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On Social Closure reinvigorates the idea of social closure as a basic sociological concept for understanding the strategies powerful groups use to improve their life chances at the expense of the less powerful. Jürgen Mackert provides sociological tools for analysing three critical forms of closure in the world today: exclusion in the context of neoliberalism; exploitation within global capitalism; and elimination in the ongoing legacy of settler colonialism, thereby transcending Eurocentric analyses. Mackert puts forward a mechanism-based explanatory approach identifies two critical social mechanisms that operate in various kinds of social closure struggles. The first explains how human beings, social groups, or communities are denied access to resources, rights, or critical networks, while the second explains how the powerful exert control that leaves the less powerful vulnerable and unable to fight back. Through a critical reconsideration and revision of existing concepts and by bringing in new ones, Jürgen Mackert develops a novel theoretical approach to social closure.
Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. Femicide, the killing of women and girls because of their gender, was until recently included in the category ‘homicide’, obscuring the special features of this social and gendered phenomenon. However, the majority of murders of women are perpetrated by men whom they know from family ties and are the result of intimate partner violence or so-called 'honour' killings. This book is the first one on femicide in Europe and presents the findings of a four-year project discussing various aspects of femicide. Written by leading international scholars with an interdiscplinary perspective, it looks at the prevention programmes and comparative quantitative and qualitative data collection, as well as the impact of culture. It proposes the establishment of a European Observatory on Femicide as a new direction for the future, showing the benefits of cross-national collaboration, united to prevent the murder of women and girls.
Through a combination of theory, practice, and a range of interdisciplinary case studies, this book expands how we define and think about the critical role and relationship between design and emergencies. This role extends far beyond aesthetics: the book highlights the urgency of ensuring that a wide range of stakeholders and a diverse representation of the public comes together to work towards preventing disasters. Design in the context of disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding and (wild) fires, provides new ways of looking at challenges. It contributes methods to actively engage communities in managing and minimizing disaster risk. Contributors present the latest research on ...
This comparative study of Latin American conservative politics over the past twenty years analyzes right-of-center actors, electoral movements, parties, and economic policy dynamics. Since the late 1990s, when Latin American countries began making a “turn to the left,” political parties and candidates on the right end of the partisan spectrum have had a difficult time achieving electoral success. Although the left turn can be seen as a natural reaction to the public’s general dissatisfaction with the conservative modernization policies of the 1980s and 1990s, left-of-center politics are by no means permanent. In The Resilience of the Latin American Right, Juan Pablo Luna and Cristóbal...
“…Sem dúvidas extirpar a violência contra mulheres e grupos minoritários tomou rumos irreversíveis, mas muito há que se construir. Por isso, cabe aos Estados, e ao Brasil, em particular, adotar políticas afirmativas, posto a principiologia da Lei Maior reconhecer como paradigma de equidade, a equiparação jurídica de segmentos populacionais estigmatizados pelo paradoxo: corpos dominantes versus corpos dominados.As ações positivas impulsionam a mudança de postura das instituições políticas que, em nome de uma suposta neutralidade, ignoram a importância da interseccionalidade, sabido ter a segregação um fundo histórico e cultural, e, não raro, subtrair-se do enquadrament...
Developed as a one-stop reference source for drug safety and toxicology professionals, this book explains why mitochondrial failure is a crucial step in drug toxicity and how it can be avoided. • Covers both basic science and applied technology / methods • Allows readers to understand the basis of mitochondrial function, the preclinical assessments used, and what they reveal about drug effects • Contains both in vitro and in vivo methods for analysis, including practical screening approaches for drug discovery and development • Adds coverage about mitochondrial toxicity underlying organ injury, clinical reports on drug classes, and discussion of environmental toxicants affecting mitochondria
Comparative Dispute Resolution offers an original, wide-ranging, and invaluable corpus of chapters on dispute resolution. Enriched by a broad, comparative vision and a focus on the processes used to handle disputes, this study adds significantly to the discourse around comparative legal studies. Chapters present new understandings of theoretical, comparative and transnational dimensions of the manner in which societies and their legal systems respond to difficulties in social relations.
"A new study by a team of European researchers examines for the first time the various national practices relating to clinical guidelines. It looks at the situation in 29 European countries (the EU27, plus Norway and Switzerland) and concludes that while some countries might have made progress many others are still relying on sporadic and unclear processes. There are, however, tried and tested examples which, if shared, could assure and improve the quality of health care across Europe."--Publisher's website.