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El presente volumen es la compilación de las contribuciones que se presentaron en el VIII Congreso Nacional de la Asociación de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historiografía e Historia de la Lengua Española (AJIHLE), celebrado en Barcelona los días 2, 3 y 4 de abril de 2008. Durante estos tres días, un importante número de investigadores noveles procedentes de distintas universidades nacionales e internacionales, convirtieron la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) y la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) en un lugar propicio para el debate y la puesta en común de las principales líneas de investigación que actualmente se desarrollan en el ámbito del estudio histórico de la lengua. Así lo demuestran, como podrá observar el lector en las páginas que siguen, tanto la relevancia de los ponentes invitados en el mundo de la investigación histórica del español como la actualidad de los contenidos presentados en las dos mesas redondas y la diversidad de los temas de las distintas comunicaciones que los socios presentaron.
Current Projects in Historical Lexicography brings together seven papers by present and recent editors of historical dictionaries and lexical databases. The collection is introduced with an overview of the history of historical lexicography from the ancient world to the present day, with particular emphasis on the major nineteenth-century dictionaries of German, French, English, Dutch, Swedish, and Danish, and on their successors. In the first paper, Javier Martín Arista describes the present state of, and the prospects for, the Nerthus lexical database of Old English. The next two introduce specialized dictionaries of the language of medieval and early modern texts: Fernando Tejedo-Herrero...
Els congressos d'EURALEX són fidels al caràcter "internacional" del seu títol: els contribuents d'aquestes actes procedeixen d'arreu del món i el nombre de llengües utilitzades és abundant. En aquestes actes es poden llegir contribucions escrites a sis llengües: català, anglès, francès, alemany, italià i espanyol. Aquesta presència significativa de llengües sembla ajustar-se a una associació europea concentrada en l'estudi i representació de la paraula, i indica l'interès en la investigació i millora dels diccionaris.
Beyond Grammaticalization and Discourse Markers offers a comprehensive account of the most promising new directions in the vast field of grammaticalization studies. From major theoretical issues to hardly addressed experimental questions, this volume explores new ways to expand, refine or even challenge current ideas on grammaticalization. All contributions, written by leading experts in the fields of grammaticalization and discourse markers, explore issues such as: the impact of Construction Grammar into language change; cyclicity as a driving force of change; the importance of positions and discourse units as predictors of grammaticalization; a renewed way of thinking about philological considerations, or the role of Experimental Pragmatics for hypothesis checking.
This monograph offers the first in-depth lexical and semantic analysis of motion verbs in their development from Latin to nine Romance languages — Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Catalan, Occitan, Sardinian, and Raeto-Romance — demonstrating that the patterns of innovation and continuity attested in the data can be accounted for in cognitive linguistic terms. At the same time, the study illustrates how the insights gained from Latin and Romance historical data have profound implications for the cognitive approaches to language — in particular, for Leonard Talmy’s motion-framing typology and George Lakoff and Mark Johnson’s conceptual metaphor theory. The book should appeal to scholars interested in historical Romance linguistics, cognitive linguistics, and lexical change.
Cross-linguistically, motion verbs are frequently involved in language change and feature a wide array of motion-related constructions. The aim of this volume is to grasp more completely the typological characteristics and the developmental potential of motion verbs and to acknowledge the formal and functional diversity of motion-related constructions in Romance languages. To this end, the contributions in this collection provide synchronic and diachronic as well as typologically oriented studies that focus on motion verbs and single- and multi-verb constructions that have received scant attention to date. These include verbal periphrases, (pseudo-/semi-)copula and pseudo-coordinated constru...
This volume presents specific topics in diachronic Hispanic linguistics. These topics include: lexical survivals in Ibero-Romance, Arabisms, lexical variation in early modern Spain, the origins of the confusion of b with v, Andalusian Spanish in the Americas, the expansion of seseo and yeísmo, processes of koineization, syntactic change in scribal documentation from the Middle Ages, and the semantic changes of the verbs ser, estar and haber. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the Spanish lexicon, phonetics, morphosyntax, dialectology and semantics with the input of ten prominent scholars. It focuses not only on relevant issues in the evolution of Spanish but also answers pertinent ques...
“As in the first edition, Pharies debunks—in an engaging manner—a number of ‘linguistic myths’ about Spanish orthography, pronunciation, and grammar.” —Choice Since its publication in 2007, A Brief History of the Spanish Language has become the leading introduction to the history of one of the world’s most widely spoken languages. Moving from the language’s Latin roots to its present-day forms, this concise book offers readers insights into the origin and evolution of Spanish, the historical and cultural changes that shaped it, and its spread around the world. A Brief History of the Spanish Language focuses on the most important aspects of the development of the Spanish lan...
Das Mittelalter wird in der Forschung als eine von grundlegenden Wandlungs- und Integrationsprozessen gekennzeichnete Epoche betrachtet. Dabei fungierte das Papsttum seit der "papstgeschichtlichen Wende" als zentraler Motor für Integrationsprozesse. Die Abhandlung arbeitet als Fallstudie solche Prozesse an der geographischen Peripherie des heutigen Europas heraus. Analysiert werden die wechselhaften Beziehungen der Päpste zum Erzbistum Toledo, dem im Selbstverständnis der dortigen Prälaten kirchlichen Zentrum der Iberischen Halbinsel unmittelbar an der umkämpften Grenze zum muslimisch beherrschten Süden. In den Blick genommen werden ausgewählte Konflikte, die im Zeitraum von rund hundert Jahren seit der Eroberung der Stadt durch christliche Truppen 1085 unter päpstlicher Beteiligung ausgetragen wurden. Indem das Papsttum hier mehr und mehr als Legitimation spendende und Recht sprechende Instanz angerufen wurde, erlangte es immer mehr Autorität.
El presente volumen recoge parte de las Actas del VI Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Historiografía Lingüística; encuentro que tuvo lugar en Cádiz entre el 6 y el 9 de noviembre de 2007.