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Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this book provides valuable practical insight into both public supervisory legislation concerning insurance and private insurance contract law in Turkey. An informative general introduction surveying the legal, political, financial, and commercial background and surroundings of insurance provides a sound foundation for the specific detail that follows. The book covers all essential aspects of the law and regulation governing insurance policies and instruments. Its detailed exposition includes examination of the form of the insurance company and its reserves and investments; the insurance contract; the legal aspects o...
Arbitration: the solution to tackle cross-border tax disputes From the increasing integration of the world economy and the lack of rules to govern the taxation of multinational enterprises to cross-border tax disputes: arbitration is one potential solution. Arbitration is not a new development in the international tax arena, but it has not yet been widely implemented in practice. In the last few years, the concept of arbitration in tax matters was revived, mainly following the OECD/G20 BEPS Project, as well as the EU Action Plan on Corporate Taxation. Now arbitration is expected to play a more significant role and enhance the existing framework of cross-border tax dispute resolution. „OECD...
From the Steppes of Anatolia… To the World of Global Law The first phase of my autobiography entitled “From the Steppes of Anatolia… To the World of Global Law” is a journey to my soul, written as an intimate conversation between friends. I explain the limitations I faced as a small boy weeding and herding donkeys and goats under the burning sun of the Moorland, and the struggle to turn my dreams into reality. I am very principled and hold strong values and I transformed my life through hard work. I share my story to hopefully serve as an example and inspiration to others. “From the Steppes of Anatolia to the World of Global Law” uses literary flare as it relates a true story, on...
Doing Business 2016 is the 13th publication in a series of annual reports comparing business regulation in 189 economies. This year the publication addresses regulations affecting 10 areas of everyday business activity including: •Starting a business •Dealing with construction permits •Getting electricity •Registering property •Getting credit •Protecting minority investors •Paying taxes •Trading across borders •Enforcing contracts •Resolving insolvency Doing Business 2016 updates all indicators as of June 1, 2015, ranks economies on their overall ease of doing business, and analyzes reforms to business regulation †“ identifying which economies are strengthening their ...
IAI Series No. 2 The International Arbitration Institute (IAI) series on international arbitration is a new periodic series of publications that will focus on cutting edge issues and developments in international arbitration. About the IAI: The International Arbitration Institute (IAI), an organization created under the auspices of the Comité Français de ľ Arbitrage (CFA), was created to promote exchanges in international arbitration. The IAI is designed to promote exchanges on current issues in the field of international commercial arbitration. Its activities include the regular organization of international conferences, colloquiums, as well as conducting various research projects. About...
I. KİTAP: İNSAN HAKLARI HUKUKUNUN TEMEL KAVRAMLARI VE AVRUPA KONSEYİ 1. Bölüm: İnsan Hakları Hukukunun Temel Özellikleri Prof. Dr. İlyas DOĞAN 2. Bölüm: Avrupa Konseyi Çerçevesinde İnsan Haklarını Koruma Sistemi Prof. Dr. İlyas DOĞAN II. KİTAP: AVRUPA İNSAN HAKLARI SÖZLEŞMESİNDE GARANTİ EDİLEN HAK VE ÖZGÜRLÜKLER 1. Bölüm: Yaşam Hakkı Prof. Dr. İlyas Doğan/Dr. Omca .zdemir 2. Bölüm: İşkence ve Kötü Muamele Yasağı Prof. Dr. İlyas Doğan/Dr. Gülden Çamurcuoğlu 3. Bölüm: Kölelik ve Kulluk Yasağı Prof. Dr. İlyas Doğan/Dr. Omca .zdemir 4. Bölüm: Kişi .zgürlüğü ve Güvenliği Prof. Dr. İlyas Doğan/Dr. Omca Özdemir 5. Bölüm: Adil Yarg...
Eserimiz modüler sistemde yazılmıştır. Her bölüm, kendi içinde yeterli içerikte kurgulanmıştır. Bu nedenle anlatımda kitabın seçilen bölümü bağımsız olarak işlenebilir. Bu durum öğrenme süreçleri bakımından bir kesintiye yol açmaz. Ders anlatımında konuların görsel malzemelerle desteklenmesi öğrencilerin dersleri daha iyi kavraması ve pekiştirmesinde kolaylık sağlayacaktır. Öz itibariyle öğrencilerin bilmesi gerekenlere ağırlık verdik ve 2019’da çıkan yeni yayınları da kullanma fırsatını bulduk. Eseri kısaltmayı bu defa da başaramadık! Gözden geçirilmiş 3. baskı birçok yenilik içermektedir: Bu baskıda her bölümün sonunda he...
Eserimiz modüler sistemde yazılmıştır. Her bölüm, kendi içinde yeterli içerikte kurgulanmıştır. Bu nedenle anlatımda kitabın seçilen bölümü bağımsız olarak işlenebilir. Bu durum öğrenme süreçleri bakımından bir kesintiye yol açmaz. Ders anlatımında konuların görsel malzemelerle desteklenmesi öğrencilerin dersleri daha iyi kavraması ve pekiştirmesinde kolaylık sağlayacaktır. Öz itibariyle öğrencilerin bilmesi gerekenlere ağırlık verdik ve 2019’da çıkan yeni yayınları da kullanma fırsatını bulduk. Eseri kısaltmayı bu defa da başaramadık! Gözden geçirilmiş 3. baskı birçok yenilik içermektedir: Bu baskıda her bölümün sonunda he...
The internal organisation and practices of operation of arbitral institutions are often not transparent and are rarely addressed in public discussions among arbitration practitioners. To shed some light on aspects of the internal organisation and operation of these institutions, ASA asked the MIDS (Geneva LLM in International Dispute Settlement) to conduct a broad survey of arbitral institutions based on a detailed questionnaire. The results are summarized in Chapter 1 of this volume. The further Chapters of this volume contain the presentations of the speakers at the ASA conference of 9 September 2011. They discuss responsibilities of the institutions in administering arbitration cases under their sets of rules in the different phases of an arbitral proceeding, from the constitution of the arbitral tribunal to supervision and quality control to financial aspects, such as cost control and the potential liability of arbitrators. In sum, this volume of the ASA Special Series contains a lot of interesting information for all arbitration practitioners and users of institutional arbitration services.