We must establish our world order on the principles of human dignity if we want a credible future for humanity. This book shows how and why this is so. It investigates the meaning of human dignity in relation to current scholarly work as well as in terms of the depths of our subjective lives from which the concept of dignity arises. It contrasts the concept of dignity with our current world system engulfed in endless wars, immense inequality, systems of economic injustice, and on-going environmental destruction. It shows the relationship between dignity, human rights, and global moral principles and lays out ten fundamental principles for a planetary ethics. The book contrasts the holistic p...
Covers the main management principles and methods for construction projects, discussing the development of project management, step-by-step methods for model projects, and the significance of each method. Procedures are recommended and explained with reference to typical reporting forms necessary for communication and record-keeping. Provides actual samples of monthly reports, evaluation studies, cost estimates and scheduling, as well as valuable examples and standards for use by the project manager. Also includes a complete procedures manual, a prototype of the rulebook required for each project.
This title was first published in 2002. Knowing God presents an innovative analysis of one of the most difficult and intractable philosophical questions of the past 350 years: the problem of knowledge, and specifically knowledge of God and the transcendental principles of value. This book situates the problem within the context of current social and political struggles, as well as within the contemporary search for meaning and value. Mansueto revisits ancient debates regarding the agent intellect, intentional being, and connatural knowledge, while drawing on recent discussions in neuropsychology (Luria and Damasio), cognitive development theory (Piaget and Luria), and the sociology of knowledge or "ideological criticism" (especially Durkheim, Lukacs, and Gramsci). Including a chapter on forms of religious knowledge and concluding with a ’guide for the perplexed’ intended to help overcome nihilism and despair, Knowing God reconciles epistemological and metaphysical realism with a recognition of the role of social structure in shaping knowledge.
Vol. 14, "Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Profesor Dr. Hermann Kees" ; Vols. 15-16, "Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Professor Dr. Hermann Junker."
The Death of Secular Messianism argues that, the claims of secularists notwithstanding, modernity did not so much abandon humanity's historic search for the divine, but rather transposed it into a new, innerworldly key. This "secret religion of high modernity" came in both positivistic and humanistic variants. The first sought to overcome finitude by means of scientific and technological progress. The second sought to overcome contingency by creating a collective Subject--the Modern Democratic State or the Communist Party--in and through which human beings would become the masters of their own destiny. In making his case for this thesis, the author outlines a new political-theological and social-theoretical perspective which saves what is best in modernity--its focus on human creative activity and its commitment to rational autonomy and democratic citizenship--while re-engaging humanity's great spiritual traditions.