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The transfer of personal data to the UK raises a multitude of data protection law issues and opens up the view of the key challenges of global data exchange. The study contains an overall view of the regulations on third country transfers under the GDPR and the current state of regulation in the UK. It provides an assessment as to whether and to what extent the UK provides an adequate level of protection within the meaning of the GDPR for personal data transferred from the EU and whether the EU Commission's adequacy decision under the GDPR is compliant with the CJEU’s relevant case law. The examination of the UK’s data protection law as well as the regulations of the Investigatory Power Act and the extensive onward transfer practice to the USA form a main focus of the study. The alternative data transfer mechanisms and bases (Articles 46, 47 and 49 GDPR) are (also) examined with regard to their practicability for companies. The study also looks at relevant emerging developments and the wider context of the third country regimes of the EU’s data protection regime.
Mit dem Data Governance Act (DGA) hat sich der europäische Gesetzgeber für eine strenge Regulierung von Datenvermittlungsdiensten entschieden. Anbieter von Datenvermittlungsdiensten werden durch Art. 10-15 DGA verpflichtet, sich vor der Aufnahme ihrer Dienste bei einer zuständigen Behörde anzumelden und umfangreiche Vorgaben an die Erbringung ihrer Dienste einzuhalten. Ziel dieser Vorschriften ist es, das Nutzervertrauen in Datenvermittlungsdienste zu stärken und dadurch Anreize für den vertrauensvollen Datenaustausch zwischen Privatpersonen, Unternehmen und staatlichen Einrichtungen zu setzen. Die vorliegende Arbeit unternimmt die bislang umfassendste Untersuchung der Art. 10-15 DGA im Hinblick auf B2B-Datenvermittlungsdienste. Vor dem Hintergrund der Zielsetzungen der europäischen Datenstrategie sowie der ökonomischen Besonderheiten von B2B-Datenmärkten und Datenvermittlungsdiensten werden die Art. 10-15 DGA detailliert ausgelegt und aus rechtsökonomischer Perspektive bewertet.
Die freie Meinungsbildung unterliegt im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung einem tiefgreifenden Wandel, der auch und gerade durch sogenannte Medienintermediäre, respektive durch digitale Dienste zur Informationsvermittlung geprägt ist. Diesen Medienintermediären wird aufgrund ihrer Funktion als Informationsvermittler eine hohe Meinungsbildungsrelevanz sowie ein erhebliches Meinungsbeeinflussungspotenzial zugeschrieben. Damit einher gehen für die freie Meinungsbildung relevante Fragestellungen der Vielfaltssicherung im Kontext von Medienintermediären, denen sich dieses Werk stellt. Die Schwerpunkte der Untersuchung bilden hierbei die Fragen, ob und inwieweit Gefahren(-potenziale) für die freie Meinungsbildung von den Medienintermediären ausgehen, ob sich daraus ein Gewährleistungsauftrag des Staates ergibt, die Funktionsbedingungen der freien Meinungsbildung zu sichern und inwiefern ein gefährdungsadäquater Rechtsrahmen de lege lata besteht bzw. de lege ferenda implementiert werden kann.
Since the first edition of this book was published early in 1970, three major developments have occurred in the field of x-ray spectrochemical analysis. First, wavelength-dispersive spectrometry, in 1970 already securely established among instrumental analytical methods, has matured. Highly sophisticated, miniaturized, modular, solid-state circuitry has replaced elec tron-tube circuitry in the readout system. Computers are now widely used to program and control fully automated spectrometers and to store, process, and compute analytical concentrations directly and immediately from ac cumulated count data. Matrix effects have largely yielded to mathematical treatment. The problems associated w...
This book presents new systems and circuits for implantable biomedical applications, using a non-conventional way to transmit energy and data via ultrasound. The authors discuses the main constrains (e.g. implant size, battery recharge time, data rate, accuracy of the acoustic models) from the definition of the ultrasound system specification to the in-vitro validation.The system described meets the safety requirements for ultrasound exposure limits in diagnostic ultrasound applications, according to FDA regulations. Readers will see how the novel design of power management architecture will meet the constraints set by FDA regulations for maximum energy exposure in the human body. Coverage a...
Learn the best way of writing code to run inside a relational database. This book shows how a holistic and set-oriented approach to database programming can far exceed the performance of the row-by-row model that is too often used by developers who haven’t been shown a better way. Two styles of programming are encountered in the database world. Classical programming as taught in many universities leads to an atomic, row-oriented, and procedural style inspired by the structured models of programming. In short, many application developers write in the relational database exactly like in the user interface. The other style of programming is holistic, data set oriented, and coded mainly in SQL...
This book provides a snapshot of privacy laws and practices from a varied set of jurisdictions in order to offer guidance on national and international contemporary issues regarding the processing of personal data and serves as an up-to-date resource on the applications and practice-relevant examples of data protection laws in different countries. Privacy violations emerging at an ever-increasing rate, due to evolving technology and new lifestyles linked to an intensified online presence of ever more individuals, required the design of a novel data protection and privacy regulation. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) stands as an example of a regulatory response to these demand...
This handbook covers various areas of Higher Education (HE) in which operations research/management science (OR/MS) techniques are used. Key examples include: international comparisons, university rankings, and rating academic efficiency with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA); formulating academic strategy with balanced scorecard; budgeting and planning with linear and quadratic models; student forecasting; E-learning evaluation; faculty evaluation with questionnaires and multivariate statistics; marketing for HE; analytic and educational simulation; academic information systems; technology transfer with systems analysis; and examination timetabling. Overviews, case studies and findings on advanced OR/MS applications in various functional areas of HE are included.