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INSIGHTFUL STORIES FROM A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE This collection includes stories from different societal environments, its drama and problems. At the same time as the book also is moving on another level in an underlying story. It is a time portrayal of a crumbling industrial society. Where dark clouds are covering the sky as it is no longer is in line with the development. The first story starts on a peaceful day on the beach. With an approaching mystery and ends in the eye of a storm in “Breaths” on the edge of destruction. A new society, the digital, is showing its youthful energy as the story is leaving the lighthouse behind. Like in all times of similar transformations the engines al...
Navigate the Thrills and Pitfalls of Modern Investing In a world of instant trades, social media frenzies, and algorithmic trading, the stock market has never been more exhilarating—or more treacherous. This book, "Psychology of Stocks in the Digital Age," is your essential guide to understanding the timeless principles of investing and how they apply in today's fast-paced, tech-driven environment. Explore: The speculative cycle on steroids: How social media and algorithms amplify market swings. The inverted reasoning of the digital age: Why the obvious is often wrong. The hidden players shaping the market: Understanding the influence of "They." The psychology behind market trends: Fear, g...
Embark on a journey through the transformative world of deep tech and data ethics with this comprehensive guide. Explore the profound impact of technologies like AI, biotechnology, and quantum computing on society, the economy, and our daily lives. Delve into the ethical dilemmas they present, from algorithmic bias and privacy concerns to the future of work and human autonomy. About the book Unleash the Power of Deep Tech, Ethically: This comprehensive guide explores the transformative potential of deep tech innovations like AI, robotics, and biotechnology while addressing the critical ethical dilemmas they pose. From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Dilemmas: Delve into the philosophical roots of e...
In an early autumn day in the year of 1844 François Rouel and his companion enter Stockholm in order to participate in the coronation of king Oscar I. After an eventful, but not that pleasant first day as a Frenchman in Stockholm, he later writes: “On the first day of my stay in the capital, I could not imagine that I would stay for half a year that turned out to be the case”. After the coronation of king Oscar I, Rouel begins an insightful exploration of the city’s social life, high and low, added with imaginative comparisons with his home country. The outcome becomes an uncensored story about Stockholm and its surroundings. As he is breaking the last remaining borders of the new won...
En tidig höstdag år 1844 kommer François Rouel och hans följeslagare till Stockholm för att delta i kröningen av kung Oskar I. Efter en händelserik, men inte så trevlig första dag som fransman i Stockholm, skriver han senare: ”Inte trodde jag, vid första dagen av min vistelse i huvudstaden, att jag sedermera skulle komma att bli kvar där i omkring ett halvt år.” Efter kröningen av kung Oscar I, börjar Rouel en insiktsfull utforskning av stadens sociala liv, högt och lågt, med finurliga jämförelser med sitt hemland. Utfallet blir en ocensurerad berättelse om Stockholm och dess omgivningar. Då han bryter de sista kvarvarande gränserna för den nyvunna yttrandefriheten ...
Learning is a challenge. To design a workable learning experience is even more challenging. It is like moving art with a well-defined purpose and goals. This book is intended to work as practical guide to improve the prospects for you to succeed with your learning design project. It includes four parts, beginning with an introduction to learning design including the latest trends within the field. Then the knowledge and skills are gradually built up by describing tools to use for emphatic human-centred and efficient learning design. To in the third part exploring the 6i-model and put it into practice. The 6i-model is a framework that includes a foundation of six stages and guidance for desig...
This copiously annotated bibliography documents and examines the whole range of commentary on Strindberg's works and activity in many fields besides the plays for which he is internationally best known. These include his prose fiction and poetry, his work as an historian and natural historian, and his relationship to the other arts, most notably his painting. It is concerned with both lasting works of literary and dramatic criticism, as well as reviews of his books and plays in the theatre, and some more ephemeral material, all of this in several languages. Organised generically and by subject and individual work, the bibliography enables the reader to trace the changing impact of Strindberg...