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This book reports on several advances in architectural graphics, with a special emphasis on education, training and research. It gathers a selection of contributions to the 19th International Conference on Graphic Design in Architecture, EGA 2022, held on June 2–4, 2022, in Cartagena, Spain, with the motto: "Beyond drawings. The use of architectural graphics".
[Italiano]: Il libro raccoglie i contributi di un lavoro interdisciplinare svolto durante un BIP (Blended Intensive Program) finanziato dalla comunità europea. Il tema è quello dei siti industriali dismessi e tutelati per interesse storico. Partendo da un confronto tra i diversi approcci basati sullo studio delle best practice e dei diversi metodi e strumenti di analisi, sono state definite alcune premesse per la rappresentazione del sito e lo sviluppo di ipotesi di trasformazione per il riuso dell'ex Corradini a S. Giovanni. Stimolare il dibattito culturale, confrontarsi con realtà culturali diverse, definire percorsi metodologici replicabili sono gli obiettivi principali di questo lavor...
This book provides the opportunity to explore the variety of meanings, undertones and contextual connotations that currently pertain to the expressions of "virtual (or digital) restoration" and "reconstruction". The book focuses on the latest applications of virtual restoration and reconstruction in different areas of Cultural Heritage through the presentation and discussion of several case studies. The goal is to provide a broad perspective on the subject. The sample presented in this book has been indeed selected and evaluated referring to different disciplinary fields such as archaeology, architecture, and conservation while encompassing a variety of cultural and chronological contexts.
Geohistorical sources, among which are those of the catastral and paracatastral type, generally have greater heterogeneity and typological variety than in their current versions. Thus, research with geohistorical sources, approached from multiple disciplines (Geography, History, Art, Anthropology, Environmental Sciences, Urban Planning, Architecture, Demography...) represents a great boost for the analysis, knowledge and study of the territory, of landscapes and society from a spatiotemporal perspective. This publication with the title Geohistorical sources, new technologies, new challenges was born from the 1st lnternational Congress of Geohistorical Sources: territory and society in time w...
From the fifteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century, devotional music played a fundamental role in the Iberian world. Songs in the vernacular, usually referred to by the generic name of 'villancico', but including forms as varied as madrigals, ensaladas, tonos, cantatas or even oratorios, were regularly performed at many religious feasts in major churches, royal and private chapels, convents and in monasteries. These compositions appear to have progressively fulfilled or supplemented the role occupied by the Latin motet in other countries and, as they were often composed anew for each celebration, the surviving sources vastly outnumber those of Latin compositions; they can ...
[Italiano]:Questo volume è la prima opera dedicata ai contatti tra latino e copto nell’Egitto tardoantico e bizantino. Esso si pone nel solco di un rinnovato interesse per quest’area multilingue e multiculturale, ma affronta un tema inesplorato con l’obiettivo di dimostrare che questo può essere indagato con profitto. I contributi esaminano fonti di diverso tipo sulla base di un approccio pluridisciplinare. Alcuni di essi affrontano temi di ampio respiro, come la presenza del latino in contesti monastici o scolastici accanto a varietà locali, mentre altri trattano questioni circoscritte, come l’uso del latino in determinati ambienti o in specifici documenti. Tutti i contributi mos...
The ITF Transport Outlook 2021 provides scenarios for the development of transport demand up to 2050. This edition includes a special focus on the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on transport systems, and models potential long-term changes with challenges and opportunities for decarbonisation.
Milk processing is one of the most ancient food technologies, dating back to around 6000 B.C. A huge number of milk products have been developed worldwide, representing a spectacular example of biodiversity and a priceless cultural heritage. After millennia of unanimous appreciation as a pillar of human nutrition, a series of questions about the desirability of their wide consumption have been raised. In the light of the growing threat deriving mostly from the spread of veganism and health consciousness, improving milk prcoessing safety and dairy nutritional characteristics, as well as deepening their functional characteristics, are of a primary exigency. This Special Issue contains several articles focusing on this hot topic, all of which add knowledge to the field and supply interesting ideas for developing new products and processes.