Wicked After Midnight (Midnight Blue Beach, Book One)
When the Rapture occurs, the entire world will be in a state of panic. The ones left who will have the answers to what is really happening, according to the Bible, will be the ones preoccupied with their own challenges and not so eager to explain what they know out of fear of being captured, persecuted, or executed for their faith in God. Christians will turn into a self–sufficient society because of an inability to buy, sell, or trade, which will result from them refusing the 666 Mark of the Beast. The government will become so big that most people will depend on it and will blame the chaos on the disappearances of Christians. That will fuel the hatred of the ungodly toward the Christians...
PARTIAL CONTENTS:--v. 1, no. 1. Inhabitants of Groveland, Mass., from its incorporation. Passing events in Merrimack Valley; 1857. Marriages and obituary notices, 1857.--v. 1, no. 2. A genealogy of the descendants of Richard Bailey. Passing events in Merrimack Valley, 1857. Marriages in 1857. Deaths in 1857.
Taking our understanding of political antislavery into largely unexplored terrain, Jonathan H. Earle counters conventional wisdom and standard historical interpretations that view the ascendance of free-soil ideas within the antislavery movement as an explicit retreat from the goals of emancipation or even as an essentially proslavery ideology. These claims, he notes, fail to explain free soil's real contributions to the antislavery cause: its incorporation of Jacksonian ideas about property and political equality and its transformation of a struggling crusade into a mass political movement. Democratic free soilers' views on race occupied a wide spectrum, but they were able to fashion new an...
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After a passionate night with the famous actor Chase C. Miller, Josh Bailey leaves with more than just unforgettable memories. Chase, however, remembers little, only the desperate cries of the faceless omega he took. Years later, Josh desperately needs money and takes a job as Chase’s bodyguard. But the actor’s unpredictable nature soon puts them at odds, and Josh is determined to finish the job and move on, hiding from the past they once shared. Yet, no matter how hard he tries to avoid Chase, Josh finds himself drawn to the alpha. Every glance makes his heart race, and the bond they share refuses to stay buried.