Based on a variety of contemporary debates on federal theory Understanding Federalism and Federation honours Michael Burgess’ contribution to the study of these topics through a selection of approaches, theories, debates and interpretations. Gathering contributors from diverse subfields to synthesize current debates it offers a snapshot of the immense range of current research on federalism and federation. Leading authors debate key issues such as American federalism, Canada and the role of Quebec, the latest insights into comparative federalism and federation, the European Union as a federal project and the analysis of constitutional courts in federal systems. Different theoretical and empirical fields and perspectives are brought together, synthesizing major findings and addressing emerging issues and these topics are analysed through multiple lenses to provide new insights, original approaches and much-needed theoretical and empirical data on federalism and federation.
This book explores the organisation and structure of sport in and beyond Europe. Drawing upon up-to-date data, the collection’s main focus lies on the relationship between public sport policy structures and sport (con)federations. The authors present thirteen country-specific contexts wherein sport policy systems are embedded. This evidence provides in-depth descriptions and analyses within a solid academic and theoretical framework. This volume will be of interest to students and scholars of Sociology of Sport, Sport Management and Sport Policy.
The Soviet Union is often characterised as nominally a federation, but really an empire, liable to break up when individual federal units, which were allegedly really subordinate colonial units, sought independence. This book questions this interpretation, revisiting the theory of federation, and discussing actual examples of federations such as the United States, arguing that many federal unions, including the United States, are really centralised polities. It also discusses the nature of empires, nations and how they relate to nation states and empires, and the right of secession, highlighting the importance of the fact that this was written in to the Soviet constitution. It examines the attitude of successive Soviet leaders towards nationalities, and the changing attitudes of nationalists towards the Soviet Union. Overall, it demonstrates that the Soviet attitude to nationalities and federal units was complicated, wrestling, in a similar way to many other states, with difficult questions of how ethno-cultural justice can best be delivered in a political unit which is bigger than the national state.
Why would states ever give up their independence to join federations? While federation can provide more wealth or security than self-sufficiency, states can in principle get those benefits more easily by cooperating through international organizations such as alliances or customs unions.Chad Rector develops a new theory that states federate when their leaders expect benefits from closer military or economic cooperation but also expect that cooperation via an international organization would put some of the states in a vulnerable position, open to extortion from their erstwhile partners. The potentially vulnerable states hold out, refusing to join alliances or customs unions, and only agreeing to military and economic cooperation under a federal constitution.Rector examines several historical cases: the making of a federal Australia and the eventual exclusion of New Zealand from the union, the decisions made within Buenos Aires and Prussia to build Argentina and Germany largely through federal contracts rather than conquests, and the failures of postindependence unions in East Africa and the Caribbean.
"This book deals with all the private law regimes within the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth): proprietary copyright, technical protection measures, performers' rights, and moral rights. The work has a strong focus on Australian jurisprudence and law reform, and provides expositions of complex matters within their treaty law, litigious, technological, historical, or political contexts. It examines areas that frequently present difficulty in practice, such as implied licences, title, Copyright Tribunal jurisdiction, the interface with design law, and copyright damages. The work also provides an explanation of territoriality, private international law principles relating to copyright, and jurisdictional attachment. This is done in a way that both delineates the limits of Australian copyright jurisdiction, and sets out the various pathways for entry into that jurisdiction"--Publisher's description.
Intergovernmental Transfers in Federations presents a synthesis of international experience of large federations in the most recent times in addressing the most fundamental issue of horizontal and vertical imbalances in their countries through the prism of intergovernmental transfers. Contributors delve into the various aspects of policy making as well as policy choices in selecting an efficiency path for a meaningful fiscal devolution aimed at integrating performance and incentives to reach an expenditure mix that facilitates better service delivery.
The latest volume in the Shipyards series features ships of the United Federation of Planets, including Vulcan, Andorian, Tellarite, Bajoran, Trill, and Earth Civilian ships. Each vessel is illustrated in CG artwork, with original VFX models made for the TV shows, alongside a technical overview and operational history.Featuring 27 ships! Starships include the Vulcan D'Kyr, the Vulcan cruiser and the T'Plana Hath; the Andorian battle cruiser, the Bajoran solar-sailor, the El-Aurian S.S. Lakul; and Civilian Federation Ships The Festoon, the S.S. Xhosa, and Harry Mudd's Class-J starship, the Norkova. Federation Members is latest volume in the Star Trek Shipyards Encyclopedia series - the very f...
Although it thus stands apart from the mainstream of North American views of federalism, Proudhon's book raises questions which are posed by any federal arrangement and builds significant political tensions into the concept of federalism itself.
The author wishes to make it very clear that this book has nothing to do with Star Trek. Recent review: 5 stars "A fascinating combination of science and politics this is a thrilling read." - wondrous science fiction for the thinking person! FEDERATION takes close encounters to a whole new level. An oft-used and laughed about sentence is when an alien arrives and asks, "Take me to your leader!" What if this really happened? Who is the leader? There is no world leader - only many individuals who would like to be. Federation takes the answer seriously and so begins a trilogy which has compared with Foundation with aliens. A galactic empire of a quarter of a million worlds stumbles across the E...