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This edited book argues that a new perspective on immigration is needed. As many advanced economies are ageing, and their populations stagnate or decline, immigrants are increasingly required to fill in the gaps left behind by shrinking workforces. Against this backdrop, the outdated view that it is – and can only be – a privilege for immigrants to move temporarily from less to more developed economies needs a rethink. In particular, questions about how attractive a host destination can be for immigrants; not just in economic, but also in social, political, linguistic, and cultural terms should be raised. Considering in detail the situation in Japan and Germany – Japan where there are ...
The book is dedicated to the linguistic, psycholinguistic, and ethnolinguistic dimensions of Italian as a heritage language spoken by minorities in the Americas and Europe. The contributions deepen our understanding of heritage language bilingualism in general, especially by comparing the acquisition of inflectional morphology in Italian with the processes at play in other heritage languages.
Questions that are introduced by the wh-element ‘why’ are special. For instance, in Italian and Spanish, they allow the subject to occur in preverbal position in contrast to other wh-interrogatives. The overall goal of this book is to investigate the syntactic (and discourse) particularities of why-interrogatives in Italian and Spanish. More specifically, based on a parallel corpus study and several experimental studies, the factors that affect subject positioning in why-interrogatives are determined. In Italian, focus plays a determining role, while subject type and the heaviness of the subject affect its position in Spanish. After discussing previous accounts that address the differenc...
Variationist work in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) began in the mid 1970s and steadily progressed during the 1980s. Much of it was reviewed along with newer approaches in Bayley and Preston 1996 (B&P), heavily devoted to VARBRUL analyses that exposed the variability in developing interlanguages and placed variationist work within the canon of SLA. This new volume features three developing trends. First, it widens the scope of L1s of learners (from 6 in B&P to 8) and L2 targets (2 in B&P to 7) and in each case has brought more careful demographic and variable considerations to bear, including heritage languages and study abroad. Second, it modernizes statistics by moving from VARBRUL to the more widely used log-odds probabilities that allow more detailed consideration of variables and their influences. Finally, it deepens consideration of variable sociolinguistic meaning in learner behaviors, a dominating feature of 3rd Wave variationist work.
"Reviewing recent findings on linguistic practices used in turn construction and turn taking, repair, action formation and ascription, sequence and topic organization, the book examines the way linguistic units of varying size - sentences, clauses, phrases, clause combinations, particles - are mobilized for the implementation of specific actions in talk-in-interaction. A final chapter discusses the implications of an interactional perspective for our understanding of language as well as its variation, diversity, and universality. Supplementary online chapters explore additional topics such as the linguistic organization of preference, stance, footing, and storytelling, as well as the use of prosody and phonetics, and further practices with language"--
Interactive adaptive systems increasingly become part of our everyday life. Which factors could shape this development and under which conditions will interactions with technical systems be deemed socially appropriate? The "FActors of Social Appropriateness" (FASA) Model presented in this Open Access-book provides a structured approach to our understanding of social appropriateness in human-technology interaction. The FASA Model serves to inform design choices for sociosensitive and socioactive artificial assistants.
Linguistic errors are manifold, e.g. in the mother tongue, in the acquisition of foreign languages, in translations, as slip of the tongue or typo. The present compilation of all subject-related publications is a comprehensive bibliography for the field of linguistic errors. In a compact introduction, Bernd Spillner additionally provides an overview of linguistic, didactic and psycholinguistic methods of the analysis and assessment of the errors and their therapy. For the first time, publications from numerous countries around the world were included which have not yet been considered. With the attached CD-ROM making the bibliography searchable for keywords in many languages to find relevant publications among the more than 6.000 titles, this is a very useful handbook for all linguists and teachers.
Die Erforschung und Entwicklung des Lehrens ist ein fundamentales Anliegen der Fremd- und Zweitsprachendidaktik. Guter Unterricht ist und bleibt eine Voraussetzung für erfolgreiches Lernen. Wie genau dieser aussieht, ist eine immer wieder neu zu beantwortende Frage. Lehrerinnen und Lehrer handeln in den unterschiedlichsten Kontexten, sei es im schulischen oder außerschulischen Bereich, sei es bei der Vermittlung von Fremd- oder von Zweitsprachen. Sie müssen sich – gerade im Hinblick auf aktuelle bildungspolitische Forderungen – einer zunehmenden Zahl von Aufgaben und Anforderungen stellen. Ihre Qualifikation, ihre Kompetenzen und ihr Engagement sind entscheidend für das Gelingen von Reformvorhaben. Der in diesem Band dokumentierte 26. Kongress der DGFF, der vom 30.9. bis 3. Oktober 2015 an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg stattfand, hat sich deshalb das Thema "Sprachen Lehren" gegeben.
Sprechflüssigkeit ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil kommunikativer Sprachkompetenz. Gleichwohl ist dieser Merkmalskomplex bei japanischen Deutschlernenden bisher kaum untersucht. An dieser Forschungslücke setzt Anneke Klara Pogarell an: Sie untersucht spezifische Merkmale der Sprechflüssigkeit bei japanischen Deutschlernenden in Gesprächen auf Deutsch. Dabei geht sie folgenden Fragen nach: Wie ist deren Wirkung auf ihr deutschsprachiges Gegenüber? Welche typischen Muster von Sprechflüssigkeitsmerkmalen lassen sich identifizieren? Und gibt es einen Zusammenhang zwischen diesen und der wahrgenommenen Sprachkompetenz? Neben dem japanischen Lehr- und Lernkontext analysiert sie Konzepte der mündlichen kommunikativen Sprachkompetenz und erstellt individuelle Profile der Sprecherinnen und Sprecher. Die Ergebnisse ihrer fundierten Untersuchung bieten wertvolle Impulse für die Förderung von Sprechflüssigkeit im Deutsch als Fremdsprache-Unterricht, nicht nur in Japan.