decisions remain under-explored, the papers contributed in this topic offer more than a stimulus for further research. The general message could be that personality and cognitive processes offer the stable idiosyncratic ground on which individual decisions are made.

Household Finance
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 449

Household Finance

"Household Finance: An Introduction to Individual Financial Behavior is about how individuals make financial decisions, and how these financial decisions contribute to and detract from their well-being. What sort of decisions am I talking about? We all must manage our money, shifting our resources across time. Sometimes we need to consume more than is currently available to us. For example, people commonly borrow to purchase residential real estate, paying down their mortgage loans over time. At other times, we have excess funds that we can save and invest. The main reason to accumulate wealth is to amass a fund that we can draw down when older and less able and willing to earn labor income....

Catalog of Copyright Entries, Fourth Series
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 2216

Catalog of Copyright Entries, Fourth Series

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1978
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Harvard Political Review
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 54

Harvard Political Review

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2003
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Stumbling on Happiness
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 71

Stumbling on Happiness

Why are lovers quicker to forgive their partners for infidelity than for leaving dirty dishes in the sink? Why do patients remember long medical procedures as less painful than short ones? Why do home sellers demand prices they wouldn't dream of paying if they were home buyers? Why does the line at the grocery store always slow down when we join it? In this book, Harvard psychologist Gilbert describes the foibles of imagination and illusions of foresight that cause each of us to misconceive our tomorrows and misestimate our satisfactions. Using the latest research in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, philosophy, and behavioral economics, Gilbert reveals what we have discovered about the uniquely human ability to imagine the future, our capacity to predict how much we will like it when we get there, and why we seem to know so little about the hearts and minds of the people we are about to become.--From publisher description.

Get it Done
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 345

Get it Done

‘I don't know anyone who knows more than Ayelet Fishbach about the psychology of goals . . . I love this book and know you will too’ – Angela Duckworth, author of Grit A great deal of ink has been spilled on the subject of motivating and influencing others, but what happens when the person you most want to influence is you? Setting and achieving goals for yourself – at work, at home, and in relationships – is harder than it seems. Knowing where to start, and carrying on in the face of roadblocks and distractions, can easily become overwhelming. When you face more responsibilities, needs and desires than you can keep track of, how do you prioritize? In Get it Done, psychologist and ...

Reflective and Impulsive Determinants of Human Behavior
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 441

Reflective and Impulsive Determinants of Human Behavior

Conflicts between the "head" and the "heart" are very common in everyday life. Over the past decade, research on such self-regulatory conflicts has been strongly shaped by Strack and Deutsch’s 2004 Reflective-Impulsive Model (RIM). The award-winning theory integrates cognitive, affective, and motivational influences on overt behavior, offering a domain-independent framework that is applicable to wide range of social and non-social phenomena. This book provides a state-of-the-art overview of research under the framework of the RIM. Its 15 chapters provide an overview of basic principles of behavior determination, showcase the RIM’s integrative and predictive power in many cross-cutting ar...

Obesity Prevention
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 832

Obesity Prevention

Over the years, approaches to obesity prevention and treatment have gone from focusing on genetic and other biological factors to exploring a diversity of diets and individual behavior modification interventions anchored primarily in the power of the mind, to the recent shift focusing on societal interventions to design "temptation-proof" physical, social, and economic environments. In spite of repeated calls to action, including those of the World Health Organization (WHO), the pandemic continues to progress. WHO recently projected that if the current lifestyle trend in young and adult populations around the world persist, by 2012 in countries like the USA, health care costs may amount to a...

Rábukkanni a boldogságra
  • Language: hu
  • Pages: 483

Rábukkanni a boldogságra

Miért bocsátjuk meg hamarabb társunknak a hűtlenséget, mint azt, hogy megint nem mosogatott el? Miért rendelünk mást az étteremben, mint vacsorapartnerünk, még akkor is, ha valójában ugyanazt szeretnénk enni? Miért érezzük úgy, hogy az a sor, amelyikbe épp beálltunk, azonnal lelassul? Mindenki a boldogságot keresi, de – tudományos szempontból legalábbis – rossz módszert választunk: megpróbáljuk megbecsülni, jövőbeli önmagunkat vajon mi teszi majd boldoggá, és afelé igyekszünk haladni. Ezt a becslést azonban rengeteg rejtett gondolkodási illúzió torzítja, ezért így nagyjából ugyanannyi esélyünk van megtalálni a boldogságot, mint ha csak úgy véletlenül rábukkannánk. Daniel Gilbert, a Harvard pszichológiaprofesszorának fantasztikus humorral és könnyedséggel megírt könyvéből megtudhatjuk, hogyan működik az emberi agy, a képzelet és az emlékezet, és hogy miért nem tudjuk úgy elképzelni a jövőt, s így a boldogságunkat, amilyen az valóban lesz vagy lehetne. Választ kapunk arra is, kiküszöbölhetjük-e ezeket a torzításokat, hogy jövőbeli önmagunk elégedettebb lehessen.