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Surya Namaskar is a magical name in Indian history and now becoming popular all over the world, it has become a global household name. Surya Namaskar has many references in the Vedas and Puranas. Since that time this yoga has been practiced by many people all over the world. To begin one’s day with the Surya Namaskar is very beneficial as it connects the individual with the cosmos. Out of so many people interested in yoga and spirituality some persons have taken Suryanamaskar as their life style. One such person is Krzysztof Stec from Poland who loves this practice. I remember that as soon as he arrived at Vishwatmak Jangli Maharaj Ashram almost 10 years ago he was talking about and encour...
"Our body is essential for every achievement" said an ancient seer. That body should not be diseased but rather strong and healthy, with perfect harmony between the physical, mental and spiritual aspects. One's natural state should include an all-encompassing feeling of unusual lightness, a fullness of health, and an experience of overall contentment.
All They Really Need is a powerful counter-narrative to fear-based parenting and the artificial answers to life’s basic needs. In a relatable and common-sense way, authors Leslie Solomonian and Heather Hudson address today’s biggest parenting concerns, offering strategies to promote the whole health of a child, from birth to adulthood. Meticulously researched, All They Really Need provides evidence that turning towards nature can help prevent modern epidemics including diabetes, allergies, and mental health concerns. With snapshots from their own imperfect parenting, they cover classics like nutrition, immunity, and movement, as well as more nuanced topics such as self-esteem, sexuality and environmental responsibility. Leslie brings a wealth of academic rigor and clinical experience, while Heather offers a down-to-earth interpretation that brings the book’s concepts to life in an accessible and witty way.
Handbook of Hinduism in Europe portrays and analyses how Hindu traditions have expanded across the continent, and presents the main Hindu communities, religious groups, forms, practices and teachings. The Handbook does this in two parts, Part One covers historical and thematic topics which are of importance for understanding Hinduism in Europe as a whole and Part Two has chapters on Hindu traditions in every country in Europe. Hindu traditions have a long history of interaction with Europe, but the developments during the last fifty years represent a new phase. Globalization and increased ease of communication have led to the presence of a great plurality of Hindu traditions. Hinduism has become one of the major religions in Europe and is present in every country of the continent.
In Autobiography of Sunyogi, the leading guru on Sunyoga guides readers through his extraordinary life-journey, recollecting people and events that have shaped his path in the material and spiritual world. A book full of spiritual developments and insights into the ills and cures of our ego-driven society, filled with Sunyogi’s own reflections on yoga and mindfulness developed throughout his life resulting in the technique of Sunyoga and his unique concept of bringing universal peace to the world. Reading this book will fully immerse you in his experiences: one moment you will be side-by-side with Sunyogi on a six-year walk across India, the next you will be with him during his stay on the snow-covered peaks of the Himalaya, and a moment later you will see him face brutal and harsh police treatment in an underground prison in Iran. Ever the yogi, ever the peaceful saint.
The technique of looking with open eyes towards the sun as a form of meditation has long been a mystery, kept in secret, so the strong energies we can harness would not be abused. For a long time there have been rumors and eyewitness accounts of many high saints and initiates living in seclusion in remote places, such as the Himalayas, who have practiced some form of Sun Meditation. Great men like Socrates, Ramakrishna, and Jesus are all believed to have benefited from this practice. We have now crossed a point where the common man is also trusted with this powerful technique. Essence of Sunyoga is a manual dedicated to all humans. Sunyoga is much more than just looking towards the Sun, as i...
Avallato da un crescente numero di testimonianze e prove scientifiche, lo yoga nidrā è una meditazione che si pratica da sdraiati e porta sulla soglia del sonno. È un modo consapevole di riposare che ti invita a nutrire ogni aspetto di te stesso. Non è semplicemente una tecnica per raggiungere il dormiveglia, è anche un processo ciclico e naturale di rilassamento profondo per entrare e dimorare in stati di coscienza riposanti e creativi. Ti permetterà di sperimentare il sonno yogico e di raccoglierne i benefici psicologici, fisici e spirituali. Aumenta l’energia, potenzia il tuo stato di salute naturale, supera i traumi, dormi meglio, ritrova la pace e il benessere interiori: lo yoga...
Die Architektur der Stadt Potsdam befindet sich seit einigen Jahren im Umbruch. Das historische Stadtbild aus der Zeit vor 1945 wird an vielen Stellen, v.a. in der Stadtmitte reanimiert. Der Autor versucht hier darzustellen, dass neben der preußischen Barockarchitektur gleichberechtigt in der Stadt Potsdam auch die Architektur der "Ostmoderne" ihren Platz hat. Die Erläuterung dazu erfolgt am Beispiel des ehemaligen "Interhotels Potsdam" – dem heutigen "Hotel Mercure" im Lustgarten an der Langen Brücke, als einstiges Wahrzeichen des Potsdamer Stadtzentrums. Der Autor will mit den vorliegenden Beschreibungen des "Lustgarten-Ensembles" und des darin befindlichen Hotels an der Havel, für den Leser die Zeit der Umgestaltung des Stadtgebietes ab 1949 noch einmal Revue passieren lassen und zugleich um Verständnis zum Erhalt ausgewählter DDR-Architektur in der Stadt Potsdam werben.