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Margarete Susman was among the great Jewish women philosophers of the twentieth century, and largely unknown to many today. This book presents, for the first time in English, six of her important essays along with an introduction about her life and work. Carefully selected and edited by Elisa Klapheck, these essays give the English-speaking reader a taste of Susman’s religious-political mode of thought, her originality, and her importance as Jewish thinker. Susman's writing on exile, return, and the revolutionary impact of Judaism on humanity, illuminate enhance our understanding of other Jewish philosophers of her time: Martin Buber, Franz Rosenzweig, and Ernst Bloch (all of them her friends). Her work is in particularly fitting company when read alongside Jewish religious-political and political thinkers such as Bertha Pappenheim, Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil, and Gertrud Stein. Initially a poet, Susman became a follower of the Jewish Renaissance movement, secular Messianism, and the German Revolution of 1918. This collection of essays shows how Susman's work speaks not only to her own time between the two World Wars but to the present day.
This study offers a novel approach to a longstanding problem in Slavic Linguistics, the formal representation of the Northern Russian participial constructions in -n(o)/-t(o). Unlike previous works, the methodological stance adopted by the author focuses on singling out all the relevant patterns of variation and on pursuing a unified explanation for them. The key to the solution of the puzzle is the idea that the participial affix -n-/-t- and the agreement inflections are not just pieces of morphology inserted post-syntactically, but true heads that enter the computation and are able to manipulate the argumental roles of the verb and to check the EPP. The author’s proposal is properly framed in the context of current debate on interlanguage variation.
«Auf Wiedersehen in Florenz!» Voci di ebrei tedeschi dall’Italia presenta uno spaccato della Exilliteratur tedesca i cui protagonisti emigrarono a Firenze dopo l’avvento del nazionalsocialismo. Oltre a ricostruire il contesto della città negli anni 1933-1938, il volume esplora anche la produzione di alcuni autori e autrici dell’esilio, protagonisti del fervente clima culturale che si diffuse a Firenze grazie all’intersezione tra le culture tedesca, ebraica e italiana. Tra gli esponenti di questo contesto letterario, vi è un gruppo di autori che compare nella sezione dedicata alla scrittura in esilio (Alice Berend, Rudolf Borchardt, Karl Wolfskehl e Walter Hasenclever) mentre un altro gruppo compone, invece, il nucleo del post-esilio (Max Krell, Monika Mann, Otti Binswanger-Lilienthal e Georg Strauss).
Haar zeichnet sich durch seine widerspenstige Materialität aus, die konventionelle Dichotomien von Passivität und Aktivität aufhebt. Kopf- und Körperbehaarung figurieren als diskursiv überladener Ort poetologischer Reflexion, narrativer Komposition und literarischer Experimente. Sie bilden eine Schnittstelle zwischen Körperästhetik, Plot und narrativer Synthese durch säuberlich ‚frisierte‘ Diskursformationen, erzählerische Verstrickungen und die poetologische Qualität als literarischer Störfaktor. Haar wird zum Ort gewalttätiger narrativer Schnitte, lyrischer Exzesse und dramatischer Verknotungen. Als tote Materie, deren eigentümliche Vitalität über das Fleisch hinausreich...
The book takes its lead from academic Annamaria Pagliaro’s experience straddling Australia and Italy over a thirty-year period. As both former colleagues and collaborators of Pagliaro, we editors intend to open a kaleidoscope of perspectives on the international research landscape in the fields of Italian and Anglophone studies, starting from Pagliaro’s own contribution to the creation of relations between the two cultures in the period that saw her work transnationally as Director of the Monash University Prato Centre (2005-2008).
The years 1676 and 1774 marked two turning points in the social and legal treatment of madness in England. In 1676, London’s Bethlehem Hospital expanded in grand new premises, and in 1774 the Madhouses Act attempted to limit confinement of the insane. This study explores almost a century of the English history of madness through the texts of five poets who were considered mentally troubled according to contemporary standards: James Carkesse, Anne Finch, William Collins, Christopher Smart and William Cowper were hospitalized, sequestered or exiled from society. Their works cope with representations of insanity, medical definitions or practices, imputed illness, and the judging eye of the ‘sane other’, shedding new light on the dis/continuities in the notion of madness of this period.