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Essays in World Languages and Cultures
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 202

Essays in World Languages and Cultures

This volume consists of 16 papers selected from the 22nd Southeast Conference on Foreign Languages, Literatures and Films held on February 25-27, 2016 on the campus of Stetson University in Celebration, Florida. The shared focus of the essays is to examine how writers, filmmakers and language educators address stereotypes in their representations of diverse cultural paradigms by using, deconstructing or displacing these stereotypes. The fourth section of this publication includes 4 experimental poems by the artist Susanne Eules.

The Routledge Companion to Biofiction
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 587

The Routledge Companion to Biofiction

The Routledge Companion to Biofiction provides readers with the history, origins, and evolution of this popular genre. Featuring contributions from leading scholars in the field, this authoritative collection foregrounds analyses of biofiction's core foundations through contemporary debates. The volume is organized into seven sections: Histories of biofiction; Theoretical reflections on biofiction; Biofiction, national models and (trans)national constructions; Biofiction as political intervention; Biofictional case studies; Activating lives: early modern women; and Authorial reflections. This groundbreaking collection features works that refine our understanding of the genesis and evolution ...

Translating Myself and Others
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 208

Translating Myself and Others

Luminous essays on translation and self-translation by the award-winning writer and literary translator Translating Myself and Others is a collection of candid and disarmingly personal essays by Pulitzer Prize–winning author Jhumpa Lahiri, who reflects on her emerging identity as a translator as well as a writer in two languages. With subtlety and emotional immediacy, Lahiri draws on Ovid’s myth of Echo and Narcissus to explore the distinction between writing and translating, and provides a close reading of passages from Aristotle’s Poetics to talk more broadly about writing, desire, and freedom. She traces the theme of translation in Antonio Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks and takes up t...

Creative Interventions
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 500

Creative Interventions

Who are “intellectuals”? What do they think their role and function in contemporary society is? Are they on the endangered-species list? Is equating conservatism with conservation becoming their dominant survival strategy? This book is a collection of essays that examines some of the changes in the activities, role, function and self-perception of Italian intellectuals since World War II (two major divides are considered to be the crisis of 1956–7 and the fall of the Berlin Wall). The first section examines some of the most influential figures in the early decades, the second the activities of contemporary intellectuals, a third gives voice to some contemporary writers, a fourth contains some comparative essays about the role of intellectuals in influential contemporary Western cultures and a final section is devoted to some cross-disciplinary forays and reflections on the relevance and possible future directions of these inquiries.

ZoneModa Journal 03
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 328

ZoneModa Journal 03


Nuovi Argomenti (34)
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 340

Nuovi Argomenti (34)

Hanno collaborato: Enzo Siciliano, Massimo Rizzante, Kenzaburo Oe, Angelo Ferracuti, Andrea Bajani, Elisabetta Liguori, Flavio Santi, Carola Susani, Roberto Saviano, Massimiliano Zambetta, Andrea Melone, Alessandro Piperno, Lorenzo Pavolini, Emanuele Trevi, Sara Ventroni, Roberto Canò, Mark Strand, Amelia Rosselli, Damiano Abeni, Gabriella Palli Baroni, Alba Donati, Massimo Gezzi, Frank Bidart, Vincenzo Della Mea, Bartolomeo Di Monaco, Giuliana Petrucci, Raffaella D'Elia, Carlo Carabba, Fabrizia Giuliani, Helena Janeczek, Gianni Clerici, Federica De Paolis, Leonardo Colombati, Valerio Magrelli, Francesco Feola, Valeria Parrella.

