Resultado do primeiro encontro do Grupo de Pesquisa Estéticas, Políticas do corpo e Gêneros da Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação (Intercom), o livro reúne 15 artigos de pesquisadoras e pesquisadores dedicados à investigação de objetos e processos comunicacionais que fazem ver - a partir de diversos marcos teóricos e metodológicos - relações entre o sensível e as políticas do corpo: classe, raça e etnia, gênero e orientação sexual.
This book brings together two major filmmakers-French New Wave master Jean-Luc Godard and German avant-gardist Harun Farocki-to explore the fundamental tension between theoretical abstraction and the capacities of film itself, a medium where everything seen onscreen is necessarily concrete. Volker Pantenburg shows how these two filmmakers explored the potential of combined shots and montage to create "film as theory."
Powerfully posing questions of ethics, ideology, authorship and form, documentary film has never been more popular than it is today. Edited by one of the leading British authorities in the field, The Documentary Film Book is an essential guide to current thinking on documentary film. In a series of fascinating essays, key international experts discuss the theory of documentary, outline current understandings of its history (from pre-Flaherty to the post-Griersonian world of digital 'i-Docs'), survey documentary production (from Africa to Europe, and from the Americas to Asia), consider documentaries by marginalised minority communities, and assess its contribution to other disciplines and arts. Brought together here in one volume, these scholars offer compelling evidence as to why, over the last few decades, documentary has come to the centre of screen studies.
Bad New Days examines the evolution of art and criticism in Western Europe and North America over the last twenty-five years, exploring their dynamic relation to the general condition of emergency instilled by neoliberalism and the war on terror. Considering the work of artists such as Thomas Hirschhorn, Tacita Dean, and Isa Genzken, and the writing of thinkers like Jacques Rancire, Bruno Latour, and Giorgio Agamben, Hal Foster shows the ways in which art has anticipated this condition, at times resisting the collapse of the social contract or gesturing toward its repair; at other times burlesquing it. Against the claim that art making has become so heterogeneous as to defy historical analysis, Foster argues that the critic must still articulate a clear account of the contemporary in all its complexity. To that end, he offers several paradigms for the art of recent years, which he terms "abject," "archival," "mimetic," and "precarious."
This collection of the Works of H. P. Lovecraft has all of the following works:The Beast in the Cave, The Alchemist, The Tomb, Dagon, A Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson, Polaris, Beyond the Wall of Sleep, The Transition of Juan Romero, The White Ship, The Doom that Came to Sarnath, The Statement of Randolph Carter, The Street, Sweet Ermengarde, The Tree, The Temple, Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family, Celepha�s, From Beyond, The Picture in the House, The Nameless City, The Quest of Iranon, The Moon-Bog, The Outsider, The Other Gods, Herbert West--Reanimator, The Music of Erich Zann, Hypnos, The Hound, The Lurking Fear, The Rats in the Walls, The Unnamable, The Festiva...
Women's Cinema in Contemporary Portugal brings together scholars from Portugal, UK and the USA, to discuss 14 women film directors in Portugal, focussing on their production in both feature film and documentary genres over the last half-century. It charts the specific cinematic visions that these women have brought to the re-emergence of Portuguese national cinema in the wake of the 1974 Revolution and African decolonisation, and to the growing internationalisation of Portugal's arguably 'minor' or 'small nation' cinema, with significant young women directors such as Leonor Teles achieving prominence abroad. The history of Portuguese women's cinema only begins systematically after the 1974 r...
In documentary studies, the old distinctions between fiction and nonfiction no longer apply, as contemporary film and video artists produce works that defy classification. Coming together to make sense of these developments, the contributors to this book effectively redefine documentary studies. They trace the documentary impulse in the early detective camera, in the reenactment of battle scenes from World War I, and in the telecast of the Nevada A-Bomb test in 1949. Other topics include experiments in virtual reality; the crisis of representation in anthropology; and video art and documentary work that challenges the asymmetry of the postcolonial Us/Them divide.
Sports fandom--often more than religious, political, or regional affiliation--determines how millions of Americans define themselves. In We Average Unbeautiful Watchers, Noah Cohan examines contemporary sports culture to show how mass-mediated athletics are in fact richly textured narrative entertainments rather than merely competitive displays. While it may seem that sports narratives are "written" by athletes and journalists, Cohan demonstrates that fans are not passive consumers but rather function as readers and writers who appropriate those narratives and generate their own stories in building their sense of identity. Critically reading stories of sports fans' self-definition across gen...
For students of design, professional product designers, and anyone interested in design equally indispensable: the fully revised and updated edition of the reference work on product design. The book traces the history of product design and its current developments, and presents the most important principles of design theory and methodology, looking in particular at the communicative function of products and highlighting aspects such as corporate and service design, design management, strategic design, interface/interaction design and human design.. From the content: Design and history: The Bauhaus; The Ulm School of Design; The Example of Braun; The Art of Design Design and Globalization Design and Methodology: Epistemological Methods in Design Design and Theory: Aspects of the Disciplinary Design Theory Design and its Context: From Corporate Design to Service Design Product Language and Product Semiotics Architecture and Design Design and Society Design and Technological Progress
This book looks beyond the usual explanations of why sports fascinates, and also strives for a language that can frame the pleasure we take in watching athletic events. Gumbrecht argues that the fascination with watching sports is probably the most popular and potent contemporary form of aesthetic experience.