Volumes for 1956- include selected papers from the proceedings of the American Veterinary Medical Association.
한국 스켑틱 SKEPTIC 33호 ▶ 자기 계발 심리학 다시 보기 ▶ 행복의 과학은 가능한가 ▶ 나쁜 심리 테라피들 ▶ 당신의 한 표를 위한 선거제도 ▶ 민족주의를 보는 12가지 관점 ▶ 종교가 민족주의를 만날 때 ▶ 좌파와 우파의 뇌는 공명하지 않는다 ▶ 외계인에게 납치되다! ▶ 동물의 마음을 읽을 수 있다고? 유튜브 알고리즘을 타고 우리 삶에 파고든 자기 계발 심리학 열풍. 자기 계발 심리학은 우리를 구원할 구원자일까, 아니면 소문만 무성한 유행에 지나지 않을까? 이번 호 커버스토리에서 자기 계발 심리학을 비판적 관점에서 검토해본다. 세계화의 반작용으로 최근 부상하고 있는 민족주의. 국가 구성원을 하나로 묶는 구심점 역할을 하지만, 한편으로 배척의 힘으로 작용하는 민족과 애국심. 민족주의는 언제 칼날이 되는가? 이번 호 포커스에서 살펴본다. 오후의 ‘당신의 한 표를 위한 선거제도’, 김상규의 ‘나를 먹는 적과 싸우는 법’ 등 흥미로운 기사로 가득한 스켑틱 33호.
A big, inside look at the shocking lack of regulation within the pet food industry, and how readers can dramatically improve the quality of their dogs’ lives through diet. What's really going into commercial dog food? The answer is horrifying. Big Kibble is big business: $75 billion globally. A handful of multi-national corporations dominate the industry and together own as many as 80% of all brands. This comes as a surprise to most people, but what’s even more shocking is how lax the regulations and guidelines are around these products. The guidelines—or lack thereof—for pet food allow producers to include ever-cheaper ingredients, and create ever-larger earnings. For example, “le...
Why has the life span of the average American increased from 48 to 75 years in this century alone? . . . If the body is a machine that simply wears out, why do some cells seem immortal? . . . Is there an aging gene? And can we control it? . . . Can antioxidants and hormone therapy actually slow the aging process and extend life? Steven Austad s compelling book investigates the history, the theories, and the personalities behind the quest to understand the nature of aging. Here is hard evidence from the front lines of research that science is finally closing in on the fundamental processes of human biology and life. "Austad s book can be read with pleasure and profit by any intelligent person...
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Pharmacology and Society explores the social and policy sides of the pharmaceutical industry and its pervasive influence in society. While many technical STM works explore the chemistry and biology of pharmacology and an equally large number of clinically oriented works focus on use of illegal drugs, substance abuse, and treatment, there is virtually nothing on the immensely huge business (“Big Pharma”) of creating, selling, consuming, and regulating legal drugs. With this new Encyclopedia, the topic of socioeconomic, business and consumer, and legal and ethical issues of the pharmaceutical industry in contemporary society around the world are addressed. Key Feat...