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Buku ajar kesehatan reproduksi dan pelayanan keluarga berencana
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 175

Buku ajar kesehatan reproduksi dan pelayanan keluarga berencana

Kesehatan Reproduksi menurut WHO (World Health Organizations) adalah suatu keadaan fisik, mental dan sosial yang utuh, bukan hanya terbebas dari penyakit dan kecacatan tetapi dalam segala aspek yang berhubungan dengan sistem reproduksi, fungsi serta prosesnya. Atau suatu keadaan dimana manusia dapat menikmati kehidupan seksualnya serta mampu menjalankan fungsi dan proses reproduksinya secara sehat dan aman. Deskripsi kesehatan reproduksi yang ditetapkan dalam konferensi internasional kependudukan dan pembangun (International Conference on Population and Development/ICPD) pada tahun 2014 di beijing adalah keadaan sehat sejahtera fisik, mental, dan sosial yang utuh, bukan hanya terbebas dari penyakit atau kelemahan, tetapi terbebas dalam segala hal yang berkaitan dengan sistem, fungsi dan proses reproduksinya.

Kelainan bawaan dan penyakit yang sering dialami bayi dan balita
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 281

Kelainan bawaan dan penyakit yang sering dialami bayi dan balita

Kelainan kongenital merupakan kelainan dalam pertumbuhan struktur bayi yang timbul sejak kehidupan hasiI konsepsi sel telur. Kelainan kongenital dapat merupakan sebab penting terjadinya abortus, lahir mati atau kematian segera setelah lahir. Kejadian bayi baru lahir dengan kelainan kongenital kurang lebih 15 per 1000 kelahiran. Kelainan kongenital pada bayi baru lahir merupakan penyebab kematian nomor tiga dari kematian bayi dibawah umur satu tahun (Ellyati et al., 2019). Kelainan bawaan/kongenital merupakan penyebab kematian tersering ketiga setelah prematuritas dan gizi buruk. Di negara maju, 30% dari seluruh penderita yang dirawat di rumah sakit anak terdiri dari penderita kelainan kongenital seperti: hidrosefalus, anencephalus, bibir/palatum sumbing, hipospadia, malformasi anorektal, hirschsprung, fimosis, dan akibat yang ditimbulkannya (Amani et al., 2021).

Validation and Qualification in Analytical Laboratories
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 336

Validation and Qualification in Analytical Laboratories

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1998-10-31
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

This book explains how to improve product quality while achieving compliance with the world's regulatory standards. A complete guide and reference, it teaches you how to develop and implement a validation strategy for routine, nonroutine, and standard analytical methods encompassing the entire equipment, hardware, and software qualification process. It includes examples and templates to help speed you through the validation process. Chromatographs, spectrophotometers, titrators, methods, reference compounds, and every possible item and category have been addressed. In addition to guidelines on the qualification of standards, certified and in-house reference materials, and employee qualification, it covers internal and third-party lab audits and inspections. Case studies, checklists, flowcharts, templates, and key SOPs support the text. All major regulations and quality standards are covered: US GLP, GMP, GCP, EN45001, ISO 9000 Series, NAMAS, ISO Guide 25, & corresponding interpretation & inspection guides.

MR. ROBOT: Red Wheelbarrow
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 180

MR. ROBOT: Red Wheelbarrow

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-11-01
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  • Publisher: Abrams

The only tie-in book for USA’s award-winning series MR. ROBOT, Elliot’s journal—Red Wheelbarrow—is written by show creator Sam Esmail and show writer Courtney Looney. Before and during the events of season two, Elliot recorded his most private thoughts in this journal—and now you can hold this piece of the series in your hands. Experience Elliot’s battles to gain control of his life and his struggles to survive increasingly dangerous circumstances, in a brand-new story rendered in his own words. The notebook also holds seven removable artifacts—a ripped-out page, a newspaper clipping, a mysterious envelope, and more—along with sketches throughout the book. You’ll discover t...

Health and Sugar Substitutes
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 368

Health and Sugar Substitutes


Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 556

Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineering involves the application of the principles and techniques of engineering to the enhancement of medical science as applied to humans or animals. It involves an interdisciplinary approach which combines the materials, mechanics, design, modelling and problem-solving skills employed in engineering with medical and biological sciences so as to improve the health, lifestyle and quality-of-life of individuals. Biomedical engineering is a relatively new field, and involves a whole spectrum of disciplines covering: bioinformatics, medical imaging, image processing, physiological signal processing, biomechanics, biomaterials and bioengineering, systems analysis, 3-D modelling, ...

Drug Delivery Systems: Advanced Technologies Potentially Applicable in Personalised Treatment
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 433

Drug Delivery Systems: Advanced Technologies Potentially Applicable in Personalised Treatment

This book is part of a series dedicated to recent advances on preventive, predictive and personalised medicine (PPPM). It focuses on the theme of “Drug delivery systems: advanced technologies potentially applicable in personalised treatments”. The critical topics involving the development and preparation of effective drug delivery systems, such as: polymers available, self-assembly, nanotechnology, pharmaceutical formulations, three dimensional structures, molecular modeling, tailor-made solutions and technological tendencies, are carefully discussed. The understanding of these areas constitutes a paramount route to establish personalised and effective solutions for specific diseases and individuals.

Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 296

Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2002-10-29
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

Presents authoritative state-of-the-art discussions of the key issues pertinent to transdermal drug delivery, examining those topics necessary to enable a critical evaluation of a drug candidate's potential to be delivered across the skin; from physical chemistry and assessment of drug permeability to available enhancement technolgies, to regulator

Methods of Drug Delivery
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 328

Methods of Drug Delivery

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1986
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  • Publisher: Pergamon


The Research Process in Educational Settings (RLE Edu L)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 298

The Research Process in Educational Settings (RLE Edu L)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012-05-04
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This book presents a series of research biographies based on research experiences in the study of educational settings. The main aim is to provide a set of first person accounts on doing research that combine analysis with description. The contributors have been drawn from the disciplines of sociology and educational studies and have all conducted ethnographic work or case studies in a variety of educational settings.