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50 Jahre Ausbildung von Übersetzern/Dolmetschern sowie 40 Jahre übersetzungswissenschaftliche Forschung an der Universität Leipzig waren Anlass, eine Zwischenbilanz zum Stand der Lehre und der translatologischen Forschung zu ziehen sowie einen Ausblick zu wagen. Zugleich haben einige der 30 Autoren aus Brasilien, Belgien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Frankreich, Kanada, Österreich, Portugal und Spanien rückblickend die Leistungen der Leipziger Übersetzungswissenschaftlichen Schule gewürdigt. Im Sammelband werden von unterschiedlichen theoretisch-methodologischen Positionen aus Grundfragen nach dem Kredo, dem Richtmaß für translatorisches Handeln thematisiert und Analyseergebnisse des Lauten Denkens sowie Überlegungen zur Optimierung der Lehre vorgestellt.
Particularly in the humanities and social sciences, festschrifts are a popular forum for discussion. The IJBF provides quick and easy general access to these important resources for scholars and students. The festschrifts are located in state and regional libraries and their bibliographic details are recorded. Since 1983, more than 659,000 articles from more than 30,500 festschrifts, published between 1977 and 2011, have been catalogued.
In the course of the last 15 years, sociolinguistics (or the sociology of language) has established itself as an academic subject in many countries. The discipline promises to be of benefit in solving practical problems in such areas as language planning and standardization, language teaching and therapy, and language policy. Both research projects and publications and university teaching programmes in sociolinguistics now span such a wide field that it is hardly possible even for the experts to review the whole scope of the subject. A number of specialist periodicals and introductions and sur.
This book presents a unique approach to the semantics of verbs. It develops and specifies a decompositional representation framework for verbal semantics that is based on the Unified Modeling Language (UML), the graphical lingua franca for the design and modeling of object-oriented systems in computer science. The new framework combines formal precision with conceptual flexibility and allows the representation of very complicated details of verbal meaning, using a mixture of graphical elements as well as linearized constructs. Thereby, it offers a solution for different semantic problems such as context-dependency and polysemy. The latter, for instance, is demonstrated in one of the two well...
The most up-to-date reference text on the latest science in plurilingual and intercultural language education, covering both new research and current practice The Handbook of Plurilingual and Intercultural Language Learning reveals the nuances and complexities of teaching and learning languages while providing a timely account of the most recent developments and research in the field. The first reference work to examine plurilingual and intercultural language teaching and learning trends across five continents, this innovative volume examines the various ways learners acquire language. Divided into four sections, this Handbook explains the conceptual basis of intercultural and plurilingual l...
This book is an innovative contribution to contact linguistics as it presents a rarely studied but sizeable diaspora language community in contact with five languages – English, German, Italian, Norwegian and Spanish – across four continents. Foregrounded by diachronic descriptions of heritage Croatian in long-standing minority communities the book presents synchronically based studies of the speech of different generations of diaspora speakers. Croatian offers excellent scope as a base language to examine how lexical and morpho-structural innovations occur in a highly inflective Slavic language where external influence from Germanic and Romance languages appears evident. The possibility of internal factors is also addressed and interpretive models of language change are drawn on. With a foreword by Sarah Thomason, University of Michigan
An der Sprache des Rechts wird Kritik geübt, seit die Aufklärung die Verständlichkeit der Gesetze zu ihrem Anliegen gemacht hat. Mit den großen Kodifikationen des Rechts im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert hat die Kritik am angeblich schlechten, unverständlichen Juristendeutsch eine besondere demokratietheoretische Legitimation bekommen. Diese Sprachkritik sucht seit den siebziger Jahren vermehrt bei der Linguistik Rat, wie denn eine bessere Allgemeinverständlichkeit von Rechtstexten verwirklicht werden könnte. Der Band versammelt systematisch aufeinander bezogene Beiträge ausgewiesener Linguisten, Juristen und Schriftsteller zur Problematik des Verständnisses juristischer Sprache, zur Methodik empirischer Verständlichkeitsmessung und zu den Möglichkeiten transdisziplinärer Kooperation zwischen Rechts- und Sprachwissenschaftlern.
The contributions in this volume are a reflection of the entire range of Interpreting Studies, from explorations of research methodology and interpreting quality research to public service interpreting today and in the past, risk management strategies in court interpreting, and the interdependencies of interpreters in project networks. They address questions such as who can be called an interpreter, present new approaches to interpreter education, and discuss advances in technology, both in terms of speech-to-text interpreting and the changes that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought to the lives of interpreters. The breadth of this volume’s topics reflects the oeuvre of Franz Pöchhacker, who has left his mark on Interpreting Studies over more than three decades. This tribute not only reflects the many strands of his work, but also offers new research and insights by established scholars and young researchers in the ever growing field of Interpreting Studies.