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In sexuellen Beziehungen macht die Einwilligung der Beteiligten den Unterschied zwischen Vergnügen und Verbrechen. Die Voraussetzungen rechtlich wirksamer Einwilligung sind jedoch schwer festzustellen, da sexuelle Beziehungen stark von ihrem persönlichen, sozialen und kulturellen Kontext geprägt sind. Dieser Band enthält Berichte und Essays von Expert:innen aus 11 Ländern sowie eine rechtsvergleichende Synopse zur Einwilligung in sexuelle Handlungen. Er bietet allen, die an grundsätzlichen Fragen und rechtspolitischen Entwicklungen des Sexualstrafrechts interessiert sind, zahlreiche aktuelle Informationen und neue Ideen. Elisa Hoven und Thomas Weigend beschäftigen sich seit langem intensiv mit Strafrechtspolitik und Rechtsvergleichung. Mit Beiträgen von Asst.-Prof. Dr. Baris Atladi; Dr. Gian Marco Caletti; Dr. Andrew Dyer, LL.B, LL.M; Prof. Aya Gruber, J.D.; Dr. Lyndon Harris, Barrister; Prof. Dr. Elisa Hoven; Prof. Dr. Wojciech Jasiński; Dr. Karolina Kremens; Prof. Dr. Kai Lindenberg; Dr. Sebastian Mayr; Dr. Hannah Quirk; Dr. Nora Scheidegger; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kurt Schmoller; Dr. Linnea Wegerstad und Prof. Dr. Thomas Weigend.
Aus dem Inhalt: > I. Plenarvotrage: R. Alexy: Eine diskurstheoretische Konzeption der praktischen Vernunft u O. Weinberger: Der Streit um die praktische Vernunft u II. Offentlicher Vortrag: M. Kriele: Zur Universalitat der Menschenrechte u III. Arbeitsgruppenreferate: J. M. Adeodato: Practical Regularities in Underdeveloped Countries u J. L. Bazan / R. Madrid: Racionalidad y Razonabilidad en el Derecho u V. Black: Putting Power in its Place u J. de Sousa e Brito: Praktische Vernunft und Utilitarismus u A. G. Conte: Deontisch vs. anankastisch u W. Eichhorn: Uber eine verfehlte und doch unverzichtbare Idee der praktischen Vernunft u U. Fazis: Theorie und Ideologie der Postmoderne u F. Galindo:...
In a world where communication and language are not as divisive as they once were, we are experiencing a convergence unlike any other. Through technology and a broadening of our cultural understanding, we are opening doors and closing communication borders. While it is easier to adapt to and enter each other’s worlds, still we must navigate complex systems to understand operations within groups and organisations. Our experiences allow us more acceptance, but education is the only door to full comprehension. The chapters in this volume challenge readers to explore complexity theory and offer elements that support the continued and ever-growing need for its use. The book explores technology, culture, and science to navigate systems within organisations, in order to divulge the broad spectrum in which complexity theory may be utilised.
This book presents a comprehensive analysis of the Italian experience of transitional justice examining how the crimes of Fascism and World War II have been dealt with from a comparative perspective. Applying an interdisciplinary and comparative methodology, the book offers a detailed reconstruction of the prosecution of the crimes of Fascism and the Italian Social Republic as well as crimes committed by Nazi soldiers against Italian civilians and those of the Italian army against foreign populations. It also explores the legal qualification and prosecution of the actions of the Resistance. Particular focus is given to the Togliatti amnesty, the major turning point, through comparisons to th...
This encyclopedia lists, describes and cross-references everything to do with American opera: works (both operas and operettas), composers, librettists, singers, and source authors, along with relevant recordings. The approximately 1,750 entries range from ballad operas and composers of the 18th century to modern minimalists and video opera artists. Each opera entry consists of plot, history, premiere and cast, followed by a chronological listing of recordings, movies and videos.
This Research Handbook offers unparalleled insights into the large-scale resurgence of interest in Marx and Marxism in recent years, with contributions devoted specifically to Marxist critiques of law, rights, and the state.
This book presents a collection of philosophical essays on freedom and tolerance in the Netherlands. It explores liberal freedom and its limits in areas such as freedom of speech, public reason, sexual morality, euthanasia, drugs policy, and minority rights. The book takes Dutch practices as exemplary test cases for the principled discussions on these subjects from the perspective of political liberalism. Indeed, the Netherlands may be viewed as a social laboratory in human tolerance. During the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s, Holland took the lead in a global emancipation process towards a society based on equal freedom. It was the first country to legalize euthanasia, soft drugs and gay marriage. In the final sections, the book examines the question of whether the political murders on the politician Pim Fortuyn and the film director Theo van Gogh, the reactions to Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s film Submission, as well as the success of the populist politician Geert Wilders are signs of the end of Dutch tolerance. Although it recognizes that the political climate has taken a conservative turn, the book shows that the Netherlands still shows remarkable tolerance.
Penal Abolitionism and Transformative Justice in Brazil discusses how penal abolitionism provides fundamental theoretical bases and practical references for the construction of a transformative justice in Brazil, supporting the claim that justice is a socially constructed conception and that victims do not unanimously stand for punishment. The book explores how the active participation of the protagonists of a conflict in a face-to-face negotiation of symbolic reparation, can produce a sense of justice without the need to punish or impose suffering on anyone. Mapping the ways that restorative justice in Brazil has distanced itself from the potential of transformative justice, to the extent t...