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2022 IPPY Gold Medal in Current Events In the days after 9/11, Abigail R. Esman walked the streets of New York haunted by a feeling that was eerily familiar: the trauma of violence that hovered in the air. Friends, family, and strangers moved, walked, even stood as she herself had done earlier as a victim of domestic battery and abuse. Since then, Esman, a journalist who specializes in writing on terrorism and radicalization, has studied the connections between domestic abuse and terrorism and the forces that inspire both forms of violence. In Rage: Narcissism, Patriarchy, and the Culture of Terrorism Esman brings into focus the complex web that ties them together, illuminating the terrorist...
Ce Liber Amicorum, qui rend hommage à Gilles de Kerchove, coordinateur de l’Union européenne pour la lutte contre le terrorisme de 2007 à 2021, dresse le bilan de ce qui a été mené dans ce secteur ces dernières années et se penche également sur les défis à venir. Après une introduction retraçant le parcours du récipiendaire, la première partie se penche sur différents aspects de la coopération au sein de l’Union européenne, allant du mandat d’arrêt européen, à la protection des droits fondamentaux en passant par le rôle de certaines institutions ou agences de l’UE. La deuxième partie traite de la coopération entre l’UE et le reste du monde, qu’il s’agiss...
The 9/11 attacks, as well as the ones in Madrid, London, Paris and Brussels; the genocides in Nazi Germany, Rwanda and Cambodia; the torture in dictatorial regimes; the wars in former Yugoslavia, Syria and Iraq and currently in Ukraine; the sexual violence during periods of conflict, all make us wonder: why would anyone do something like that? Who are these people? Drawing on 30 years of research, in this book Alette Smeulers explores the perpetrators of mass atrocities such as war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and terrorism. Examining questions of why people kill and torture and how mass atrocities can be explained, Smeulers presents a typology of perpetrators, with different ra...
Addresses threats to homeland security from terrorism and emergency management from natural disasters Threats to Homeland Security, Second Edition examines the foundations of today's security environment, from broader national security perspectives to specific homeland security interests and concerns. It covers what we protect, how we protect it, and what we protect it from. In addition, the book examines threats from both an international perspective (state vs non-state actors as well as kinds of threat capabilities—from cyber-terrorism to weapons of mass destruction) and from a national perspective (sources of domestic terrorism and future technological challenges, due to globalization a...
Rescued from ISIS is the inspiring and terrifying tale of one man's journey to the Middle East to save his child from radical Islam, and its surprising worldwide repercussions. Dimitri Bontinck lived every parent's worst nightmare. His teenage son, introduced to Islam by his girlfriend, fell into the clutches of a radical mosque. Dimitri watched helplessly as his son, Jay, transformed from a gentle boy to a soldier in training, wearing traditional robes and following a strict diet. Completely brainwashed, Jay snuck out of the house and traveled to Syria, all but vanishing. Too late, Dimitri learned that their country, Belgium, was the leading hotbed of Islamic radicalization. Large numbers o...
When Islamic State (ISIS) forces were driven out of the territories they had acquired in Syria and Iraq, there remained a concern that the threat posed by ISIS was far from over. It was clear that significant long-term strategies would be needed to establish and maintain security and stability if the potential for further radical Islamist threats in the Middle East and among NATO countries was to be eradicated. This book presents papers from the NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) entitled The Post ISIS-Era: Regional and Global Implications, held in Washington DC, USA, from 6-8 September 2019. The ARW brought together participants from NATO member nations and Partner countries, and from di...
Vous cherchez à optimiser vos révisions pour réussir les concours d'Adjoint administratif d'État et territorial ? Organisation et planification sont les maîtres mots de la collection « Mon concours en 60 jours » qui vous offre un programme de travail clé en main adapté à vos épreuves et découpé par journées. Cet ouvrage propose une préparation sur mesure en 60 jours : un planning adapté et progressif pour aborder sereinement votre concours ; deux matières par jour : un cours et des entraînements vous préparent efficacement à toutes les épreuves ; en fin d'ouvrage, vous pourrez vous exercer en conditions réelles sur des sujets d'annales corrigés.
Negli ultimi anni migliaia di foreign fighters sono partiti da più di 100 paesi per unirsi a gruppi armati, specialmente di matrice jihadista, in Siria e Iraq e in altri teatri di guerra. Il fenomeno ha interessato anche l’Italia, anche se in misura assai più ridotta rispetto ad altri paesi europei. I foreign fighters d’Italia sono, infatti, circa 130. Quali sono le caratteristiche socio-demografiche di questi individui? Dove risiedevano prima di partire? Facevano parte di network estremistici in Italia e in Europa? Quale ruolo hanno assunto nell’area del conflitto? Quanti sono già ritornati? Esistono profili comuni? Questi sono solo alcuni degli interrogativi a cui questo Rapporto ISPI cerca di dare una risposta. Tramite un’analisi dettagliata dei profili dei foreign fighters legati all’Italia, sulla base di dati originali, vengono messe in evidenza, per la prima volta, le peculiarità dell’intero contingente nazionale, anche grazie al confronto con gli altri paesi occidentali.
Des pistes d'action face à une problématique terriblement d'actualité. Comment dialoguer avec une personne plongée dans la radicalisation ? Comment trouver la porte d’entrée d’un dialogue qui mène à la discussion et à un processus de retour vers « un vivre-ensemble » avec des personnes qui refusent celui-ci ? C’est à ces questions terriblement d’actualité dans les écoles, les centres sportifs, les groupes de jeunes, que les auteurs répondent et proposent des pistes de réflexion et d’action. Laura Passoni, qui a été radicalisée jusqu’à partir en Syrie, dialogue ici avec le professeur Hicham Abdel Gawad. Elle apporte les éléments qui ont conduit à son processu...