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Buku ini hadir, guna meningkatkan proses pembelajaran mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik agar mudah memahami kandungan mata kuliah yang akan dipelajari secara cepat dan efisien. Buku Analisis Statika Struktur ini terdiri dari 10 BAB. BAB I menjelaskan Sifat Fisis dan Mekanis Bahan Logam, BAB II menjelaskan Sistem Satuan, BAB III menjelaskan Resultan Gaya, BAB IV menjelaskan Gaya dalam Ruang, BAB V menjelaskan Kesetimbangan Gaya Sebidang, BAB VI menjelaskan Perhitungan Reaksi Beban Tak Langsung dan Metode Grafis, BAB VII menjelaskan Shearing Force Diagram, Bending Moment Diagram, dan Normal Force Diagram, BAB VIII menjelaskan Batang Gerber dan Pelengkung Tiga Sendi, BAB IX menjelaskan Analisis Struktur Rangka Batang (TRUSS), dan terakhir BAB X menjelaskan Titik Berat dan Momen Inersia Benda. Semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat kepada pembaca, terutama yang ingin memperdalam atau mempelajari Ilmu Statika Struktur.
Seiring dengan terus meningkatnya penggunaan bahan bakar dari fosil dengan tidak diimbangi ketersediaan, mengakibatkan ancaman krisis sumber daya minyak. Hal ini dikarenakan bahan bakar dari fosil termasuk energi yang tidak terbarukan. Cadangan bahan bakar minyak Indonesia sangat terbatas, Indonesia hanya memiliki cadangan terbukti yaitu minyak 3,7 miliar barel atau 0,3% dari cadangan terbukti dunia. Untuk mengimbangi besarnya konsumsi bahan bakar minyak, Indonesia melakukan impor minyak untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi bahan bakar minyak setiap harinya. Keterbatasan sumber daya minyak bumi mendorong negara industri melirik bietanol (biofuel) sebagai sumber energi altenatif. Selain terus mene...
Zusammenfassung: This is an open access book. ICOLLITE is an annual international conference organized by the Faculty of Language and Literature Education of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in the fields of Language, Literature, Culture, and Education. This conference embraces interdisciplinary studies representing advances and fresh studies in the fields of language, literature, culture and education. The aim is to bring together leading scientists, researchers and academic practitioners to exchange experiences and research results on all aspects of language, literature, culture and education. This year, 'Globalization and Its Impacts on Language, Literature, and Culture: Opportunities and Challenges' becomes its theme. Presenters and participants are welcomed to discuss and disseminate current issues and offer solutions to the challenges of our time
This is an open access book. The rapid advancement of technology has created new civilization in this digital era which affects almost all aspects of life including language, literature, culture, and education. The digital era brings opportunities as well as challenges that people have to deal with. Thus, some adjustments need to be done in order to keep up with those changes. Studies on language, literature, culture, and education need to be continuously conducted and developed to revitalize those aspects in facing the dynamic changes of the digital era. In relation to this, Faculty of Language and Literature Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (FPBS UPI) hosts this year’s Interna...
Indonesia's President Soeharto led one of the most durable and effective authoritarian regimes of the second half of the twentieth century. Yet his rule ended in ignominy, and much of the turbulence and corruption of the subsequent years was blamed on his legacy. More than a decade after Soeharto's resignation, Indonesia is a consolidating democracy and the time has come to reconsider the place of his regime in modern Indonesian history, and its lasting impact. This book begins this task by bringing together a collection of leading experts on Indonesia to examine Soeharto and his legacy from diverse perspectives. In presenting their analyses, these authors pay tribute to Harold Crouch, an Australian political scientist who remains one of the greatest chroniclers of the Soeharto regime and its aftermath.
ASN, apa itu ASN? Aparatur Sipil Negara yang selanjutnya disingkat ASN adalah profesi bagi pegawai negeri sipil dan pegawai pemerintah dengan perjanjian kerja yang bekerja pada instansi pemerintah. Status sebagai Aparatur Sipil Negara, khususnya PNS, masih menjadi sebuah impian yang sangat menggiurkan bagi seseorang. Oleh karena itu, jika ada tes seleksi ASN+CPNS, jumlah pendaftar biasanya lebih besar daripada formasi yang dibuka. Para peserta biasanya akan mempersiapkan diri dengan baik untuk menghadapi tes tersebut, misalnya membeli buku yang berisi latihan-latihan soal tes seleksi ASN+CPNS. Buku ini hadir setelah melalui proses yang panjang. Berbagai langkah dilakukan agar menghasilkan se...
The role of HRM in developing sustainable business organizations is increasingly attracting attention. Sustainability can be used as a principle for HRM itself and the tasks of Sustainable HRM are twofold. On the one hand it fosters the conditions for individual employee sustainability and develops the ability of HRM systems to continuously attract, regenerate and develop motivated and engaged employees by making the HRM system itself sustainable. On the other hand Sustainable HRM contributes to the sustainability of the business organizations through cooperation with the top management, key stakeholders and NGOs and by realising economic, ecological, social and human sustainability goals. T...