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This volume presents a collection of 23 papers by renowned linguists on current research in the field of theoretical linguistics. The book focuses on linguistic theory and metatheory, and on fundamental concepts and assumptions of modern linguistics.
This volume presents the proceedings of ECSCW 2015, the 14th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, organized by the University of Oslo, Norway. The conference provides a venue for exploring novel, open and critical approaches to the multidisciplinary nature of social and collaborative technologies and work practices, critically reviewing new and established theories and research, forever committed to high scientific standards, both theoretical and methodological. These proceedings consist of 14 full and 3 exploratory papers, which reflect the lively debate currently ongoing within the CSCW field, focusing on work and enterprise and the challenges of involving various ty...
Many objects are beautiful; and many creations are functional. But only few achieve enduring status. The "Design Classics" series presents such select products that have set standards in form, function and brand communication. Each monograph is a richly illustrated essay and product portrait, from conception to production, from prototype to collectors' item.
Das kumulierte Register enthält die Namen der Dichter und aller weiteren beteiligten bzw. erwähnten Personen sowie die Titel der anonymen Werke - insgesamt ca. 30.000 Eintragungen. Es ermöglicht einen umfassenden und bequemen Zugang zu den Daten des Referatenorgans »Germanistik« über einen Zeitraum von 10 Jahren. Die über die Jahre schwankenden Namenformen wurden (soweit machbar) vereinheitlicht, die Verweisungen vervollständigt. Um die Benutzung zu erleichtern, wurden die Titel kursiv gedruckt; bei den Referenzen wurden die einzelnen Jahrgänge der »Germanistik« durch Fettschrift hervorgehoben. Das 10jährige Namenregister spiegelt die Entwicklung der Forschung zu einzelnen Dichtern wider und zeigt die wissenschaftliche Aktivität und Interessen von Germanisten aus aller Welt.
I. G OLOGY OF CALCIUM CARBO ATE 1 by Jacques Geyssant 1. Features and characteristics of calcium carbonate 2 1. 1 Calcium carbonate - a special compound 2 1. 2 The crystal forms of calcium carbonate - mineralogy 9 2. The limestones - development and classification 15 2. 1 Sedimentation 16 2. 2 Diagenesis - from sediment to rock 23 2. 3 Classification of the limestones 24 2. 4 Metamorphism - from limestone to marble 26 2. 5 Carbonatites - extraordinary limestones 29 3. Limestone deposits 31 3. 1 Recognition of limestones 31 3. 2 Distribution on the Earth's surface 33 3. 3 Limestone deposits in the geological ages 36 3. 4 CaC0 cycle 42 3 3. 5 Industrially exploitable CaC0 deposits 3 44 53 II. ...
Baader examines changes in practices of prayer and synagogue worship, rabbinic writings that encouraged men to cultivate a Judaism shaped by feminine values, the transformation of exclusively male philanthropic organizations into modern voluntary organizations in which men and women participated, and the new roles assumed by women as educators, activists, and religious writers. By documenting the expansion of women's spaces and women's roles in bourgeoisie Judaism and tracing the feminization of Jewish men's religious practices, Baader provides fresh insights into the gender organization of traditional Jewish culture and modern German middle-class society."--BOOK JACKET.
Wie aus den Beiträgen in diesem Band hervorgeht, entstanden im Rahmen einer Online-Tagung des Arbeitskreises Hochschulen in der Gesellschaft für Evaluation (DeGEval), gibt es viele Aspekte der heutigen Hochschulbildung und -praxis, die in Frage gestellt und neu bewertet oder modifiziert werden müssen. Die Corona-Krise hat zu einer intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit didaktischen Vorgehensweisen und Lernzielen geführt. Die 'erzwungene' Digitalisierung in der Zeit der Corona-Pandemie hat hier sicher viele wünschenswerte, aber auch problematische Entwicklungen angestoßen. Wir müssen neu darüber nachdenken, warum wir uns eigentlich in Person sehen müssen, wann, wo und wie häufig. Persön...
Accessible communication comprises all measures employed to reduce communication barriers in various situations and fields of activity. Disabilities, illnesses, different educational opportunities and/or major life events can result in vastly different requirements in terms of how texts or messages must be prepared in order to meet the individual needs and access conditions of the recipients of accessible communication. This handbook examines and critically reflects accessible communication in its interdisciplinary breadth. Current findings, proposed solutions and research desiderata are juxtaposed with reports from practitioners and users, who provide insights into how they deal with accessible communication and highlight current and future requirements and problems.