Recent decades have witnessed environmental, social, and economic upheaval, with major corporations contributing to a host of interconnected crises. This book examines the dynamics of corporate form that incentivize harmful excesses and presents an alternative vision to help secure an environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable future.
The world economy is near a critical crossroads, as a rising China, the greatest-ever beneficiary of US-led capitalism, dreams to replace America's supremacy as a new hegemonic power with a non-liberal world order. This third volume of the trilogy on reformulating the ‘flying-geese’ theory explains how capitalism has changed industrial structures across the world. It asks whether the ‘flying-geese’ formation will survive the changes that have produced the East Asian miracle, and – as hoped – spread to Africa. Terutomo Ozawa’s reformulated 'flying-geese' theory explains structural changes as an innovation-driven, ratcheting-up process of economic growth and shows that market-dri...
Japan's deepest recession since the Second World War has come to an end in 2000. Yet, the task of reforming Japan is far from completed. The current political drift has brought deregulation to a premature end putting the still vulnerable recovery at risk. What structural changes have already taken place? What important reforms have to be undertaken in the future? The contributions of the book shed light on the transitional path of the Japanese system amid rapid globalization. Can Japan Globalize? covers a broad range of areas from macro- and micro-economic structures to political and social relations.
This book examines the need for co-operation between Europe and Asia, particularly in view of China's accession to the WTO. It looks at the cultural implications for closer cooperation between the two parts of the world, exploring corporate culture and leadership in integration management through mergers and acquisitions. It then goes onto discuss whether the world is big enough for several cultures or whether further integration will result in homogenisation. The authors are leading researchers in the field of economic and cultural co-operation.
Cooperation between science and business (S2B cooperation) is a very important issue from the points of view of the domestic economy, companies, and universities. This is mainly because such cooperation is a catalyst for faster and reliable development – not only of enterprises, but also of the entire economy. Thanks to S2B cooperation, enterprises can gain and commercialize new and ground-breaking solutions. Universities in turn can give their research a more practical dimension to increase its economic applicability, which helps universities prepare future staff to work in modern enterprises. The aim of this publication is to indicate how cooperation between universities and business can...
Area Studies became increasingly common after World War II as a means of responding to perceived 'external threats' from the Soviet Union and China. After the Cold War and in the face of increasingly rapid globalisation, it seemed inevitable that Area Studies – institutionally and intellectually – would slowly degenerate. But this has not been the case, and there has recently been a resurgence of interest in it as an effective and positive research paradigm. Responding to this renewed interest, this book brings together an esteemed group of contributors at the cutting edge of the field to consider the state of Area Studies today and its prospects for the future. The Rebirth of Area Studi...
The fields of Economic Geography and International Business share an interest in the same phenomena, whilst each provides both a differing perspective and different research methods in attempting to understand those phenomena. The Routledge Companion to the Geography of International Business explores the nature and scope of inter-disciplinary work between Economic Geography and International Business in explaining the central issues in the international economy. Contributions written by leading specialists in each field (including some chapters written by inter-disciplinary teams) focus on the nature of multinational firms and their strategies, where they choose to locate their activities, ...
This definitive academic Public Relations text introduces PR and its role within the organisation. A comprehensive text, Exploring Public Relations not only covers traditional academic PR theory, but also explores contemporary ideas. Divided into four key areas, the book covers: 1) The Context of PR 2) The Concepts of PR 3) PR Specialisms 4) PR in the public and private sector This book is written for both undergraduate and postgraduate students working towards a Public Relations degree. It is also appropriate for those studying PR as part of a Marketing, Media or Communications degree.
From a nuclear North Korea and territorial disputes in the East China Sea, to global climate change and Asia-Pacific free trade agreements, Japan is at the center of some of the most challenging issues that the world faces today. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, comprising contributions from the fields of politics, sociology, history, and gender studies, this handbook creates a comprehensive and innovative overview of the field, investigating the widening variety of interests, sometimes competing, that constitute Japanese foreign policy. Organized topically, it is divided into sections, including: • Japan’s evolving foreign policy landscape • Global environmental and sustainable development • International and national security • International political economy • International norms and civil society. Providing an evaluation of the key actors, institutions, and networks influencing Japanese foreign policy, the Routledge Handbook of Japanese Foreign Policy is an essential resource for students and scholars of Japanese and Asian Politics, International Relations, and Foreign Policy.
National oil companies are big business with about 80 percent of the world’s proven oil reserves, and they are crucial to the world’s energy supplies. They are giants, some of the world’s largest companies, measured by market capitalisation, cash flow and investment. Little is known about their modus operandi, how they make decisions about investment and production or about relations with their government-owners. However, it is known that they conduct business with a political mandate, often with multiple long-term objectives, broadly defined and hard to quantify. Unclear mandates give national oil companies leeway to pursue their own distinctive interests, apart from those of the gove...