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Estudios de sociolingüística
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 830

Estudios de sociolingüística

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2004
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Las lenguas en la Europa Comunitaria II: La enseñanza de segundas lenguas y
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 438

Las lenguas en la Europa Comunitaria II: La enseñanza de segundas lenguas y

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1996
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  • Publisher: Rodopi

En el presente volumen -- segundo de los cuatro que forman las actas del II Coloquio Internacional Las Lenguas en la Europa Comunitaria,celebrado en Barcelona del 2 al 5 de noviembre de 1994 --, se ofrece de forma independiente el conjunto de estudios presentados dentro de la sección «La enseñanza de segundas lenguas y/o de lenguas extranjeras».El objetivo general, como en el coloquio anterior, fue el deseo de examinar la situación y las tendencias actuales de las diferentes lenguas de/en Europa, tanto desde el punto de vista de su enseñanza (tema de este volumen) como el de su adquisición, el de su utilización y el de la traducción.Así, este volumen ofrece una gran variedad de aspectos de la enseñanza de segundas lenguas, estudios empíricos y experiencìas de la práctica educativa.

International Bulletin of Bibliography on Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 724

International Bulletin of Bibliography on Education

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1986
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Tesis doctorales 1995/1996
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 1184

Tesis doctorales 1995/1996


Andolin gogoan
  • Language: eu
  • Pages: 944

Andolin gogoan

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2006
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Liburu hau, lankide eta lagun genuen Andolin Eguzkitza irakaslearen omenez argitaratu dugu, hori baita, izan ere, mundu akademikoan eskerrona agertzeko modua. Eguzkitzak Hizkuntzalaritzan eta Euskal Filologian egin zituen lanei esker, arlo bi hauetako lan eta ideiak aberastu egin dira. Horren erakusgarri, liburu honetan biltzen diren 42 artikuluok, Hizkuntzalaritza eta Euskalaritzako hainbat gai jorratzen dituztenak, herrialde eta unibertsitate askotatik bidaliak. Badira, besteren artean, Estatu Batuetako, Alemania, Frantzia, Espainia eta Euskal Herriko ikertzaileen lanak, den-denak Andolin Eguzkitzari eskerronez eskainiak. - Este libro ha sido publicado en honor del profesor Andolin Eguzkitza. Gracias a su trabajo en Lingüística y Filología Vasca, las ideas y trabajos de estos campos se han enriquecido, y buena muestra de ello son los artículos recogidos en este volumen, provenientes de universidades de diversos países, e investigaciones de Estados Unidos, Alemania, Francia, España y País Vasco, entre otros, dedicadas a Andolin Eguzkitza.

Revue des langues vivantes
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 592

Revue des langues vivantes

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1999
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Teaching Through Basque
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 108

Teaching Through Basque

This volume focuses on research in education in the Basque Country where Basque, a minority language, is used as the language of instruction. It focuses on academic and linguistic results and the challenges the Basque educational system is currently facing. This volume can be useful for other bilingual and multilingual contexts involving different language combinations.

DO NOT Leave Your Language Alone
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 162

DO NOT Leave Your Language Alone

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2006-03-07
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This book, focused on corpus planning in language policy, provides a broad, integrative framework and also discusses multiple languages in detail. It provides readers with great familiarity with a wide range of language cases and at the same time gives them the theoretical tools and analysis to see how they inter-relate.The novelty of this volume i

Sisters Of Sinai
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 354

Sisters Of Sinai

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010-07-27
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  • Publisher: Random House

'The hunt for early Bible manuscripts was among the most romantic of all the 19th century's grand quests...At the heart of this lively, inspiring double biography is the story of how a pair of spirited Presbyterian women made their own extraordinary discovery' Sunday Times Sisters of Sinai is the story of how Scottish twin sisters made one of the most important manuscript finds of the nineteenth century - an early copy of the gospels which lay hidden in the Sinai desert. We trace the footsteps of the intrepid pair from the Ayrshire of their childhood, as they voyage to Egypt, Sinai and beyond, coping with camels, unscrupulous dragomen, and unpredictable welcomes, not least from the academics of their adopted home in Cambridge. Fast-paced, informative and written with dry wit, this is a story of two remarkable women, undeterred in their spirit of adventure, who overcame insuperable odds to claim a place in history.

Language Contact and Contact Languages
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 369

Language Contact and Contact Languages

This new volume on language contact and contact languages presents cutting-edge research by distinguished scholars in the field as well as by highly talented newcomers. It has two principal aims: to analyze language contact from different perspectives – notably those of language typology, diachronic linguistics, language acquisition and translation studies; and to describe, explain, and elaborate on universal constraints on language contact. The individual chapters offer systematic comparisons of a wealth of contact situations and the book as a whole makes a valuable contribution to deepening our understanding of contact-induced language change. With its broad approach, this work will be welcomed by scholars of many different persuasions.