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O espírito Jussara recorda sua encarnação no Brasil, na época da escravidão. Empregado de uma fazenda, seu pai apaixonou-se por Japira, uma índia. Graças a essa união, Jussara reencarnou e recebeu o nome de Cabocla. Depois da partida de sua amada, o pai de Cabocla defrontou-se com a morte. Órfã de pai e mãe, foi adotada por Jacinta, a bondosa escrava que amparou como filha. Um dia, ainda muito jovem, Cabocla reivindicou a liberdade: foi agredida, condenada ao cativeiro e resignou-se a viver em sofrimento. Tempos depois, em busca da salvação dos filhos - cruelmente perseguidos por impiedosos capatazes - Cabocla vai relembrar o passado e vislumbrar o radiante futuro que a espiritualidade lhe reservou...
Quando estudava a formação geológica de nosso planeta, perdia-me na imaginação de como seria nosso mundo naquelas tão distantes eras e perguntava: e nós, como éramos? Já existíamos ou não? Nesse torvelinho de indagações, buscava o que e onde ler. Então, na literatura espirita, encontrei o livro Os Exilados de Capela, de Edgard Armond, que com sofreguidão o li encantado e não mais parei. Novos livros vieram, juntando-se a isso mensagens espirituais que, em diferentes datas, as recebia, criando cada vez mais minha necessidade de agregar novos conhecimentos. Passam-se os anos, e a revelação de algumas de minhas vidas anteriores somam-se ao arquivo sobre o passado. Sendo convidado a realizar palestras sobre tão importante título — o nosso passado —, e, muitas vezes, sem respostas às diversas perguntas a mim dirigidas pela plateia, surgiu em mim a vontade de reunir essas informações que me chegavam de diferentes fontes; escrevendo um livro. Nasceu, então, esse relato que chamaremos Evolução do homo Sapiens, através das migrações planetárias.
In recent years, the field of Toxinology has expanded substantially. On the one hand it studies venomous animals, plants and micro organisms in detail to understand their mode of action on targets. While on the other, it explores the biochemical composition, genomics and proteomics of toxins and venoms to understand their three interaction with life forms (especially humans), development of antidotes and exploring their pharmacological potential. Therefore, Toxinology has deep linkages with biochemistry, molecular biology, anatomy and pharmacology. In addition, there is a fast developing applied subfield, clinical toxinology, which deals with understanding and managing medical effects of tox...
This book presents a set of recent advances that involve the areas of multimedia, IoT, and web technologies. These advances incorporate aspects of clouds, artificial intelligence, data analysis, user experience, and games. In this context, the work will bring the reader the opportunity to understand new possibilities of use and research in these areas. We think that this book is suitable for students (postgraduates and undergraduates) and lecturers on these specific topics. Professionals can also benefit from the book since some chapters work with practical aspects relevant to the industry.
Recent advancements in data collection will affect all aspects of businesses, improving and bringing complexity to management and demanding integration of all resources, principles, and processes. The interpretation of these new technologies is essential to the advancement of management and business. The Handbook of Research on Expanding Business Opportunities With Information Systems and Analytics is a vital scholarly publication that examines technological advancements in data collection that will influence major change in many aspects of business through a multidisciplinary approach. Featuring coverage on a variety of topics such as market intelligence, knowledge management, and brand management, this book explores new complexities to management and other aspects of business. This publication is designed for entrepreneurs, business managers and executives, researchers, business professionals, data analysts, academicians, and graduate-level students seeking relevant research on data collection advancements.
Biology, Medicine and Surgery of South American Wild Animals examines the medicine and treatment of animals specific to South America. It discusses topics dealing with diseases and biology topics. In addition, the animals studied are broken down into family and genus, using both English and Spanish names. The book is liberally illustrated and contains references for further reading as well as the contributions of regional experts on the animals covered.
Phytotherapy Approaches for Treatment of Mouth Ulcers is a book with updated and illustrated text with pictures and graphs that help to define, characterize and classify mouth ulcers. The most frequent oral mucosa lesions are the aphthous ulcerations with a prevalence of 4.6 to 30.6%. These can be defined as a fundamental lesion characterized by the absence of the epithelial tissue layer, which makes the subjacent conjunctive tissue unprotected and vulnerable to external aggressions. There are three main forms, the most common being the aphthous; these are small, rounded, defined ulcerations that are painful and heal in 10 to 14 days. The other form of recurrent aphthous ulceration is the ty...