Vols. for Jan. 1896-Sept. 1930 contain a separately page section of Papers and discussions which are published later in revised form in the society's Transactions. Beginning Oct. 1930, the Proceedings are limited to technical papers and discussions, while Civil engineering contains items relating to society activities, etc.
Excerpts from and citations to reviews of more than 8,000 books each year, drawn from coverage of 109 publications. Book Review Digest provides citations to and excerpts of reviews of current juvenile and adult fiction and nonfiction in the English language. Reviews of the following types of books are excluded: government publications, textbooks, and technical books in the sciences and law. Reviews of books on science for the general reader, however, are included. The reviews originate in a group of selected periodicals in the humanities, social sciences, and general science published in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain. - Publisher.