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The main aim of modern public health is to improve the quality of life and promote health for all. Public health deals with a wide range of individuals and collaborates with various organizations, departments, and agencies to improve health, forestall disease and promote well-being. The field of public health is constantly evolving in response to the needs of communities and populations that are facing demographic, epidemiological and technological challenges. To overcome these challenges, health professionals need to conduct research to generate evidence-based policies to improve the health of the community. Throughout the course of this book, a number of emerging and re-emerging public health issues from different countries are discussed and attempts are made to illustrate a balanced and evidence-based approach towards tackling major public health problems.
Tropical Diseases: An Overview of Major Diseases Occurring in the Americas offers an overview of neglected tropical diseases found in the Americas. Information in the book addresses the understanding of challenges faced in controlling these diseases and brings new insight on many important aspects of these diseases. Chapters of this volume explore many related topics, including epidemiological data, immune response and pathogenesis, and the current methods for diagnosis and treatment, thus providing a useful resource for readers (undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. students as well as biologists and medical researchers).
The propagation of hepatitis C from acute to chronic infection and afterward to end-stage liver diseases (hepatic fibrosis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma) involves a highly orchestrated series of molecular and cellular events, including a plethora of genes and cell signaling cascades. The treatment paradigms was revolutionized after the development and approval of all oral interferon-free direct-acting antivirals achieving higher sustained virologic response rates in treated individuals. This book pragmatically overviews the intricate interplay between viral and host factors during hepatitis C virus infection progression, as well as other hepatitis C-associated clinical implications. Hepatitis C - From Infection to Cure also provides up-to-date information about hepatitis C cures for clinicians, physicians, and healthcare providers with an ample understanding of the current treatment horizon, as well as other investigational and emerging treatment strategies. The authors with their valuable scientific contributions belong to many eminent institutes around the world and are much experienced in hepatitis C virology, pathology, and therapeutics.
Incluindo os principais aspectos da virologia humana em um contexto de saúde global, o primeiro volume da Coleção BIo contribui para o conhecimento científico e para a compreensão de fenômenos relacionados à virologia, enfatizando a necessidade da integração homem-animal-meio ambiente-saúde. Os nove capítulos abordam aspectos relacionados a: biossegurança, diagnóstico, características gerais dos vírus, epidemiologia, viroses emergentes, prevenção, entre outros. Na vanguarda do conhecimento, reunindo áreas híbridas e multidisciplinares cruciais para o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico do país, a coleção Bio está voltada para temas situados na interseção entre as pesquisas biológicas e biomédicas. Os conteúdos, em sua maioria inéditos em língua portuguesa, são apresentados em linguagem simples por especialistas com competência técnico-científica e experiência prática. Dessa forma, contribui para a atualização e a qualificação de profissionais em temas de referência em biociência e biotecnologia, estimulando o diálogo sobre conhecimento científico e inovações.
Ein Großteil unserer Kinder ist krank. Sie leiden unter Allergien, Asthma, Bauch- und Kopfschmerzen. Sie sind übergewichtig, haben Diabetes oder eine Fettleber. Die Zähne von bis zu 30% unseres Nachwuchses bröckeln schon im Kindesalter und gesunde Augen haben immer weniger. Eine erschreckende Häufung von Verhaltensauffälligkeiten verhindert an vielen Schulen normal ablaufenden Unterricht. WARUM? Die Antwort ist einfach und doch sehr komplex: Die Versorgung von Nahrungsmitteln und Konsumgütern wird von globalen Konzernen gesteuert. Profite und nicht Gesundheit stehen im Vordergrund. Kitas und Schulen werden als Vertriebsnetz für gesundheitsschädigende Produkte genutzt. Die Rahmenbedingungen für diese dramatische Entwicklung haben die Ministerien für Gesundheit, Landwirtschaft und Ernährung geschaffen. Systematisch versorgen sie die Bevölkerung mit irreführenden Anweisungen, falschen Informationen und gesundheitsschädigenden Gesetzgebungen. Die Leidtragenden sind insbesondere unsere Kinder.
Testing and diagnosis of hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) infection is the gateway for access to both prevention and treatment services, and is a crucial component of an effective response to the hepatitis epidemic. Early identification of persons with chronic HBV or HCV infection enables them to receive the necessary care and treatment to prevent or delay progression of liver disease. Testing also provides an opportunity to link people to interventions to reduce transmission, through counselling on risk behaviors and provision of prevention commodities (such as sterile needles and syringes) and hepatitis B vaccination. These are the first WHO guidelines on testing for chronic HBV and HCV infection and complement published guidance by WHO on the prevention, care and treatment of chronic hepatitis C and hepatitis B infection. These guidelines outline the public health approach to strengthening and expanding current testing practices for HBV and HCV, and are intended for use across age groups and populations.
O curso de Pós-Graduação lato sensu de Especialização em Análise Ambiental do IFCE campus Camocim foi criado para oportunizar o incremento de massa crítica às intenções de desenvolvimento local e regional, visando excelência em P,D&I e com ideias fixas na sustentabilidade ambiental. Tais expressões se materializam nos 25 Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) organizados neste livro em artigos por ordem alfabética dos respectivos títulos.
Os acidentes de trabalho são um sério problema de saúde pública e também para a economia de um país. Em muitos setores industriais, houve decréscimo de casos de acidentes do trabalho, sendo que na área da saúde ocorreu um incremento desta ocorrência, em especial, no ambiente hospitalar, exigindo maiores investigações e intervenções neste contexto, tanto no sentido de prevenir como também minimizar tais ocorrências. Os riscos ocupacionais são causados por fatores físicos, químicos, ergonômicos, de acidente e biológicos, que podem ocasionar doenças e acidentes de trabalho. Visando o controle dos índices de acidentes de trabalhos, são incluídos como formas de estratégias de prevenção o uso de equipamentos de proteção individual, higienização das mãos, o uso de roupas adequadas, vacinação e treinamentos de reabilitação.As doenças ocupacionais têm sido algo muito visto no ambiente hospitalar, dessa forma, acometendo diretamente equipe de enfermagem.