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In this work the question whether noncommutative geometry allows for supersymmetric theories is addressed. Noncommutative geometry has seen remarkable applications in high energy physics, viz. the geometrical interpretation of the Standard Model, however such a question has not been answered in a conclusive way so far.The book starts with a systematic analysis of the possibilities for so-called almost-commutative geometries on a 4-dimensional, flat background to exhibit not only a particle content that is eligible for supersymmetry, but also have a supersymmetric action. An approach is proposed in which the basic `building blocks' of potentially supersymmetric theories and the demands for their action to be supersymmetric are identified. It is then described how a novel kind of soft supersymmetry breaking Lagrangian arises naturally from the spectral action. Finally, the above formalism is applied to explore the existence of a noncommutative version of the minimal supersymmetric Standard Model.This book is intended for mathematical/theoretical physicists with an interest in the applications of noncommutative geometry to supersymmetric field theories.
"In 1989, a great political change awaited Poland: with the fall of the Berlin wall and the flourishing of capitalism, the people behind the Iron Curtain would be set free. Karol Radziszewski was nine years old, living in Bialystok, and, in a graph-paper notebook, he drew pages and pages of princesses in corrective eyewear, dogs with mermaid tails, and mysterious seductresses, whose exceptionally firm bosoms would be, sooner or later, bedecked in arrows shot into a heart or a flame. Karol knows that the secrets of these notebooks were off limits to everyone. Today these drawings reemerge as self-portraits of this adult artist: full-fledged works capping off Radziszewski's enormous queer arch...
Tom monograficzny Światy grozy jest pierwszą z kilku książek o tej tematyce planowanych w ramach serii „Perspektywy Ponowoczesności”. Wspólnie z wieloma naukowcami zastanawiać się będziemy tu nad rozmaitymi aspektami grozy, jej realizacjami w różnych mediach, przez różnorodnych twórców. Istotną kwestią wydaje się próba uwzględnienia jak najszerszej perspektywy oglądu, wskazanie mechanizmów konstruowania grozy i ich wzajemnych korelacji. Cel ten może zostać zrealizowany jedynie wówczas, gdy nie ograniczy się introspekcji do treści już rozpoznanych naukowo czy postulowanych często w polskiej myśli badawczej (zwłaszcza w zakresie filologii słowiańskich) chę...
On March 11, 1985, a van was pulled over in Warsaw for a routine traffic check that turned out to be anything but routine. Inside was Marek Kaminski, a Warsaw University student who also ran an underground press for Solidarity. The police discovered illegal books in the vehicle, and in a matter of hours five secret police escorted Kaminski to jail. A sociology and mathematics major one day, Kaminski was the next a political prisoner trying to adjust to a bizarre and dangerous new world. This remarkable book represents his attempts to understand that world. As a coping strategy until he won his freedom half a year later by faking serious illness, Kaminski took clandestine notes on prison subc...