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Since 1971, the International Congress for Neo-Latin Studies has been organised every three years in various cities of Europe and North America. In August 2015, Vienna in Austria was the venue of the sixteenth Neo-Latin conference, held by the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies. The proceedings of the Vienna conference have been collected in this volume under the motto “Contextus Neolatini – Neo-Latin in Local, Trans-Regional and Worldwide Contexts – Neulatein im lokalen, transregionalen und weltweiten Kontext”. Sixty-five individual and five plenary papers spanning the period from the Renaissance to the present offer a variety of themes covering a range of genres such as history, literature, philology, art history, and religion. The contributions will be of relevance not only for scholarly readers, but also for an interested non-professional audience.
When Bartolomeo Sacchi ('Platina', 1421-1481) wrote his Vitae pontificum (Lives of the Popes) and presented it to Pope Sixtus IV in 1475, he surely could not have imagined how influential it would become over the centuries. His was the first papal history composed as a humanist Latin narrative and, as such, marked a distinct breakthrough in relation to the Liber pontificalis, the standard medieval chronicle of the papacy. Whatever Platina's intentions for the book, it soon came to be regarded as the official history of the Roman pontiffs. After the editio princeps of Venice 1479, updated and extended editions continued to be produced until late in the eighteenth century. The largely untold s...
A quattro anni dalla scoperta di un virus che ha impresso una trasformazione radicale al sistema di codici (politici, giuridici, filosofici, linguistici) intorno a cui si costituiscono e si articolano le civiltà, il volume si propone come momento di riflessione sui linguaggi della crisi e sulle forme adottate per raccontare ‘il male’, durante l’ultima pandemia, problematizzando alcuni temi nevralgici che hanno dominato il dibattito civile e scientifico. Pur non avendo scalfito la solidità del modello neoliberale, in grado di colonizzare economia, risorse umane, modelli culturali, la pandemia ha configurato nuovi scenari - qui esaminati da prospettive di ricerca diversificate - contagiando la politica, la comunicazione, il lavoro, l’istruzione, le relazioni sociali. DOI: 10.13134/979-12-5977-389-0
Antonio Gramsci is one of the most globally celebrated figures of twentieth-century Italy, renowned in the world for his contributions to philosophy, political theory, sociology, cultural studies and historiography. Yet his work has been equally discussed, debated and contested within Italy itself, a constant reference point – whether in fervent agreement or angry polemics – for parties and tendencies across the Italian le ft from the late 1910s down to our present day. In this fundamental overview of Gramsci’s reception in Italy and his contested legacy within a range of traditions, Guido Liguori provides a balanced view of the many uses to which Gramsci’s thought has been put, with a particular focus on the important relationship with the Italian Communist Party leader, Palmiro Togliatti. This book was first published in Italian as Gramsci conteso: Storia di un dibattito 1922-1996 by Editori Riuniti, 1996 (2nd Ed. 2012).
As well as presenting articles on Neo-Latin topics, the annual journal Humanistica Lovaniensia is a major source for critical editions of Neo-Latin texts with translations and commentaries. Please visit for the full table of contents.
How did the evolution of new gunpowder weapons change the nature, structure and composition of the Florentine militias during the first decades of the sixteenth century? Through an examination of little-known and unpublished sources, this book provides a comparative exploration of two Florentine republican experiments with a peasant militia: one promoted and created by Niccolò Machiavelli (1506–12) and a later one (1527–30). Using this comparison as the basis for a new reading of Machiavelli’s Art of War (which drew on the author's experience with the militia), the book then investigates the relationship between the circulation and reception of Machiavelli’s influential work, changing conceptions of militia, and the formation of new cultures of warfare in Europe in the sixteenth century.
Editoriale La guerra in Ucraina: tappa di un fallimento globale, Piero Bevilacqua Tra storia e politica Il PCI e le colonie italiane. La sezione di Mogadiscio, Gino Candreva Lavori in corso Jean Meslier, i miracoli di un curato ateo tradito dall'Illuminismo, Annalisa Presicce Eretici o erranti? Trame comuni tra cattolici e comunisti, Giulio Di Donato La Carta delle donne del 1986: la sfida delle comuniste e i limiti dell'incontro con il femminismo della differenza, Valeria Comerci Incontri Un militante di provincia. Intervista a Giovanni Bosco, dirigente comunista piemontese, Enrico Beccaria Documenti per la storia History of Azerbaijan's caspian oil production (1825-1949), Jabi A. Bahramov ...
Volume 60 Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies, published annually, is the leading journal in the field of Renaissance and modern Latin. As well as presenting articles on Neo-Latin topics, the journal is a major source for critical editions of Neo-Latin texts with translations and commentaries. Its systematic bibliography of Neo-Latin studies (Instrumentum bibliographicum Neolatinum), accompanied by critical notes, is the standard annual bibliography of publications in the field. The journal is fully indexed (names, mss., Neo-Latin neologisms).
Diario di guerra. L'Europa e il mondo di domani Zapata vive! Costellazioni della memoria militante nel Messico contemporaneo La versione di Grisham. Il razzismo sistemico nella letteratura di largo consumo Lo spazio degli antichi L'impossibile Archivio Carmelo Bene
Le radici dell'odio. Il fondo torbido del nazionalismo ucraino e il senso di una guerra insensata Réfléchir et agir au sein de la cité: élites et masses dans la pensée de Gaetano Salvemini et de Carlo Rosselli Benjamin Franklin e gli Indiani Il partigiano "Lucio", da una Resistenza all'altra. Incontro con Gastone Cottino Minoranze in lotta: la resilienza " femminile" sul piccolo schermo Israele tra miti, menzogne e realtà Le contraddizioni dell'austerità e l'ordine del capitale