Most books about the end times focus on the events described in biblical prophecy--wars, natural disasters, economic turmoil, and more--rather than the One who is revealed in those events. The result? God's people end up fearful about what is to come rather than hopeful about Who is to come. But the Bible's prophecies of the last days can fill us with joy and peace as we anticipate the return and reign of our beloved savior, Jesus Christ. In Jesus Revealed in the End Times, bestselling author Dr. Robert Jeffress takes a radically different approach to prophecy, helping you see the end times through the lens of Jesus Christ. You'll stop fretting about future events as you start to know Jesus more deeply, see him more clearly, and praise him more joyfully. By the time you finish this book, you'll not only have a greater understanding of God's plan for the future but also have a greater sense of calm and courage in the face of what is to come because you've come to know the One who controls the future.
v. 1. New England : Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont -- v. 2. Northeastern states : Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia -- v. 3. Southeast : Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia; Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands Miscellaneous Caribbean islands -- v. 4. South central states : Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee -- v. 5. Southwestern states : Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas -- v. 6. Great Lakes states : Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin -- v. 7. Plains states : Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota -- v. 8. Mountain states : Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming -- v. 9. Pacific states & territories : Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington; Pacific territories -- v. 10. National index -- v. 11. Appendices.
In 1984, the Bulls were entering their 19th year as a franchise when they signed Michael Jeffrey Jordan to a contract. Lest anyone forget, the pre-Jordan Bulls sported some very good teams that included some very good players like Guy Rodgers, Bob Love, Chet Walker, Tom Boerwinkle, Jerry Sloan, Norm Van Lier, and Artis Gilmore. Their play brought winning seasons, plenty of loud excitement and hope at the Stadium, but alas none of those teams reached the Finals. By the time His Airness took the floor, the Bulls hadn't seen the playoffs in 3 years and the 1983-84 version lost twice as many games as they won. Jordan brought the team respect, but it took a total of 6 seasons, a coaching change, ...