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Emerging out of the theoretical and practical urge to reflect on key contemporary debates arising in biopolitical scholarship, this timely book launches an in-depth investigation into the concept and history of biopolitics. In light of tumultuous political dynamics across the globe and new developments in this continually evolving field, the book reconsiders and expands upon Michel Foucault’s input to biopolitical studies.
Particle accelerators have attracted much interest and expectation from the international scientific community, and these show no sign of diminishing. Major world research laboratories have either planned or are envisaging the construction of new accelerators in order to foster the progress of science in many fields, from high energy physics to cultural heritage and the environment. This book presents 13 papers from the workshop "Future Research Infrastructures; Challenges and Opportunities", held as part of the series of the Enrico Fermi International School of Physics in Varenna, Italy, in July 2015. The workshop combined presentations on the science of particle accelerators and their applications with talks on the development of future accelerators, and the papers included here cover a diverse range of topics including: the European Spallation Source; the Swiss Light Source; accelerator projects in Korea; future circular colliders; synchrotron-based techniques for cultural heritage; and the new research horizon in hadron therapy. The book also includes a summary of the panel discussion on the need for international world infrastructures.
Nuclear nonproliferation is a critical global issue. A key technological challenge to ensuring nuclear nonproliferation and security is the detection of long-lived radioisotopes and fissionable nuclides in a non-destructive manner. This technological challenge requires new methods for detecting relevant nuclides and the development of new quantum-beam sources. For example, one new method that has been proposed and studied is nuclear resonance fluorescence with energy-tunable, monochromatic gamma-rays generated by Compton scattering of laser photons with electrons.The development of new methods requires the help of researchers from a wide range of fields, such as nuclear physics, accelerator physics, laser physics, etc. Furthermore, any new method must be compatible with the requirements of administrators and nuclear-material inspectors.
Finalist for the 2019 Edinburgh Gadda Prize This book explores intersectional constructions of race and whiteness in modern and contemporary Italy. It contributes to transnational and interdisciplinary reflections on these issues through an analysis of political debates and social practices, focusing in particular on visual materials from the unification of Italy (1861) to the present day. Giuliani draws attention to rearticulations of the transnationally constructed Italian ‘colonial archive’ in Italian racialised identity-politics and cultural racisms across processes of nation building, emigration, colonial expansion, and the construction of the first post-fascist Italian society. The author considers the ‘figures of race’ peopling the Italian colonial archive as composing past and present ideas and representations of (white) Italianness and racialised/gendered Otherness. Students and scholars across a range of disciplines, including Italian studies, political philosophy, sociology, history, visual and cultural studies, race and whiteness studies and gender studies, will find this book of interest.
22 White, wide and scattered: picturing her housing career -- 23 Toward a theory of Interior -- 24 Repositioning. Theory now. Don't excavate, change reality! -- Part VII: Forms of engagement -- 25 (Un)political -- 26 Prince complex: narcissism and reproduction of the architectural mirror -- 27 Less than enough: a critique of Aureli's project -- 28 Repositioning. Having ideas -- 29 Post-scriptum. 'But that is not enough' -- Index
Every year, Italy swells with millions of tourists who infuse the economy with billions of dollars and almost outnumber Italians themselves. In fact, Italy has been a model tourist destination for longer than it has been a modern state.The Beautiful Country explores the enduring popularity of destination Italy, and its role in the development of the global mass tourism industry. Stephanie Malia Hom tracks the evolution of this particular touristic imaginary through texts, practices, and spaces, beginning with the guidebooks that frame Italy as an idealized land of leisure and finishing with destination Italy's replication around the world. Today, more tourists encounter Italy through places like Las Vegas's The Venetian Hotel and Casino or Dubai's Mercato shopping mall than experience the country in Italy itself. Using an interdisciplinary methodology that includes archival research, ethnographic fieldwork, literary criticism, and spatial analysis,The Beautiful Country reveals destination Italy's paramount role in the creation of modern mass tourism.
Przez prawie dwadzieścia lat nauczałem historii w szkołach, głównie liceach. Przez cały ten okres śledziłem rozwój tej nauki, poznawałem nowe, dotyczące kolejnych zagadnień, prace. Dopiero jednak pisząc tę książkę dostrzegłem jak wielką potęgą jest Internet. To dzięki niemu zyskujemy znacznie szybszy niż wcześniej dostęp do najnowszych badań, to na jego forach miliony ludzi dokonuje analizy poprzednich badań, pojawiają się nowe hipotezy. Dziś napisanie dziejów świata możliwe jest właściwie tylko przez wieloosobowe zespoły, specjalistów od różnych epok i regionów. Taką świadomość miał zresztą już w latach dwudziestych XX wieku Herbert George Well...
This is a collection of self-selected papers presented at The Migration Conference 2021 London. COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing restrictions and difficulties in international travel forced us to run the TMC online for a second time. It is a new and improving experience for most of us and there is strong hints that the conference will continue in hybrid form in the near future. As usual we have invited participants to submit 2000 words papers for the proceedings book and this volume brings you these papers. Topics covered in the volume includes gender, education, mass movements, refugees, religion, identity, migration policy, culture, diplomacy, remittances, climate, water, environment and pretty much everything about migration. Most of the papers are in English, but there are some in French, Spanish and Turkish too. This is a great book for those who want short accounts on all aspects of migration and refugees.
Elena Pulcini (1950–2021), an internationally renowned philosopher of care, was at the forefront of thinking and creating a new ethical framework to respond efficaciously to problems that affect individuals at a global level. This translation of Pulcini's last work addresses perhaps the two fundamental questions for our times—namely, "Why care for others when we are not bound by personal relationships?" and "Why commit to justice even when it does not personally affect us?" By focusing on passions such as indignation, fear, compassion, resentment, and love, Pulcini offers an alternative ethical perspective in which justice and care intertwine to supplement and balance each other. Togethe...