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Highlights the importance of translation for the global exchange of medical theories, practices, and materials in the premodern period. This volume of Osiris turns the analytical lens of translation onto medical knowledge and practices across the premodern world. Understandings of the human body, and of diseases and their cures, were influenced by a range of religious, cultural, environmental, and intellectual factors. As a result, complex systems of translation emerged as people crossed linguistic and territorial boundaries to share not only theories and concepts, but also materials, such as drugs, amulets, and surgical tools. The studies here reveal how instances of translation helped to s...
The Crown of Aragon. A Singular Mediterranean Empire recovers the history of an empire which was of great importance in the late medieval Mediterranean, but which has since been relegated almost to oblivion by the course of history. The Crown of Aragon was a Mediterranean crossroads: between west and east for the economy, and between north and south for culture and religion, drawing in many different peoples, covering Iberia to Greece. A new vision of the Crown of Aragon as a framework of overlapping identities facilitates its historiographical recovery, showcased in the chapters of this volume which analyse the economy, institutions, social evolution, political strategy and cultural expression in literature and art of the Crown of Aragon. Contributors are David Abulafia, Lola Badia, Xavier Barral-i-Altet, Pere Benito, Maria Bonet, Jesús Brufal, Alessandra Cioppi, Damien Coulon, Luciano Gallinari, Isabel Grifoll, Adam J. Kosto, Esther Martí-Setañés, Sebastiana Nocco, Antoni Riera, Flocel Sabaté and Antoni Simon.
The life experiences of men and women take on meaning through the emotionality they entail, and the intensity of these experiences build certain memories which link the individuals within a society. As such, this volume argues that examining the management of emotions in late medieval society will allow us to better understand it. By discussing theoretical frameworks for the historical study of emotions and presenting a range of case studies from the Middle Ages, the authors of this book illustrate how the management of emotions reflects and sheds light on the code of values and behaviour that guided this society. Contributors are: Maravillas Aguiar, Iñaki Bazán, Anna Caiozzo, Carla Casagrande, Riccardo Cristiani, Vincent Debiais, Jonas Holst, Eduard Juncosa, Andrea Knox, Mauricio Molina, Miguel Ángel Motis, Josep Maria Ruiz Simon, Flocel Sabaté, Karen Stöber, William Marx, Barbara H. Rosenwein, Alberto Velasco, and Alexandra Velissariou.
Seeing in Spanish brings together 22 chapters which share a focus on aspects of visual cultures from the Spanish speaking world. Together these chapters address film, photography, cover art, body art, posters, television, architecture, ekphrasis, biography, murals, graffiti, and digital photo-montage. Between Don Quixote and Daddy Yankee, the essays move from the seventeenth century to the present and traverse Europe, the Americas, and cyberspace. The book is divided into five sections. The first of these, on Spain, includes chapters on the representation of women on LP covers in Spain in the 60s and 70s; portrayals in Spanish cinema of Saint Teresa; Luis Buñuel’s adaptation of Tristana; ...
Aquest llibre presenta, amb dades de les actes notarials redactades pels escrivans en els manuals de consells conservats a l’Arxiu Municipal de València, la llista de personatges que exerciren els càrrecs i que ocuparen els escons municipals entre 1306 i 1516, a més d’afegir els titulars de les magistratures i els oficials subordinats. Un nombrós Consell constituït per més d’un centenar i mig de persones que es renovaven tots els anys, elegides tant per cadascuna de les dotze parròquies ciutadanes reconegudes com districtes electorals, com per una quantitat ingent d’oficis corporatius, per tal d’aplicar les mesures i normatives ciutadanes que el mateix òrgan elaborava, bé per iniciativa pròpia o bé en aplicació de les directrius reials. Més de 38.000 referències de persones encarregades de les més diverses funcions i activitats en el Govern de la ciutat, una informació que pot contribuir a refer la trajectòria pública de no pocs personatges i famílies o la seva promoció dins l’escala social, amb una recomposició curricular de funcions i d’estatus que ens permet una prosopografia col·lectiva dels prohoms i cavallers de la ciutat de València.
A Companion to Alain Chartier: Father of French Eloquence brings together fourteen contributions that offer a range of perspectives and insights into the works of this exceptional late medieval author. As heir to the past and herald of the future, Chartier reinvented the traditional, whether in Latin or French, verse or prose. Chartier’s open-ended, dialogic works and his own politically-engaged writing inspired his successors to think and write in new ways about ethics, the individual’s role in society, relationships between men and women, and the responsibility of a poet to his/her audience. As these essays show, Chartier’s renovation of poetic form and content had considerable influence over successive generations of writers in France and across Europe. Contributors are: Adrian Armstrong, Florence Bouchet, Emma Cayley, Daisy Delogu, Ashby Kinch, James C. Laidlaw, Marta Marfany, Deborah McGrady, Joan E. McRae, Jean-Claude Mühlethaler, Liv Robinson, Camille Serchuk, Andrea Tarnowski, Craig Taylor, and Hanno Wijsman.