This guide can help you move into all the spiritual riches God has for you, as revealed in His Word. These studies focus your time and energy on a variety of the mightiest themes in the Bible and the life application that flow from them.
In Pentecostals and Roman Catholics on Becoming a Christian, Dr. Karen Murphy explores the fifth round of the International Roman Catholic-Pentecostal Dialogue (1998-2006). Discussing Spirit-baptism, faith, conversion, experience, and discipleship, Dr. Murphy notes areas in which the Dialogue has evolved since its inception in 1972. She unpacks the commonalities that bond Catholics and Pentecostals and examines theological divergences and challenges to dialogue. While Catholics approach becoming a Christian from a sacramental perspective, most Pentecostals think of Christian initiation in non-sacramental, or conversionist, terms, a reality that fosters ongoing tensions between the two traditions. Dr. Murphy reveals how Catholics and Pentecostals seek to overcome this dichotomy by honoring spirituality and experience as integral to the ecumenical encounter.
Written from a Pentecostal/Charismatic viewpoint, these interactive studies introduce believers to the books of the Bible and offer a thorough and balanced understanding of key themes of the Bible to cultivate a Spirit-filled perspective of the Bible's message for today.
Many Christians wake up in the morning with a sense that something just isn't quite right - a feeling that they haven't quite done enough, prayed enough, orconfessed enough to make themselves worthy of God's love. In this biblically rich, but highly accessible new book from Daniel Brown, believers will be given the tools to overcome their "low grade guilt" and rediscover - or discover for the first time - the liberating, all-in grace that Christ promised us through His death and resurrection. Brown provides a clear overview of Law and Grace, and how God has provided both - not to point out what we are doing wrong, but to help us more fully live in the love He has given to us. Through Embracing Grace, guilt-weary readers will be able to: clearly understand the relationship between Grace and the Law; equip themselves with the tools to overcome the lies of the adversary; and appropriate their position in Christ on a daily basis. Easy-to-read, short chapters break down the often confusing subjects of Grace, Law, Old Covenant, New Covenant, and more.
Find the Holy Spirit throughout the Bible. Dr. Jack Hayford, founding pastor of The Church on the Way, has led a team of anointed leaders to produce the New Spirit-Filled Life Bible. This outstanding resource offers a fresh look at the Scriptures and the work of the Holy Spirit. This Bible addresses important issues of Spirit-filled living in the context of solid biblical scholarship. Features include: Kingdom Dynamics - 41 themes throughout the Scripture that give us values as we advance the gospel throughout the world Word Wealth - More than 550 key terms defined and brought to life pulling the language from the original Greek and Hebrew to everyday English Truth-In-Action - Practical charts pulling out practical application from every book of the Bible Detailed book introductions Verse-by-verse study notes Articles from 50 of the most respected pastors, teachers, and leaders in the church today Spirit-Filled Life Bibles sold to date: More than 2 million The New King James Version® - More than 60 million copies sold in 30 years
Encounter the power of the Word. Walk in the freedom God intends. Experience the Holy Spirit. The KJV Spirit-Filled Life Bible provides a compelling look at Scripture and the work of the Holy Spirit – now in full-color with updated features. This bestselling Bible draws on the expertise of an expanded team of respected, Spirit-led scholars led by Pastor Jack Hayford, founding pastor of The Church on the Way and chancellor of The King’s University. With over 2 million copies sold, the KJV Spirit-Filled Life Bible continues to equip God’s people to live in His kingdom, exercise gifts of the Spirit, and lay hold of God’s promises. Features include: Full-color design with updated maps an...
Encounter the power of the word. Walk in the freedom God intends. Experience the Holy Spirit. For the NKJV Spirit-Filled Life Bible, Jack Hayford, founding pastor of The Church on the Way and chancellor of The King’s University, assembled a team of respected, Spirit-led scholars to produce this resource of solid biblical truth. Now in a full-color third edition with new contributors, it is even more dynamic. With over 2 million copies sold, the NKJV Spirit-Filled Life Bible continues to equip God’s people to live in his kingdom, exercise gifts of the spirit, and lay hold of God’s promises. Features include: Word Wealth - More than 650 word studies (including over 100 new ones) shed lig...
Through the Eyes of Christmas: Keys to unlocking the spirit of Christmas in your heart by Ron Davis. How will you get into the Christmas spirit this year? Each December, most of us face that same question as we prepare to celebrate Christmas. Whether we will admit it to ourselves or not, we all yearn for true Christmas spirit in our hearts and homes each year. We want our Christmas to be one of peace on earth and goodwill towards men just as the angel announced to the shepherds. But after the shopping, wrapping, and relatives, often our Christmas experience is far from peaceful and there is little goodwill to go around. We pull out the same decorations, put up the same tree in the same corne...