Aquest llibre és un estudi de la censura i recepció que les obres d’Ernest Hemingway van tenir a Espanya. En el primer capítol es demostra que quan el nord-americà va escriure «Per a qui toquen les campanes» defensava la política cultural de l’Aliança d'Intel·lectuals Antifeixistes per a la Defensa de la Cultura. A més, s’hi ofereix una anàlisi al·legòrica de la novel·la amb l’objectiu de demostrar com el text s’assembla a les al·legories d’Alberti. El segon capítol resumeix la crítica espanyola sobre les obres de Hemingway. Es fa atenció especial a les ressenyes anticipades que es publicaren a Espanya abans que els seus llibres apareguessen en el país. Cinc de...
Some vols. include supplemental journals of "such proceedings of the sessions, as, during the time they were depending, were ordered to be kept secret, and respecting which the injunction of secrecy was afterwards taken off by the order of the House."
Offering not only state-of-the-art introductions from Biblical, historical, and constructive theologians, this volume also fosters an inter-disciplinary and cross-confessional conversation, reclaiming the idea of election as a central notion for any retelling of the biblical narrative. Several essays explore the variety of ways in which election is spoken about in the Scripture, drawing on research from the last twenty years that offers a more sophisticated framework than the traditionally theological categories of “elect” and “reject”. The historical part of the volume covers new analyses of Medieval and post-Reformation Catholic and Protestant debates on predestination, while the book's constructive part contributes to contemporary conversations on the relationship between Trinity, Christology, and election, the development of a post-supersessionist understanding of Israel's chosenness, as well as voices from contextual struggles in South America, Palestine, and South Africa.