  • Language: en
  • Pages: 482


Radicalization has become an important part of the twenty-first-century security and political landscape. It is a seemingly ubiquitous term, employed by academics, policymakers, civil society actors, practitioners and media alike, in ever-expanding ways--describing everything from changing domestic social movements to the growth of international terrorism. This volume provides a comprehensive treatment of "radicalization": the processes during which individuals or groups adopt increasingly extreme political, social or religious beliefs, positions or aspirations, particularly in cases associated with the use of violence. Adopting a multifaceted and comparative approach, the contributors inter...

Den nye fisken
  • Language: no
  • Pages: 343

Den nye fisken

Da vi temmet villaksen og satte den nye fisken ut i naturen, begynte store ting å skje. Steder langs kysten fikk nytt liv, folk fikk arbeid og flere ble milliardærer. Staten så på det som et eventyr, og velsignet fortsettelsen. Forfatterne Simen Sætre og Kjetil Østli skapte høye bølger med en artikkelserie i Morgenbladet og Harvest om laksenæringen. Nå tegner de et større bilde, i en bok som favner hele fortellingen om oppdrettslaksen. De spør blant annet: Hva skjer hvis man plasserer et nytt dyr i fjorden? Hvordan påvirker det de andre fiskene og artene, fjordene og elvene? Hva skjer med forskerne som roper varsku, med dyrevelferden, føre var-prinsippet og skattepolitikken nå...

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 338


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009-05-19
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  • Publisher: Anchor

WITH A NEW AFTERWORD In his controversial and critically acclaimed While Europe Slept, Bruce Bawer outlined the danger that Islamic immigration posed to traditional European values. In this provocative follow-up, he takes up the West’s recent trend of silence and appeasement in the face of cultural intimidation by radical Islam. From an examination of coverage of the shocking murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh to the widespread denunciation of the Danish editors who published editorial cartoons mocking Mohammed, Bawer shows how radical Islam has cowed Western media, politicians, intellectuals, and religious leaders into believing that we must give up the right of free expression to peacefully coexist with the Muslim world. Fearless and excoriating, Surrender is an unapologetic and uncompromising defense of free speech that will stir conservatives and liberals alike.

Grassroots Politics and Oil Culture in Venezuela
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 368

Grassroots Politics and Oil Culture in Venezuela

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-09-01
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book is published open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. This book presents an ethnographic study of how grassroots activism in Venezuela during the Chávez presidency can be understood in relation to the country's history as a petro-state. Taking the contested relationship between the popular sectors and the Venezuelan state as a point of departure, Iselin Åsedotter Strønen explores how notions such as class, race, state, bureaucracy, popular politics, capitalism, neoliberalism, consumption, oil wealth, and corruption gained salience in the Bolivarian process. A central argument is that the Bolivarian process was an attempt to challenge the practices, ideas, and values inherited from Venezuela's historical development as an oil-producing state. Drawing on rich ethnographic material from Caracas' shantytowns, state institutions, as well as everyday life and public culture, Strønen explores the complexities and challenges in fostering deep social and political change.

Live, Die, Buy, Eat
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 280

Live, Die, Buy, Eat

Live, Die, Buy, Eat. These words represent a chain of events which today is disconnected. In the past few years, controversies around meat have arisen around industrialization and globalization of meat production, often pivoting around health, environmental issues, and animal welfare. Although meat increasingly figures as a problem, most consumers’ knowledge of animal husbandry and meat production is more absent than ever. Tracing a historical process of alienation along three distinct axes, the authors show how the animal origin of meat is covered up, rationalized, forgotten, excused, neglected, and denied. How is meat produced today, and where? How do we consume meat, and how have our co...

Dødens net
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 307

Dødens net

Privatdetektiven Varg Veum støder på adskillige mystiske dødsfald, da han følger en savnet mands spor til den norske bygd Solvik. En by, der styres af to indflydelsesrige familier, som kæmper om magten over det indbringende lakseopdræt – en kamp, der har splittet det lille samfund i to og sat indbyggerne op imod hinanden. Varg Veum opdager hurtigt, at Solvik gemmer på adskillige hemmeligheder, som ingen ønsker skal se dagens lys. Men det stopper ikke privatdetektiven. Spørgsmålet er, hvor mange der må dø, før Veum når frem til gådens løsning.Dødens net er bog nummer tyve i Gunnar Staalesens populære og filmatiserede serie om privatdetektiven Varg Veum.

Corporate Social Responsibility and the Paradoxes of State Capitalism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 353

Corporate Social Responsibility and the Paradoxes of State Capitalism

Through a series of case studies in diverse regions of the world, this book explores how transnational Norwegian energy and extractive industries handle corporate social responsibility (CSR) when operating abroad in places such as China, Brazil, and Turkey. With significant state ownership and embeddedness in the Nordic societal model, Norwegian capitalism is often represented as “benign” or ethical. By tracing CSR policy and practice—from headquarters to operations—this volume critically explores the workings of Norwegian corporate capitalism and its engagement with key issues of responsibility, accountability, and sustainability.

Norge, et lite stykke verdenshistorie
  • Language: no
  • Pages: 456

Norge, et lite stykke verdenshistorie

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2005
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  • Publisher: Unknown

En litt annerledes historie om Norge? og kanskje også en mer sannferdig versjon? Her nyanseres og korrigeres en rekke "unorske" fenomener. Vi får høre at nordmenn ikke ble født med ski på beina slik som anekdoten hevder; de kunne faktisk ikke gå på ski før samene lærte dem det. Forfatterne markerer 100-års-jubileet ved å vise hvordan vår nasjon og egenart har oppstått i konstant dialog med resten av verden. Norges historie omskrives ved å se på samenes innflytelse, vikingenes utferdstrang, den utenlandske påvirkningen i vår nasjonalromantikk og Norges rolle som fredsnasjon. Jubileet er et passende tidspunkt til å fornye våre selvbilder og legge grunnlaget for en korrekt og mangfoldig Norgeshistorie.

Salmon Wars
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 226

Salmon Wars

A Pulitzer Prize-winning correspondent and a former private investigator dive deep into the murky waters of the international salmon farming industry, exposing the unappetizing truth about a fish that is not as good for you as you have been told. A decade ago, farmed Atlantic salmon replaced tuna as the most popular fish on North America’s dinner tables. We are told salmon is healthy and environmentally friendly. The reality is disturbingly different. In Salmon Wars, investigative journalists Douglas Frantz and Catherine Collins bring readers to massive ocean feedlots where millions of salmon are crammed into parasite-plagued cages and fed a chemical-laced diet. The authors reveal the cond...

Peace in Sri Lanka
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 412

Peace in Sri Lanka

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2005
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Summary: Contributed papers presented earlier in OSLO Conference on "Road Map to Peace in Sri Lanka ON 20th August, 2004 at Oslo, Norway