Nuovi Argomenti (35)
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 263

Nuovi Argomenti (35)

Hanno collaborato: Enzo Siciliano, Eraldo Affinati, Alberto Arbasino, Andrea Barzini, Marco Belpoliti, Bernardo Bertolucci, Franco Buffoni, Arnaldo Colasanti, Leonardo Colombati, Vincenzo Consolo, Franco Cordelli, Giorgio Crisafi, Antonio Debenedetti, Marco Debenedetti, Raffaella D'Elia, Nino De Vita, Alain Elkann, Angelo Ferracuti, Roberto Galaverni, Andrea Gareffi, Andrea Gibellini, Pietro Grossi, Miriam Mafai, Valerio Magrelli, Raffaele Manica, Dacia Maraini, Sapo Matteucci, Mauro F. Minervino, Marco Monina, Giuseppe Montesano, Carla Moreni, Serafino Murri, Massimo Onofri, Gabriella Palli Baroni, Vincenzo Pardini, Lorenzo Pavolini, Aurelio Picca, Claudio Piersanti, Alessandro Piperno, Massimo Raffaeli, Elisabetta Rasy, Luca Ronconi, Andrea Salerno, Mario Santagostini, Flavio Santi, Roberto Saviano, Emiliano Sbaraglia, Francesco Scarabicchi, Beppe Sebaste, Piero Sorrentino, Carola Susani, Giorgio van Straten, Piero Pompili, Andrea Caterini.

Per i ladri e le puttane sono Gesù bambino
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 168

Per i ladri e le puttane sono Gesù bambino

«Mi manca tutto di te. Anche i momenti di eroica fragilità che contribuivano a renderti sempre più grande. Ti volevo e ti voglio bene.» Adriano Celentano «Era un uomo profondamente vivace. Ecco: uno che viveva senza risparmi e senza paura di esaurire l’entusiasmo. Un vero testimone della musica, uno che per la musica ha vissuto.» Francesco Guccini Lucio Dalla è uno dei più grandi musicisti italiani di sempre. Riservatissimo nella sua vita privata, ha invece sempre dato tutto di sé nei concerti, nei dischi e nelle apparizioni pubbliche. Finalmente un libro racconta la sua vita e le sue opere, grazie anche alle testimonianze di chi lo ha conosciuto. Una vita intensa e sempre vissuta controcorrente che lo ha portato a diventare un classico della nostra cultura nazionale «È da quello squarcio di cielo e di cuore che vi ascolterò anche quando nessuno mi vorrà ascoltare, che vi cercherò ancora anche se non mi verrete più a cercare. È da lì in alto, fino a quando ci sarà una finestra, che il mio cuore continuerà a cantare.» Lucio Dalla

Bruce Springsteen. 100 Seiten
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 170

Bruce Springsteen. 100 Seiten

»Springsteen ist eine poetische und musikalische Einladung ins richtige Leben, mit allen Höhen und Tiefen, mit allen Tränen und Lachfalten.« Bruce Springsteen ist der große Chronist und Erzähler der US-amerikanischen Gesellschaft. Mit einfachen, nachvollziehbaren Bildern zeigt er sich als Dolmetscher hungriger Herzen und Sprachrohr der Arbeiterklasse. Marcus S. Kleiner widmet sich den zentralen Themen Springsteens: dem amerikanischen Traum, der sozialen Ungerechtigkeit oder dem Trauma 9/11. Im Gespräch mit Wolfgang Niedecken und Thees Uhlmann findet er heraus, welche Rolle Springsteen für seine Musikerkollegen spielt. Und er zeigt die Vielseitigkeit eines Künstlers, der so viel mehr ist als ein Rockmusiker.

Nuovi argomenti (56)
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 211

Nuovi argomenti (56)

Hanno collaborato: Silvia Ballestra, Raffaele La Capria intervistato da Paolo Di Paolo, Massimo Raffaeli, Giuliano Amato, Lorenzo Pavolini, Furio Colombo, Raffaele La Capria, Donatella Di Pietrantonio, Maria Paola Colombo, Flavia Piccinni, Loris Righetto, Giacomo Sartori, Franca Grisoni Francesco Giusti, Livia Candiani, Luciano Erba, Marco Rota, Antonella Anedda, Arnaldo Greco, Silvia Acierno, Rino Mele Luca Alvino, Massimo Gezzi.