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Buku ini adalah salah satu buku referensi yang memberikan gambaran lengkap mengenai dasar-dasar hukum pidana serta penerapannya dalam sistem hukum di Indonesia. Bab pertama membahas definisi hukum pidana, ruang lingkupnya, serta sejarah perkembangan hukum pidana di Indonesia. Selain itu, diuraikan pula asas-asas hukum pidana, yang menjadi landasan fundamental dalam proses peradilan, dan sumber-sumber hukum pidana seperti KUHP dan peraturan terkait. Bab kedua menjelaskan teori-teori pertanggungjawaban pidana, konsep pemidanaan, serta hubungan antara moral dan hukum dalam sistem pidana yang sangat berpengaruh dalam praktiknya. Pada bab ketiga, fokus diberikan pada struktur dan jenis-jenis pidana di Indonesia, termasuk hukuman mati, penjara, serta alternatif pemidanaan lainnya. Proses peradilan pidana, mulai dari penyelidikan hingga pembuktian di pengadilan, juga diulas. Bab keempat menyajikan studi kasus berbagai kejahatan seperti korupsi, terorisme, dan narkoba. Bab terakhir membahas reformasi hukum pidana, perkembangan RUU KUHP, serta teknologi dalam penegakan hukum. Buku ini relevan bagi akademisi dan praktisi hukum.
Buku "Hukum Acara Peradilan Niaga : Teori dan Implementasinya di Indonesia" membahas secara mendalam tentang sistem peradilan niaga di Indonesia, mulai dari sejarah hingga penerapannya dalam penanganan kasus komersial. Bab pertama menjelaskan perkembangan peradilan niaga serta perubahan regulasi yang mempengaruhi penanganan sengketa bisnis. Bab lainnya membahas karakteristik perkara niaga, yang lebih cepat dan spesifik dibandingkan peradilan umum, serta memberikan fokus pada penyelesaian sengketa bisnis dan kontrak. Bagian penting lain membahas Kepailitan dan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (PKPU), termasuk prosedur, syarat, serta dampaknya bagi pelaku usaha. Buku ini juga mengulas masalah penegakan hukum, seperti tantangan terkait kepastian hukum dan lambatnya proses penyelesaian perkara. Dengan analisis dan studi kasus, buku ini memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif bagi praktisi hukum dan akademisi, menjadikannya referensi penting dalam memahami hukum acara peradilan niaga di Indonesia.
Artificial Transaction mengandung cacat yuridis dan tidak dapat dikenakan pajak (BUKAN Objek PPN) karena tidak terpenuhi syarat objektifnya sebagai transaksi yang terutang PPN yakni tidak adanyapenyerahaan barang (tidak terjadi serah-terima atau pengalihan barang secara riil dalam rekayasa transaksi jual beli barang dimaksud).Syarat dalam mengenakan PPN, adalah Harus dengan memenuhisyarat subjektif dan obyektifnya yang ditetapkan secara kumulatifdalam UU PPN dan PPnBM. Tidak terpenuhinya salah satu dari syaratkumulatif tatbestand dalam pengenaan pajak tersebut, menyebabkantransaksi yang dllakukannya tidak terutang PPN Penelitian ini berjudul“Artificial Transaction dalam Perpajakan Menurut Perspektif HukumBisnis”, dengan menggunakan metode normatif yuridis melaluipendekatan perundang-undangan.
This reprint of the classic work, originally published by the UK Home Office, Information & Publications Group in 1999, is produced by Coventry Lord Mayor's Committee for Peace and Reconciliation on behalf of the Coventry Restorative Justice Forum. We work to inform the public about Restorative Justice, to encourage its practice within schools and other organisations, to ensure that it is delivered to a consistent standard across the city so that Coventry will become a Restorative Justice City.
In recent years far more attention has been paid to victims of crime both in terms of awareness of the effect of crime upon their lives, and in changes that have been made to the criminal justice system to improve their rights and treatment. This process seems set to continue, with legislative plans announced to rebalance the criminal justice system in favour of the victim. This latest book in the Cambridge Criminal Justice Series brings together leading authorities in the field to review the role of the victim in the criminal justice system in the context of these developments.
Provides an accessible introduction to the philosophy of restorative justice and its application in a wide range of settings, demonstrating how it can help to rehabilitate both victims and offenders when harm has been done.
Through the 1970s and 1980s interest in restitution has grown, with the practice moving from a few special projects to much broader application as a part of pretrial diversion, probation, and mediation programs that operate as an alternative to criminal or juvenile justice processing of cases. But, as the papers in this volume reflect, the interest in restitution has moved considerably beyond the idea of offenders repaying victims. A theory of restorative justice is emerging.
The astonishing development of restorative justice practice over the past decade has inspired creative new thinking about the philosophy of punishment and principles of justice. Many of the questions raised in this book – such as the relationship between restorative and retributive justice and the values and processes which should guide restorative practice – are the subject of intense debates. With contributions from many of the most distinguished scholars in the field, this book analyzes the gap between philosophy and practice and the need for practice to be more informed by philosophy. This volume is a milestone in the development of those underlying principles which will direct the progress of restorative justice in the future.
The legitimacy and performance of the traditional criminal justice system is the subject of intense scrutiny as the world economic crisis continues to put pressure on governments to cut the costs of the criminal justice system. This volume brings together the leading work on restorative justice to achieve two objectives: to construct a comprehensive and up-to-date conceptual framework for restorative justice suitable even for newcomers; and to challenge the barriers of restorative justice in the hope of taking its theory and practice a step further. The selected articles start by answering some fundamental questions about restorative justice regarding its historical and philosophical origins...