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Verständigungen beschäftigen die Strafprozessrechtswissenschaft schon seit vielen Jahrzehnten. Dabei werden die Diskussionen über ein solch konsensuales Element im traditionell inquisitorisch-kontradiktorischen Strafprozess naturgemäß sehr kontrovers geführt. Nicht erst seit Inkrafttreten des Verständigungsgesetzes im Jahre 2009 und einer wegweisenden Entscheidung des BVerfG im Jahre 2013 sind Verständigungen aus dem prozessualen Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken. Als zentrale Vorschrift erlaubt § 257c StPO Verständigungen zwischen den Verfahrensbeteiligten unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen und in geeigneten Fällen. In das JGG wurde eine entsprechende Regelung gerade nicht implementiert. Einer möglichen Anwendung des § 257c StPO über die Verweisungsnorm des § 2 Abs. 2 JGG wird – meist unter Verweis auf den im Jugendstrafrecht vorherrschenden Erziehungsgedanken – ganz überwiegend mit Skepsis begegnet. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, ob eine Umkehr des Regel-Ausnahme-Verhältnisses geboten erscheint und unternimmt den Versuch, mehr Transparenz bei der Frage der Zulässigkeit von Verständigungen im Jugendstrafverfahren zu schaffen.
New military technologies are animated by fantasies of perfect knowledge, lawfulness, and vision that contrast sharply with the very real limits of human understanding, law, and vision. Thus, various kinds of violent acts are proliferating while their precise nature remains unclear. Especially man–machine ensembles, guided by algorithms, are operating in ways that challenge conceptual understanding. War and Algorithm looks at the increasing power of algorithms in these emerging forms of warfare from the perspectives of critical theory, philosophy, legal studies, and visual studies. The contributions in this volume grapple with the challenges posed by algorithmic warfare and trace the roots of new forms of war in the technological practices and forms of representation of the digital age. Together, these contributions provide a first step toward understanding—and resisting—our emerging world of war.
During the era of the French revolution, patriots across Europe tried to introduce a national uniform. This book, the first comparative study of national uniform schemes, discusses case studies from Austria, Bulgaria, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Turkey the United States, and Wales.
The contributions in this book highlight, contextualize and analyze different aspects of social inequality. What are the various cause and effects of inequality? How have these changed over recent decades? Which social policies might be best able to intervene? Written by authors from a variety of disciplines and geographical regions, these contributions provide a rich account of inequality within contemporary society. The role of the state, the media and the market in exacerbating and alleviating patterns of equality are all accessed alongside analysis of changing patterns of exclusion and hierarchy.
Vertical flow constructed wetlands for wastewater and sludge treatment represent a relatively new and still growing technology. Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands is the first book to present the state-of-the-art knowledge regarding vertical flow constructed wetlands theory and applications. In this book, you will learn about vertical flow systems with information about application and performance. Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands also includes information on how different countries are applying the technology, with design guidelines to illustrate best practices worldwide. A focus on water conservation through reuse of treated water showcases the benefit of vertical flow construction, whic...
Pontano was the most innovative, versatile Latin poet of Quattrocento Italy. His Two Books of Hendecasyllables, subtitled Baiae, are the elegant offspring of Pontano's leisure, written to celebrate love, good wine, friendship, nature, and all the pleasures of life to be found at the seaside resort of Baiae on the Bay of Naples.