How stabilizers, price cuts, and the elimination of border taxes and subsidies would affect EC grain production and developing countries' grain trade.
In the complex, highly developed U.S. life insurance industry, regulation emphasizes prudence and solvency and does not inhibit competition and innovation. But because there are no satisfactory measures of efficiency and profitability, it is difficult to assess industry performance.
Annotation Makes recommendations for removing the barriers women face in contributing to and benefiting from sustainable economic development. International experience has proved that support for a stronger role for women in society contributes to economic growth through improved child survival rates, better family health, and reduced fertility rates. Nevertheless, women still face many barriers in contributing to and benefiting from development. These include low investment in female education and health and restricted access to services and assets. This study highlights five areas that could help change this inequitable situation: education, health, wage labor, agriculture and natural reso...
Despite worsened economic conditions since the 1970s, women's participation in the labor force has increased significantly since the 1950s -- possibly because women have benefited disproportionately from expansion of the public sector. Sound public policy on education, family planning, childcare, and taxes -- as well as public efforts to increase women's job opportunities -- is most likely to improve women's (and hence children's) welfare.
Like many socialist countries in transition, Hungary must find a way to reduce the fiscal burden implicit in the subsidized housing loan portfolio inherited from the pre- 1989 regime. The paper discusses different ways of dealing with this portfolio during the transition toward a more efficient and equitable system.