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It is estimated that a quarter of all women will be stalked in their lifetime. Stalkers put their victims in danger of losing their jobs, their support system, even their lives; and subject them to dangerously high levels of fear and stress. This book examines the multiple aspects of partner stalking from the victim's perspective. Female survivors share their personal stories of partner stalking, and the authors provide an extensive look at the latest stalking research providing readers with the new most relevant implications for practice and future research.
In the more than 30 years since the drug court model transformed the criminal justice landscape, problem-solving courts have expanded their reach beyond criminogenic needs. They now address demographic similarities (e.g., veterans courts, tribal wellness courts, community courts) and offense characteristics (e.g., prostitution courts, sex offender courts). The rapid expansion of problem-solving courts to meet many different individuals suggests this template is appropriate and adaptable to just about any categorical characteristic. This book calls on problem-solving court experts to offer a fresh perspective on the evolving discourse on these courts' proliferation. Contributors describe dive...
Das umfassendste Referenzwerk zu Forschungsdesign und -methoden in Kriminologie und Strafjustiz Die Encyclopedia of Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice bietet einen umfassenden Überblick darüber, welche Forschungsmethoden und statistischen Verfahren in der Kriminologie und den Strafjustizsystemen rund um die Welt bevorzugt zur Anwendung kommen. Das Werk enthält Beiträge von führenden Wissenschaftlern und Fachleuten auf dem Gebiet und vermittelt damit einen gründlichen Einblick in die Techniken, die heutzutage verwendet werden, um drängende Fragen in der Kriminologie und Strafjustiz zu beantworten. Mit den Beiträgen zahlreicher unterschiedlicher Autoren vermittelt die...
" In this exciting new book John Hamel, author of the ground-breaking Gender-Inclusive Treatment of Intimate Partner Abuse, and Tonia Nicholls go beyond the traditional intervention theories of domestic violence practiced today. Offering alternative, unbiased and sometimes controversial views, theories, and current research, they, along with renowned contributors in the field, provide new treatment options that encompass a wide range of gender dynamics. Here are just some of the key principles covered: Interventions Should Be Based on a Thorough Unbiased Assessment Victim/Perpetrator Distinctions are Overstated, and Much Partner Abuse is Mutual Regardless of Perpetrator Gender, Child Witnesses to Partner Abuse are Adversely Affected, and are at Risk for Perpetrating Partner Abuse as Adults This new gender-inclusive approach to assessment and intervention provides a significant departure from traditional paradigms of domestic violence, and offers a much-needed awareness to effectively prevent violence in our communities today and for future generations. "
From the outset, the ultimate goal of Research Methods for Social Workers has been to serve as a research text that students would be able to understand and read in full. This third edition features important additions and changes to the original text (while maintaining its accessible style). The order of chapters is re-arranged to improve the flow of introducing and developing concepts of the research process, and the authors have included some much-needed information to meet the changing and evolving standards of social work education. At its core, this book is designed to bring complex ideas down to a level that can be grasped by someone with little to no knowledge of research methods - it is an invaluable resource for social work students and anyone who wishes to have a comprehensive introduction to research methods.
Social work is rooted in the values of service, social justice, and strong interpersonal relationships, but as the profession evolves, so must the approach to education. Michael E. Sherr and Johnny M. Jones have created an introductory textbook written for the future of social work. The second edition integrates the knowledge of practice, policy, research, HBSE, and field work with the skills and practice behaviors necessary for students to become fully competent social workers by the time they graduate. Students are introduced to social work through a "Why We Do, What We Do" model that emphasizes how and why social workers commit to their careers. 41 case vignettes, 16 of which are new, engage students and present a clear picture of the profession to help them become invested in enhancing and restoring the well-being of individuals, groups, and communities. Visit for student and instructor resources.
This social work book is the first of its kind, describing practical steps that social workers can take to shape and influence both policy and politics. It prepares social workers and social work students to impact political action and subsequent policy, with a detailed real-world framework for turning ideas into concrete goals and strategies for effecting change. Tracing the roots of social work in response to systemic social inequality, it clearly relates the tenets of social work to the challenges and opportunities of modern social change. The book identifies the core domains of political social work, including engaging individuals and communities in voting, influencing policy agendas, an...
This book takes a contemporary look at the issues that affect women most from a feminist perspective. Going beyond the equal pay for equal work issue, the authors write about mental health, substance abuse, disabilities, parenting, relationships, criminal justice, and aging, all from a holistic and intersectional perspective.
I 2017 blev der talt meget om de sexuelle krænkelse kvinder havde været udsat for, på deres arbejdsplads eller fra arbejdsgiverens side af. Ligeledes kom debatten om psykisk terror op igen, efter en kvinde havde stået frem og fortalt om den psykiske terror hun var udsat for, alt imens hun var på krisehjem. Søren Pape som er nuværende justitsminister lovede at ville kigge på sagen, lovede at ville lytte til de forslag der landede på hans bord, angående hvad man kunne gøre for at stoppe den psykiske terror eller vold. Det undre en rigtig meget, når Søren pape står frem med en sådanne udmelding, især på baggrund af, at tidligere justitsminister Søren Pind, samt alle ordfører ...