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Ilustracións de Lidia Nokonoko Cantos dedos tes nas mans? Cóntaos ben e o saberás. E como é mellor contalos? Coa axuda duns animais que de camiño que os contas un conto che contarán; mais ten coidadiño ao final...
A Pituxa ninguén lle fai caso. A súa familia é pobre. Pero moito! Mais un día empeza a facer unha caca moi especial. De ouro! E agora todos queren a Pituxa. Sobre todo, certos banqueiros e algunhas persoas emocionadas pola súa… particularidade.
Seleccionado no Catálogo de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil OEPLI 2022 Ilustracións de Lidia Nokonoko Un neno que debuxa ñus, ...ኙኙኙኙኙኙኙኙኙኙኙኙኙ..., un papagaio con síndrome feirante, unha avoa detective, unha nai e un pai que se separan, un psicólogo, un veterinario, un locutor famoso, unha banda de traficantes, unha escola do Brasil…
Con “Tenrura” arranca a colección “Libros para compartir” “Tenrura” cóntanos a historia dunha nena que vai ter un irmán. El, por suposto, vive dentro do ventre da súa nai. E vai ter que esperar nove meses….ou non. Porque ela, ten un plan para coñecer ao seu irmán antes de tempo. Un libro cheo de maxia, dozura, e moita, moita tenrura. O agasallo perfecto para este Nadal.
Ana quere saír xogar. E sae. Pero cada vez que pisa a rúa, algo lle fai ver que non todo anda ben na súa vida. Daquela, volve, e cóntallo á avoa. Un libro fermoso nacido da imaxinación de Alberte Momán e adobiado coa cor e a fantasía de Lidia Nokonoko. Unha fábula chea de luz que nos conta que o importante non é o que parecemos, senón quen somos en realidade.
Extraordinary and diverse people inhabit this rich, ripe, occasionally raucous collection of short stories. Some are based on real people - Jeanne Duval, Baudelaire's handsome and reluctant muse who never asked to be called the Black Venus, trapped in the terminal ennui of the poet's passion, snatching at a little lifesaving respectability against all odds...Edgar Allen Poe, with his face of a actor, demonstrating in every thought and deed how right his friends were when they said 'No man is safe who drinks before breakfast.' And some of these people are totally imaginary. Such as the seventeenth century whore, transported to Virginia for thieving, who turns into a good woman in spite of herself among the Indians, who have nothing worth stealing. And a girl, suckled by wolves, strange and indifferent as nature, who will not tolerate returning to humanity. Angela Carter wonderfully mingles history, fiction, invention, literary criticism, high drama and low comedy in a glorious collection of stories as full of contradictions and surprises as life itself.
Balbino,"a boy from a village", a "nobody" who writes a notebook about everything that happens to him within the repressed and stifling society of Galicia in the thirties and forties. He tells of the moral and social atmosphere that prevails asking and answering questions and details the most elemental social struggle. There is also however the story of a true but impossible love. This book was first printed in Argentina in 1961 and became one of the most successful Galician books published. It has a lyrical style that immediately evokes sights and sounds of this part of Spain. The author Xos Neira Vilas writes from his experiences of the era and the lifestyle of boys growing up in that society and provides a rich insight to life of the peasant boy "Balbino".
Open wide! Dentists care for people's teeth. Give readers the inside scoop on what it's like to be a dentist. Readers will learn what dentists do, the tools they use, and how people get this exciting job.
Have you ever heard the phrase "This is mine?" Well, this is a battle between flies for a major cause! And this cause is the big poop. Will they learn the value of sharing?
Create and maintain a stunning and fragrant garden with Ireland's favourite garden designer Diarmuid Gavin and plantsman extraordinaire Paul Smyth as your guides. Find out when to prune your hydrangea, which soil suits potatoes, how to keep your lawn green and moss-free, and learn how to plan ahead with this beautiful and practical gardening book. Packed with gorgeous photos, simple tips and tricks, and inspirational advice on plants, this book will show you month by month how to achieve striking colour schemes, enchanting scents and fabulous foliage, as well as how to plan and create a garden design to suit your lifestyle. Inspired by Diarmuid and Paul's TV show and online conversations, Gardening Together follows the pair in a garden year from January to December, with a monthly look at what you need to do to enjoy and appreciate your outside space like never before.