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ODTÜ İktisat Bölümü Emekli Öğretim Üyesi Prof. Oktar Türel, bu kitapta I. Dünya Savaşı'nın ardından çözülen Avusturya-Macaristan İmparatorluğu'nun ana bileşenlerinin XIX. yüzyıldaki toplumsal tarihine eğiliyor. "Uzun" XIX. Yüzyıl deyimi ile XVIII. yüzyılın son çeyreğindeki ekonomik ve siyasal devrimlerle başlayan ve 1914'te I. Dünya Savaşı'nın patlak vermesiyle sona eren çağ kastedilmektedir. Yazar, tarih yazımına toplumsal değişmenin tüm öğelerini, bu meyanda kültür ve sanat evreninde yaşananları da içeren, bütüncül bir anlatı olarak bakma düşüncesini paylaşmaktadır. Bu nedenle, kitabın üç ana kısmında XIX. yüzyıl Orta Avrupa'...
First published in Japan in 1983, this book is now a classic in modern Japanese literary studies. Covering an astonishing range of texts from the Meiji period (1868–1912), it presents sophisticated analyses of the ways that experiments in literary language produced multiple new—and sometimes revolutionary—forms of sensibility and subjectivity. Along the way, Kamei Hideo carries on an extended debate with Western theorists such as Saussure, Bakhtin, and Lotman, as well as with such contemporary Japanese critics as Karatani Kōjin and Noguchi Takehiko. Transformations of Sensibility deliberately challenges conventional wisdom about the rise of modern literature in Japan and offers highly...
Mitochondria are crucial organelles for any cell type. Mitochondria take responsibility for not only energy production but also regulation of cell death, also called apoptosis; calcium storage; and heat production. Therefore, mitochondrial disease is implicated in the mode of action of many harmful factors for cells such as drugs and environmental contaminants, dysfunction of the oxygen transport system, malnutrition, intense exercise, and genetic variations. This book presents up-to-date knowledge about mitochondrial disease and its complex relation to some diseases such as cardiac failure, cancer, and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. This book will, therefore, be essential for readers who are interested in life sciences, especially in medicine.
This innovative book takes a look at the anthropology of kinship and the comparative study of relatedness. Kinship has historically been central to the discipline of anthropology but what sort of future does it have? What is the impact of recent studies of reproductive technologies, of gender, and of the social construction of science in the West? What significance does public anxiety about the family, or new family forms in the West have for anthropology's analytic strategies? The study of kinship has rested on a distinction between the 'biological' and the 'social'. But recent technological developments have made this distinction no longer self-evident. What does this imply about the comparison of kinship institutions cross-culturally? Janet Carsten gives an approachable view of the past, present, and future of kinship in anthropology, which will be of interest not just to anthropologists but to social scientists generally.
The book sets the standard on carbon materials for electrode design. For the first time, the leading experts in this field summarize the preparation techniques and specific characteristics together with established and potential applications of the different types of carbon-based electrodes. An introductory chapter on the properties of carbon together with chapters on the electrochemical characteristics and properties of the different modifications of carbon such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, carbon fiber, diamond or highly ordered pyrolytic graphite provide the reader with the basics on this fascinating and ubiquitous electrode material. Cutting-edge technologies such as carbon electrodes in efficient supercapacitors, Li-ion batteries and fuel cells, or electrodes prepared by screen-printing are discussed, giving a complete but concise overview about the topic. The clearly structured book helps newcomers to grasp easily the principles of carbon-based electrodes, while researchers in fundamental and applied electrochemistry will find new ideas for further research on related key technologies.
Postavení prezidenta v jiných než prezidentských politických systémech patří k méně analyzovaným aspektům politiky. V zemích střední a východní Evropy může přitom existovat určitá diskrepance mezi formálním a reálným postavením hlav států. Předkládaná, anglicky psaná kniha mapuje, zda se zde po roce 1989 objevily tendence k většímu zapojení či osobnímu angažmá prezidentů v každodenní politice, co bylo jejich příčinou, jak se projevovaly a zda je můžeme vysvětlit spíše osobností prezidenta, nebo strukturou politických příležitostí, která nabídla prezidentovi větší prostor pro osobní politickou realizaci.