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Climate Change and Cities bridges science-to-action for climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts in cities around the world.
Many physiological conditions such as host defense or aging and pathological conditions such as neurodegenerative diseases, and diabetes are associated with the accumulation of high levels of reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species. This generates a condition called oxidative stress. Low levels of reactive oxygen species, however, which are continuously produced during aerobic metabolism, function as important signaling molecules, setting the metabolic pace of cells and regulating processes ranging from gene expression to apoptosis. For this book we would like to recruit the experts in the field of redox chemistry, bioinformatics and proteomics, redox signaling and oxidative stress biology to discuss how organisms achieve the appropriate redox balance, the mechanisms that lead to oxidative stress conditions and the physiological consequences that contribute to aging and disease.
There has been very little written on the interaction of the liverand kidney. This book addresses the increasing incidence andsignificance of diseases, such as ascites, renal dysfunction,cirrhosis and hypertension where both organs are involved. This textbook is essential, even for confirmed practitioners andcontains current information regarding treatment and therapy forpatients with cirrhosis and ascites, clearly and effectivelypresented by the top international experts within this field. The second edition is entirely revised and updated and placesgreater emphasis on therapy.
La mirada violeta és una immersió en els Evangelis des del vessant femení, a través del qual se'ns ofereix la possibilitat d'endinsar-nos i conèixer una mica més l'altra meitat del món evangèlic, que resta volgudament amagat sota un llenguatge críptic i unes concepcions patriarcals de la dona amb una mirada masculina esbiaixada. En aquest llibre es posa en relleu l'actitud de predilecció que Jesús va tenir envers les dones i es demana que se'ns retorni allò que Jesús ens va donar directament i explícita, i que ells, els homes de l'Església, ens han pres. Llegir la Bíblia i el Nou Testament, especialment els quatre Evangelis, amb ulls femenins ens il·lumina, ens fa prendre consciència de qui som i què vol Jesús de nosaltres, les dones, i del lloc que hem d'ocupar en les esglésies. Sabem que la religió com a espai, la fe com a instrument i els punts de referència de la dona en els textos sagrats són les eines i els camins pels quals hem d'avançar per recuperar allò que, com he dit, se'ns ha pres i que és ben nostre: la paraula i el servei ministerial.
As scientific analysis of testable hypotheses has replaced the speculative approach to study of bone disease in recent and fossil amphibians and reptiles, the field has advanced from simply reporting observations to analyzing their implications. This process is predicated upon a reproducible data base which explains/diagnoses the nature of bony alterations and a secure review of the literature. Thereby hangs the rub. The herpetological literature are difficult to access (let alone read) and are scattered through many prominent and eclectic journals and in the lay literature. While older diagnoses often have not stood the test of time, the clarity of report descriptions usually allows confident identification of the underlying pathology.
This second edition of 'Infection control in the intensive care unit' has been completely rewritten. All statements are justified, where possible, by randomised controlled trials or meta-analyses, avoiding unsubstantiated expert opinion. The book contains a new section dedicated to the microbiology for the critically ill, in particular, how to process and interpret surveillance cultures to distinguish the 'normal' from the 'abnormal' carrier state. The usefulness of molecular techniques for outbreak analysis is discussed in a new chapter. An extensive chapter dedicated to clinical virology in neonatal, paediatric and adult intensive care units is also new, as well as the explanation of the six basic principles of the therapy of an infection. Attention is given to special topics such as nutrition, gut mucosal protection and the control of antimicrobial resistance. The addition of enteral to parenteral antimicrobials contributes to the control of multi-resistant micro-organisms