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Num período histórico-político marcado, inter alia, por uma crise de saúde pública sem precedentes na História da UE e pela invasão russa da Ucrânia, a União confronta-se com uma profunda crise, a «crise do Estado de Direito». No presente estudo, após uma breve análise da conceção do Estado de Direito ao nível da União Europeia e dos contornos das violações sistémicas daquele valor, indaga-se se os mecanismos de natureza política edificados para a respetiva salvaguarda são suficientes, per se, para travar a erosão do Estado de Direito na Hungria e na Polónia. De seguida, procede-se à análise da jurisprudência recente do TJUE face aos ataques ao Estado de Direito (em especial, na perspetiva da independência do poder judicial) e o respetivo impacto. Por fim, refletindo sobre os desafios que marcarão o rumo da construção europeia, propõem-se algumas soluções para a crise axiológica em curso.
In the post-socialist countries, the subject of consumption has not received sufficient attention from the perspective of Consumer Culture Theory. The opinion has long prevailed among the majority of social scientists from this region that consumer society and consumptive behaviour is a socially destructive phenomenon and one of the main causes of problems in contemporary society. This impression has prevented them from scrutinizing the symbolic dimension of consumption and led them to a critical analysis of the social causes and environmental consequences of excessive consumption. The examination of symbolic aspects of consumer culture or the mutual interaction of culture and marketing comm...
Přehledná a srozumitelná publikace představuje současné metody a techniky marketingového výzkumu a přináší řadu rad a tipů pro jejich využití v praxi. Velmi cenné je velké množství příkladů a řada případových studií z reálné praxe. Seznámíte se s metodikou a technikami provádění marketingového výzkumu, od plánu výzkumu přes sběr, zpracování a analýzu údajů až po interpretaci výsledků. Podrobně poznáte moderní metody kvantitativního a kvalitativního výzkumu včetně dotazování, pozorování a experimentu. Autoři se věnují také vybraným aplikacím marketingového výzkumu či organizaci marketingového výzkumu.
Napínavý román „I Blázni chtějí žít I“ se odehrává v hereckém prostředí. Mladá herečka Lenka začíná točit svůj první velký film dokonce se zahraničním obsazením. Potká ji několik velkých problémů. Dokáže si sama poradit? „I Blázni chtějí žít I“ je napínavé čtení o mladých lidech plných lásky, nadějí a ctižádosti. Obstojí v dnešním tvrdém světě? Čtěte román „I Blázni chtějí žít I“, dozvíte se víc. Tváří obálky je modelka Nikol Nejedlíková, foto Roman Albrecht. Předmluvu vytvořila Květina Halberštátová. Brzy se objeví v prodeji volné pokračování, napínavý špionážní román „I Blázni chtějí žít II“. Knihu je také možné objednat v tištěné podobě přes stránky nakladatelství.
The demands on innovative materials given by the ever-increasing requirements of contemporary industry require the use of high-performance engineering materials. The properties of materials and alloys are a result of their structures, which can primarily be affected by the preparation/production process. However, the production of materials featuring high levels of the required properties without the necessity to use costly alloying elements or time- and money-demanding heat treatment technologies typically used to enhance the mechanical properties of metallic materials (especially specific strength) still remains a challenge. The introduction of thermomechanical treatment represented a brea...
In this social and cultural history of Czechoslovakia's "gentle revolution," James Krapfl shifts the focus away from elites to ordinary citizens who endeavored—from the outbreak of revolution in 1989 to the demise of the Czechoslovak federation in 1992—to establish a new, democratic political culture. Unique in its balanced coverage of developments in both Czech and Slovak lands, including the Hungarian minority of southern Slovakia, this book looks beyond Prague and Bratislava to collective action in small towns, provincial factories, and collective farms.Through his broad and deep analysis of workers' declarations, student bulletins, newspapers, film footage, and the proceedings of loc...
While many of the essays focus on recent developments, they shed light on the evolution of this phenomenon since 1945.
The doctrine on grace, one of the most discussed themes in his later years, was regarded by Augustine as the very core of Christianity. This book traces the gradual crystallisation of this teaching, including its unacceptable consequences (such as double predestination, inherited guilt which deserves eternal punishment, and its transmission through libidinous procreation). How did the reader of Cicero and “the books of the Platonists” reach the ideas that appear in his polemic against Julian (and which remind one of Freud rather than the Stoics or Plotinus)? That is the point of departure of this book. It surely cannot be expected that there is a definite answer to the question; rather, the aim is to follow and understand the development.