In a culture that exalts the caveman-like qualities of masculinity, most women have stopped expecting anything more. Young men are taught to view women as slaves to their self-centered desires. More than ever, men need to know that they can rise above this sad mediocrity. They desperately need someone to recognize their potential for blending courage and kindness, strength and spiritual sensitivity. With its riveting vision of Christ-centered manhood, God's Gift to Women shows young men how to become the heroic, selfless knight that every woman dreams about. Buried Inside Every Young Man Is the Potential to Change the World Deep within the rugged soul of every young man, there is a warrior in search of his sword and a poet in search of his pen. But heroic, prince-like masculinity is something most women only dream of in today’s perverse and self-serving world. With contagious passion and boldness, Eric Ludy challenges you to forsake modern male mediocrity for Christ-built, warrior-poet manhood—manhood that will capture the heart of a woman and change the course of history.
Too many of us have settled for a predictable, mediocre existence when deep down we long to live a life that really counts. In their new book, bestselling authors Eric and Leslie Ludy reveal that the life God has called us to is beyond anything we have dreamed or imagined. This grand adventure can turn ordinary men and women into heroes for Truth—agents in the service of the Most High God. This adventure transforms the impossible challenges of life into amazing opportunities to see the power of God at work. If you are willing to explore the boundless depths of a God-scripted life, this book can help you to embark on a new and magnificent voyage of discovery. Get ready to discover how breat...
Meet Mr. Smith offers a radical alternative to the over-romanced, casual-sex lifestyle popular in today's world. Reawakening the ancient ideas of sacred sex, purity, and holy love, relationship experts Eric and Leslie Ludy introduce a new language and framework for our sex-in-the-city culture. Meet Mr. Smith exposes and tackles hot topics like: What does God think about pre-marital sex? What about oral sex and self sex? Why would God give me a sex drive if He didn't plan on me using it? How far is too far? Meet Mr. Smith is a funny, fresh, romantic conversation about the true nature of love and sex. So go ahead. Open the pages of this book and prepare to meet the companion of your dreams. hyou're about to enjoy an encounter that could transform your relationships – and life.
Eric Ludy calls believers to put a stop to an alarming trend in today's church. Contemporary culture has accused Christians of being politically incorrect, unloving, and narrow-minded in their devotion to God and His Word. And the church has unwittingly played right along: It has grown to have more in common with the world than with Christ It seems more concerned about pleasing men than God It sets aside the pursuit of eternal truth for the pursuit of temporal pleasures How serious is the problem, and what are the solutions? What does a bravehearted kind of Christianity look like? Eric presents the Christianity of the Bible as the most explosive, most vibrant, most extraordinary force on Earth—a force meant to bring glory to the Most High God and turn people's hearts in His direction. After reading The Bravehearted Gospel, no Christian will ever want to go back to "Christianity as usual"!
Just when you thought God didn't care about your love life, along come Eric and Leslie Ludy with a book that will bring you the most thrilling news of the century: God loves romance! He not only invented it, but he has a purpose for it in your life! In a fun and humorous way, Eric and Leslie bring to life the simple yet profound principles of building a relationship that will stand the test of time. As you read this life-changing message you will catch a vision for just how exciting your love life can be when you experience romance God's way! - Back cover.
Eric and Leslie Ludy, bestselling authors of When God Writes Your Love Story, show couples in this practical, inspirational book how to transform the whirlwind of the first days of marriage into a sure foundation that will support them for a lifetime. The Ludys teach men and women readers how to use those crucial first 90 days to develop all the necessary habits for a happy, satisfying marriage-habits of kindness, forgiveness, fun, warmth, reconciliation, and patience. Filled with down-to-earth advice and questions for reflection, The First 90 Days of Marriage is destined to become a classic for newlyweds and engaged couples. And even if your marriage is well past those first 90 days, it's never to late to put these principles to work. You'll love the results.
What does Eric Ludy have to say about relationships that he hasn't already shared? After twenty years of traveling the globe speaking on the topic of relationships, and after a dozen books penned to address this particular theme, Eric told Leslie several years ago that he was done writing on the topic. And yet, after being approached by a movie producer in early 2012 with heartfelt pleas to come out of "romance writing retirement" for one last hurrah, Eric for some reason agreed. In a seven-day stretch in the late months of that spring, this book was written. Though penned in a single week, the message within this book was forged over two decades and was born in the fires of prayerful application. Each of these forty chapters is likely the equivalent of a hundred conversations with wrestling souls and a hundred hours of meditating upon the truth of the Scriptures. According to Eric, this is the book that blows all his other relationship books out of the water (though they are all good and you are encouraged to read them). He also states that if he could pick one of his books on relationships to give to his own kids, this would be the one. This book is suitable for any age.
Bestselling author Stormie Omartian partners for the first time with her daughter-in-law, Paige, in a brand-new book of prayers specifically designed to speak to the heart of young women. Stormie is loved by millions for her ability to share powerful prayers that encourage readers to embrace a close and personal relationship with God. Paige shares that same desire to speak to teens and young adults as they step out into the adventures of their lives, covering daily events big and small with a few moments before the throne of grace. This beautiful padded volume is full of Scripture, praise, prayers, and petitions a young woman can offer up over her own life and the lives of those she loves. A Book of Prayers for Young Women is perfect for personal use or as a gift to anyone who wants to grow in her conversations with God.
A hip, new series targeting teenaged girls is filled with today's topics, funtips, exciting stories, bulleted lists, and more.