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Globalised neoliberal capitalism continues to entrench inequality, environmental degradation, and social division. The Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST), or Brazilian Landless Movement, offer us a route beyond any theoretical impasse or reluctant acquiescence to the enduring social and economic status quo. Through time spent working and living among the MST many of their defining features and activities are mapped. These include land occupations; the organisation of work co-operatively; the practising of agro-ecology; implementation of gender quotas for community leadership positions; and the application of principles based upon the ‘common good’. These represent just some of the experiences, challenges, and lessons we as a global community can learn from MST communities as we think about alternative futures.
Controversies about History, Development and Revolution in Brazil is a critical exploration of the history of Brazilian economic thought in the light of the country’s own historical and political development. Editors Maria Malta, Jaime León, Carla Curty and Bruno Borja present an analytical interpretation of the facts, which reveals the power of debates constructing a genuinely Brazilian contribution to world economic thought on development, democracy, history, dependency, and revolution. Resulting from 10 years of collective research, this book incorporates a new methodological proposal stemming from the strength and resilience of public research financed by the Brazilian people in quest of their own formative interpretation. Contributors are: Bruno Borja, Carla Curty, Filipe Leite, Jaime León, Maria Malta, Larissa Mazolli, Alfredo Saad-Filho, and Wilson Vieira.
This volume explores the life, work, and impact of the Peruvian thinker José Carlos Mariátegui (1894–1930), particularly his political biography, his intellectual production, and his critique of Eurocentrism. This posthumous fame is based on the idea that, in the whole of his political-theoretical project, the relationship between Latin America and Marxism was not built using a mechanical linking of effects and causes, of the blatant copy of the theory produced in Europe, of the immediate application of positivist formulas. In this complex relationship, enigmatic and insinuating, a dissonant historical temporality emerged in Latin America. The apparently unbalanced temporalities marked the matrix of capitalist exploitation, but also present, in Mariátegui’s view, glimmers of future possibilities. This book is essential reading for scholars of social sciences and history interested in understanding the historical roots and political dilemmas of Latin American and European societies from the unique perspective of one of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century.
In Agrarian History of the Cuban Revolution, the Brazilian historian Joana Salém Vasconcelos presents in clear language the complicated challenge of overcoming the condition of Latin America’s underdevelopment through a revolutionary process. Based on diverse historical sources, she demonstrates why the sugar plantation economic structure in Cuba was not entirely changed by the 1959 Revolution. The author narrates in detail the three dimensions of Cuban agrarian transformation during the decisive 1960s — the land tenure system, the crop regime, and the labour regime —, and its social and political actors. She explains the paths and detours of Cuban agrarian policies, contextualized in a labour-intensive economy that needs desperately to increase productivity and, at the same time, promised widely to emancipate workers from labour exploitation. Cuban agrarian and economic contradictions are well-synthetized with the concept of Peripheral Socialism.
"The one source that sets reference collections on Latin American studies apart from all other geographic areas of the world.... The Handbook has provided scholars interested in Latin America with a bibliographical source of a quality unavailable to scholars in most other branches of area studies." —Latin American Research Review Beginning with volume 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of more than 130 specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year b...
Em uma curta e intensa vida, o jornalista, teórico e dirigente revolucionário peruano José Carlos Mariátegui (1894-1930) uniu pensamento e ação, arte e política, jornalismo e militância, construindo uma obra que fez dele o mais original dos pensadores marxistas latino-americanos. Empenhado em trazer as ideias de Marx para a realidade do subcontinente, Mariátegui abriu caminhos para uma reflexão própria do marxismo, sempre lutando pelo papel dos povos e culturas indígenas na luta de classes e pela transformação social. Sua obra teórica - e sua visão sobre a formação social e étnica da indo-américa - influenciou desde a revolução cubana e Che Guevara até os zapatistas de...
O fascismo, fenômeno político complexo que exerceu enorme influência em alguns países ao longo do século XX, foi extensamente analisado por diversos estudiosos desde suas origens. Antonio Gramsci, León Trotsky, Otto Bauer, Paul Sweezy e Ernest Mandel foram apenas alguns daqueles que tentaram compreender suas características e sutilezas. Entre os teóricos latino-americanos que trabalharam com o tema, é fundamental citar José Carlos Mariátegui como um dos primeiros a observar e acompanhar de perto os eventos na Itália que constituíram o fascismo, assim como tentar proporcionar uma interpretação precisa e acurada deste movimento singular. O período em que Mariátegui esteve na E...
Em Paris, Aristide Saccard recomeça do zero após uma sequência de maus negócios. Após vender sua luxuosa propriedade, inicia um serviço que promete ganhos rápidos a pequenos investidores. Com uma estratégia de divulgação agressiva, seduz vários clientes. Rapidamente, Saccard alcança de novo a riqueza e o prestígio na alta sociedade – mas o negócio que criou é um esquema de investimento fictício e ilegal. Enésimo romance da série Rougon-Macquart e escrito em 1891, O dinheiro aborda a especulação financeira na época em que Paris operava uma das maiores bolsas de valores do mundo. A obra traz muitas similaridades com o mundo contemporâneo com enredos que envolvem crise bancária e financeira, práticas ilícitas, manipulação da imprensa, política, poder e sexo.
Beginning with volume 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of more than 130 specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year between social sciences and humanities. The Handbook annotates works on Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the Guianas, Spanish South America, and Brazil, as well as materials covering Latin America as a whole. Most of the subsections are preceded by introductory essays that serve as biannual evaluations of the literature and...
'Controversy was the breath of Marx's life and he revelled in it. We are therefore not at all apologetic', wrote Puran Chand Joshi in the preface to Karl Marx: A Symposium, published in 1968 commemorating the 150th birth anniversary of Marx, adding further, (It is) 'in the best Indian tradition to operate with belief and hope that it is only through the clash of ideas that truth emerges.' At a time, when a Marxian renaissance has been taking place in academia, Joshi's words reverberate with a new vitality, an evanescence of 'official Marxism' and official Marxist parties notwithstanding. There is no denying that the so-called Marxists now pay dearly for wavering 'between a rather mechanistic...