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Country practices towards managing financial risks on a sovereign balance sheet continue to evolve. Each crisis period, and its legacy on sovereign balance sheets, reaffirms the need for strengthening financial risk management. This paper discusses some salient features embedded in in the current generation of sovereign asset and liability management (SALM) approaches, including objectives, definitions of relevant assets and liabilities, and methodologies used in obtaining optimal SALM outcomes. These elements are used in developing an analytical SALM framework which could become an operational instrument in formulating asset management and debtor liability management strategies at the sovereign level. From a portfolio perspective, the SALM approach could help detect direct and derived sovereign risk exposures. It allows analyzing the financial characteristics of the balance sheet, identifying sources of costs and risks, and quantifying the correlations among these sources of risk. The paper also outlines institutional requirements in implementing an SALM framework and seeks to lay the ground for further policy and analytical work on this topic.
This book examines the position of children who provide tissue to potentially save the life of another. It questions whether child donors of all ages have been treated appropriately and whether they are sufficiently protected in acting as tissue donors, and ultimately considers whether a new regulatory response is needed to benefit donor children. The book couples a legal exposition of the donor child’s position with the medico-ethical reality of clinical practice. In recent years, a growing body of literature concerning the clinical experiences and outcomes for child donors has emerged. This book adds to this by examining another dimension – the regulatory frameworks at play. It examine...
The 15th Latin American Symposium ''laS held in Brasilia (FD) on J1UY 18-22, 1977, on a topic of great interest for agriculture, especially in the tropics. Many new developments have taken place in the field of research in N2 fixation during the last few years. They "Tere made possible by the improved methods of measuring of nitrogenase activity, progress in genetic engineering fields and the increased interest in taking advantage of natural sources for biological nitrogen fixation. The approach used in this Symposium together with the one held four months earlier in Brookhaven on ;'Genetic Engineering for Nitrogen Fixation" gives an interesting picture of the present status of nitrogen fixa...
Satisfying consumer needs through the production of healthy and nutritious agricultural products is a substantial challenge facing modern agriculture. However, agricultural production should be carried out with care for plant health, biological safety of products, and environmental safety while minimizing the risks to human health. Therefore, the implementation of agricultural practices while respecting these principles is very important for improving the quantity and quality of crops. Additionally, ecosystems have been altered as a result of human activities and climate change, resulting in the reduction of biodiversity and creation of new niches where pests can thrive. This is of particula...
A cartilha Educação na prisão – Uma conversa para educadores no sistema prisional é o resultado do Programa de Extensão “Educação prisional em Minas Gerais: educação para os direitos humanos nas modalidades diferenciadas de ensino”, realizado na Universidade Federal de Viçosa, em parceria com a Escola Estadual Cid Batista (escola do presídio de Viçosa), a Associação de Proteção e Assistência aos Condenados (APAC) e o Presídio de Viçosa, buscando oferecer uma formação mais pontual sobre o trabalho da educação na prisão. Rogéria Martins, Paulo Fraga e Janaína S. Lawall têm como objetivo contribuir com os professores, iniciando-os no universo de temáticas e reflexões que incidem sobre um grupo social marcadamente marginalizado e que tem direito à educação, minimizar seus anseios e amparar as interlocuções dos educadores no sistema prisional. Não existe uma fórmula mágica para diminuir a criminalidade na sociedade, mas a educação na prisão pode ser um meio.
Beira do Campo – Urgências e Emergências no Esporte trazem ao leitor uma completa sequência de informações e ensinamentos destinados a profissionais que desejam ter um complemento na formação médica, em especial na parte esportiva e médico-esportiva. É uma obra completa, que tem em seus editores médicos que dedicaram e dedicam a sua carreira ao tratamento das lesões esportivas em atletas das mais diversas modalidades esportivas e que compartilham as experiências e os conhecimentos adquiridos na participação dos maiores eventos esportivos, como Jogos Olímpicos, Jogos Paralímpicos, Copas do Mundo e Jogos Pan-Americanos. Aspectos básicos, como fisiologia, anatomia funcional,...
In the two largest countries in South America, successive waves of structural reforms adopted in the name of development invariably have ended in disappointment. The promise of development never seems to materialize. Dependency and Crisis in Brazil and Argentinaexamines why. Instead of looking for policy failures, F. Antunes de Oliveira’s focus is on the parameters of the public debate about “development” itself. An unfruitful dispute between neoliberalism and neodevelopmentalism has dominated Brazilian and Argentine political economy debates to the detriment of both countries. Antunes de Oliveira presents a comprehensive theoretical and empirical critique of the neoliberal and neodevelopmentalist structural reform cycles in Brazil and Argentina and applies insights from dependency theory to craft an alternative political economy framework for the analysis of development challenges.