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Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 194

Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-09-22
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  • Publisher: Verso Books

The economic and social impact of the coronavirus pandemic has been unprecedented. Governments have spoken of being at war and find themselves forced to seek new powers in order to maintain social order and prevent the spread of the virus. This is often exercised with the notion that we will return to normal as soon as we can. What if that is not possible? Secondly, if the state can mobilize itself in the face of an invisible foe like this pandemic, it should also be able to confront visible dangers such as climate destruction with equal force. In Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency, leading environmental thinker, Andreas Malm demands that this war-footing state should be applied on a permanent basis to the ongoing climate front line. He offers proposals on how the climate movement should use this present emergency to make that case. There can be no excuse for inaction any longer.

Planetary health approaches to understand and control vector-borne diseases
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 446

Planetary health approaches to understand and control vector-borne diseases

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-12-21
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  • Publisher: BRILL

Mosquitoes transmit many of the pathogens that cause zoonotic diseases from wildlife and livestock to people, with devasting consequences for public health. The factors affecting the ecology and evolution of the transmission dynamics of these mosquito-borne pathogens can be revealed using multidisciplinary research approaches. This 7th volume of the ECVD series focuses on the ecological factors that determine the transmission dynamics of mosquito-borne pathogens naturally circulating between animals of different taxa and their importance for human health. The authors revise the current knowledge on the pathogens that affect wildlife, including those maintained in captivity, as well as the us...

Elgar Encyclopedia of Climate Policy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 483

Elgar Encyclopedia of Climate Policy

The Elgar Encyclopedia of Climate Policy provides a comprehensive and compelling account of the causes and potential solutions to one of the most pressing global challenges of the 21st century: climate change. With deep intellectual rigour, this Encyclopedia adeptly surveys the nature and application of various international climate change policies.

Medical Textiles
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 399

Medical Textiles

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-12-21
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

This textbook aims to ensure that advances in medical textiles are addressed and that recent developments are able to be appreciated and understood not only by medical practitioners and healthcare personnel but also by textile scientists and technologists. The idea is to stimulate collaborative research and development in the field of medical textiles and to equip researchers with an understanding of the steps they need to take to ensure that their efforts, be they to develop new devices for implantation or items for external application, are carried out in such a way as to improve their effectiveness and enhance the prospects for their implementation. Attention is drawn to the need to impro...

Ακατοίκητη Γη
  • Language: el
  • Pages: 286

Ακατοίκητη Γη

ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΜΠΕΣΤ ΣΕΛΕΡ Πώς θα είναι η ζωή σε έναν τσακισμένο πλανήτη; Πώς θα επηρεαστεί η πολιτική, η οικονομία, η κουλτούρα, η ιστορική αντίληψη από την κλιματική αλλαγή; Πώς εξηγείται το γεγονός ότι η ανθρωπότητα έχει προσπαθήσει ελάχιστα να σταματήσει αυτή τη διαδικασία; Δεν πρόκειται για αφηρημένα ερωτήματα, αλλά για άμεσα και πιεστικά ανθρώπινα δράματα, διλήμματα και εφιάλτες με τα οποία καταπιάνεται ο αμερικανός δημοσιογράφος David Wallace-Wells σε ένα κάλεσμα αφύπνισης προς το ανθρώπινο γένος που κατοικεί στον πλανήτη Γη.

Neobyvatelná Země
  • Language: cs
  • Pages: 389

Neobyvatelná Země

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-10-20
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  • Publisher: Host

Je to mnohem horší, než jste si mysleli… Snad nejzrádnější stránkou klimatické krize je její nenápadnost a zdánlivá pomalost. Roční období se střídají, moře zůstává na svém místě, někdy prší méně, někdy více. To jen v médiích se míhá kaleidoskop apokalypsy: tající permafrost, hořící lesy, ubývající ledovce, města bez vody. Oteplování planety se z hlediska každodenního života zdá být nahodilým označením nespojitých katastrof. Mezinárodní bestseller Neobyvatelná Země tento dojem nemilosrdně vyvrací. Novinář David Wallace-Wells přečetl stovky analýz a vyzpovídal desítky vědců, aby obyvatelům Země vystavil drsný účet:...

Корона, климат, хроническая чрезвычайная ситуация. Военный коммунизм в XXI веке
  • Language: ru
  • Pages: 253

Корона, климат, хроническая чрезвычайная ситуация. Военный коммунизм в XXI веке

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-02-07
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  • Publisher: Litres

Что COVID говорит нам о климатических изменениях и что нам с этим делать? Экономические и социальные последствия пандемии коронавируса были беспрецедентными. Правительства отмечают, что находятся в состоянии войны и вынуждены искать новые полномочия, чтобы поддерживать общественный порядок и предотвращать распространение вируса. Это часто осуществляется с мыслью, что мы вернем...

Pamantul nelocuibil
  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 188

Pamantul nelocuibil

„O carte puternică și evocatoare. (...) Wallace-Wells și-a propus să ofere altceva decât narațiunea standard despre schimbările climatice. (...) El evită «banalitatea sinistră a limbajului climatologiei» în favoarea unei proze elegante și curgătoare.“ Jennifer Szalai, The New York Times „Această carte are potențialul de a deveni Primăvara tăcută a generației sale.“ The Washington Post „David Wallace-Wells susține că impactul schimbărilor climatice va fi mult mai grav decât cred cei mai mulți oameni, și are dreptate. Pământul nelocuibil este o carte oportună și provocatoare.“ Elizabeth Kolbert, autoarea cărții A șasea extincție „O carte sclipito...

2050 거주불능 지구
  • Language: ko
  • Pages: 554

2050 거주불능 지구

‘살인적인 폭염’부터 ‘반복되는 팬데믹’에 이르기까지 우리의 상식과 사회의 근간을 뒤엎을 기후재난의 미래 ‘지구의 날’ 50주년을 맞이해 출간되는 『2050 거주불능 지구』는 최신 연구 자료와 통계적 근거를 바탕으로 가장 믿을 만한 기후변화의 미래 시나리오를 제시한다. 기존 기후변화와 관련한 다양한 논의들을 비판적으로 종합해 우리의 일상을 파괴할 지구온난화의 실제적인 영향과 그림을 제시한다. 단순한 ‘환경운동’이나 개인의 윤리적 각성으로도 해결할 수 없는 기후변화의 막대한 영향력을 규명하는 이 ...

La Terre inhabitable - Vivre avec 4°C de plus
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 187

La Terre inhabitable - Vivre avec 4°C de plus

" La situation est pire, bien pire que ce que vous pouvez imaginer. Si votre inquiétude face au réchauffement climatique se résume à une crainte de la montée du niveau de la mer, vous ne faites qu'effleurer la surface des catastrophes à venir... " Écouter la science et faire connaître la vérité. David Wallace-Wells a décidé de se confronter aux réalités scientifiques du changement climatique. Non comme un spécialiste, un avocat ou un militant écologiste, mais comme un journaliste, un citoyen, un enquêteur. Il a interviewé des dizaines de scientifi ques, lu des centaines d'articles parmi ceux publiés ces dix dernières années et collecté toutes les données qui tombaient,...